Nice , also been building a shed this weekend for/with singlespeeddan of this parish. He needed a shed a specific size – long and narrow for his surf boards. Was quoted 1600 quid locally.
Sent dan to the woodyard with a list for 12mm shiplap osb and cls – he came back with ply and 3 x 2 as they didnt have any of the stuff i wanted so upgraded.
Leveled out the ground a bit and used blocks to level the shed. Not ideal to sit the joists on the edges but it looks better in the small garden
The home brew door does line up with both sides of the ship lap its just slightly ajar 😉
Total cost so far i think its 700 quid for slightly over 10 x 7 – he has a 9 odd ft long thing that needs to go in – hence the door opening the “wrong” way . Few little bits to take care of this week- the strip wood edging for the corners and a couple of pieces of ship lap right at the bottom under the door etc to hide the joists since we have enough left over. + all the door furniture