The Ride Journal Issue 8

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Friend of Singletrack, the Ride Journal, is about to launch its 8th issue – and as usual the folks behind the magazine are celebrating with a party. Here’s the lowdown from founder Phil Diprose:

00 Issue 8 cover
“We are having a launch party for the new issue on Friday 17th January at Look Mum No Hands East (the sister store to where the Ride Journal launches have previously been).

Anyone and everyone is welcome to come along and this will be the first place people can buy a copy of the new issue.

We are also open for pre-orders on the website, which will be sent out at the start of the week of the 20th. This week is when the boxes will be shipped to shops, too.”

08 Dr Greenthumb
The Ride Journal: they like dirt too.
11 Double top
T-Mo double header – also appearing in the next issue of Singletrack.

“The new issue has come together really well, and we’ve made some subtle but significant tweaks to the format. But nothing too extreme to scare any fans who like things to stay the way they were. You want winners? We’ve got current and former world champions in time trial, BMX, enduro and one of only two people to have won the triple crown. We’ve got international riding from all corners of the globe. And as usual we’ve got really fascinating, personal tales of all kinds of cyclists. Throw in some amazing photography and illustration and, although I may be biased, I think it’s our best issue yet.”

To get your order in or find out more about the Ride Journal, go to:

The Ride Journal 8 Invite NEW

Jenn Hill was the deputy editor here at Singletrack up until her untimely death from Lung Cancer in October 2015. She was and remains an inspiration to us all here at Singletrack. Jenn Hill - 1977-2015

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