30 Days of Biking Salsa

Day 13 – 30 Days of Biking

by 7

If you’ve not heard of it before, 30 Days of Biking is a personal challenge with a charitable edge. People pledge to ride their bike every day in April, and for every two that do, 1USD is donated to World Bicycle Relief. This year we have six riders attempting the challenge.

Day 13

Touch wood, fingers crossed, rabbit’s feet in pockets. Was day 13 unlucky for anyone?


30 Days of Biking
Please send these to Lockside Mill, Dale Street, Tod.

When I started the ’30 days of biking’ challenge I decided to start ’30 days of not eating sugar’ too ( in for a penny in for a pound, eh?) . Not surprisingly the first of these 30 day commitments is proving to be far more fun than the latter one. Anyway today I rode my bike to the shop and took a photo of some Brownies, which I didn’t eat. In other words, I am soldiering on.


30 Days of Biking
Take me home, country road…

It’s easy to take the vast outdoors we enjoy riding for granted, sometimes you just need a jolting reminder. Today I played Death Race London, commuting twice across the smoke. I was squished by buses, dodged kamikaze pedestrians, diced with meandering trucks and did battle alongside the hundreds of cyclists salmoning around in the morning peak. I need to decompress, I need a 200km off-roader, when’s the weekend?


30 Days of Biking Salsa Cycles
Buying a new bike was easier than cleaning the old one.



30 Days of Biking

Misty morning commute with the sun just about burning through. By home time it was warm enough to ride gloveless.


30 Days of Biking
Yup, that’ll do.

My legs are feeling it now. A triple whammy today. A short commute and a lap of my street testing new road shoe cleat position (again). In the evening, a glorious spin around the hills and an almost sunset.


30 Days of Biking

I’d ridden into work on my Sunday best bike so used a city hire bike to get across town to a meeting. Pity the one I chose had just one functioning gear and unbolted brake levers and thus had me riding like an uncontrolled hamster on speed wearing a suit and work shoes. On the upside it was nice and sunny.


It can be tricky fitting in a bike ride, especially when you’re away, or things don’t quite go to plan. Hannah’s brain is getting a little tangled figuring out how she’s going to get out on a bike while juggling children and travel over the next few days. But that’s all part of the fun of #30DaysOfBiking, right? It’s not how far you go, it’s just the getting into the saddle. How’s your week going? Like the regular tick tick of a Hope hub, or more of an exploded mess of pawls and springs?

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Author Profile Picture
Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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