Monday Morning Debrief 46

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Hello ‘prufen my old friend.
In a classic bit of JRA lame crashing I managed to write off the weekend by spangling my hand/wrist on the Trade Day Tech ride before we even got to the Tech. Pah.  A slow speed front wheel slide off an off camber bit of contouring and a hand/rock interface connection had me fairly convinced I’d broken something, but I carried on riding for a couple of descents using the old if you don’t accept it it isn’t broken mantra.
It's not broken okay?
It’s not broken okay?
When I eventually took my glove off it was fairly obvious something wasn’t right and by Saturday morning it was swellingly obvious I wasn’t going to be riding over the weekend. I reckon the metalwork in my wrist from a previous break may have saved me this time, time will tell. I’m busy double dosing Ibuprofen at the moment so I can ride next weekend.
You can't beat a good XC death march :o)
You can’t beat a good XC death march :o)
After a great day on Friday where we had some of the finest folk in the mountain bike trade descend on us for a day of bike riding and fish ‘n’ chips, it seemed only right that I (Chipps) got back to work on Saturday and continue with our rebuild of the Singletrack workshop.
Tooled up
Tooled up
Together with James the (butch) Despatch Fairy, we got the huge new sheet of ply mounted, varnished and ready for tools on Monday, along with new shelves and everything that should hopefully keep us tidy and efficient for evermore. Right? Then there was just enough time to head over to see the last couple of races of CityCross before heading home again and warming up.
Sunday saw a brief window of time for riding, but we made the most of it by taking on the best of the Hebden trails for some rock riding in the setting sunshine. We’re nearly for the week to come now.
How did your weekend go?
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