- Alpkit.com launches new beta site
The world of our consumers and customers is changing. To meet the growing need for more shiny outdoor gear, at even more affordable prices, Alpkit.com introduces their new beta site. With this new site Alpkit.com will position itself at the fore front of outdoor retail convergence..
Alpkit.com, the outdoor equipment and lifestyle specialist, has announced the launch of a new stand out beta website to reflect its growing vision as an international giant, offering the cheapest gear anywhere on the planet.
The website www.alpkit.com/beta showcases Alpkit’s burgeoning reputation in the mountaineering, climbing, biking, and canoeing sectors, in addition to rambling and dog walking.
The new site has been given a complete design and layout revamp, and features informative new content, along with reduced navigation and usability, to address the growing need for a premium converged outdoor retail experience.
Ilkeston-based Alpkit provides tangible selling benefits to global outdoor enthusiasts by delivering their products to strict cost, programme and performance criteria. Customers are thereby able to benefit through increased performances, lower outlay, and the aquisition of new gear.
Alpkit’s operations director Stenny Kocker has led the online development and believes that the new site better reflects the firm’s key messages and global capacity: “Our vision for Alpkit.com is to deliver a seamless blend of selling and making money. As we extend a big hug out to customers through Europe and beyond, it is absolutely crucial that our website effectively communicates who we are and what we are selling. Everything has its price, we’re just giving customers the choice whether they want to pay for it or not. This will represent a new era in the premium, energised selling of outdoor equipment.”
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Link’s not working for the alpkit site…and why bother with a link to the PR company?
deadpet, try typing http://www.alpkit.com/beta into your browser 🙂
11 out of 10 for effort:-)
had me going for a second 🙂
some of the comments of the stuff are so funny ‘numpty down jacket’ is excellent and the sleeping bag one is class 🙂
I’ve ordered myself a numpty jacket…now the link works. Thanks for updating!!!!
Bat dhull meals, with a option of Loo rolls!
I want a 99p tent with the optional extra of a warranty for one outing. May have to get the Numpty Jacket, cos like the tent, its a bargain!
Fantastic work there! LOL
love the linked design agency page! 🙂