A few years ago, there was almost palpable excitement at the prospect that Wales might be getting the same sort of trail access as Scotland – which is seen as a surprisingly level-headed and sensible way of doing things, free from the parochial and historic pointlessness which blights access rights in the rest of the UK. But, perhaps inevitably, it didn’t happen.
However, to commemorate the Kinder Trespass in 1932, and 50 years of the Pennine Way, the Spirit of Kender event will include a meeting to look at the access model in Scotland, and whether it could be attributed to anywhere else in the UK – more specifically the Peak.
The meeting is on Saturday 25th April at Edale Village Hall, at 2pm – so you could pop along, and then head out for a ride!
For more details click here
Source: Keeper of the Peak
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Fantastic idea. I really hope it gets off the ground. Were I not already elsewhere this weekend I’d go and add my voice.
Great idea