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  • The kindness of strangers
  • Scapegoat
    Full Member

    Rode Penmachno on Friday with my lad. Halfway round the second loop a combination of cross-chaining and hamfistedness found me with a broken chain with a missing powerlink and second broken plate. No worries, I always carry a chainsplitter and spare links, so we settled down for a bit of trailside repair. First powerlink added and tehn dug around in the pack for another one. COuldn’t get the thing to close, despite much swearing and cursing, only for my lad (who doesn ‘t need glasses like his old man) to ask whether the “10sp” printed on the link had anything to do with it? Bugger, no more spares in the pack (I’d given one to a mate last month and failed to replenish). No trail map, so I downloaded an OS App to the phone and just as we were planning to bail out down to Conwy Falls and a long hike back to the car a guy with three kids in tow turned up, and he found a spare for me!

    What a great guy. If you’re reading this then thanks. Thanks very much. We finished the ride and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, except for my lad’s blowout on the very last descent, about 200 yards from the carpark. He was running tubed following a tubeless repair that had failed in the heat. ANyone got a patch, size large?

    Free Member

    I always carry a chainsplitter and spare links, so we settled down for a bit of trailside repair. First powerlink added and tehn dug around in the pack for another one. COuldn’t get the thing to close, despite much swearing and cursing, only for my lad (who doesn ‘t need glasses like his old man) to ask whether the “10sp” printed on the link had anything to do with it? Bugger, no more spares in the pack (I’d given one to a mate last month and failed to replenish).

    You had a chain-splitter, you realise they can also be used to JOIN chains right?

    Good on the guy who helped tho, always try to do the same in situations like that.

    Full Member

    You can always depend on the kindness of strangers,
    To pluck up your spirits and shield you from dangers

    Free Member


    Thanks again to the three who walked me and my bike out of Swinley last week when I broke my arm. A slab of beer and (Al Murray pub landlord voice) a white wine for the lady, will be organised once I can carry them!

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