Keith over at Max Bikes PR has just sent us a few pics of a new brand that’s hitting the world of keenly priced mountain bikes. Halcyon Bikes are the brand owned by Gelert Ltd, they of outdoor gear manufacturing fame. They’ve been doing some trekking and commuting bikes since they were first launched 18 months ago but this is their first entry in the world of higher end mountain bikes and road bikes.
This is the Halcyon Cerberus, their range topping mountain bike. The UK designed frame has ovalised 7005 alloy tubes, decent tyre clearance and cables out of the way of British mud and a rather nice paintjob to boot. It’ll set you back a bag of sand…
..or £1,000 if you’re not a cockney. Here’s some detail…
They’re aiming to offer a great component spec for the price on the UK designed frames and should be a keen contender in the crowded UK market.
The mid range Halcyon Talos comes in at £660 with hydraulic disks. Bargain.
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What are the forks on that Talos?
Cerberus looks nice, very euro but nice 🙂
Tora? On a Grand Bike? Are things that bad?