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  • More drivel from Obama's office.
  • aracer
    Free Member

    well llegally you are correct but if I drive down thew road in my car and the garage that fixed it did a poor job or the replacement part broke and I crash it would seem to mitigate my culpability in the actual accident /event – even though I would be claimed against and liable.
    They should also look at the contractors here and the part that failed

    In the case of your car crash, if it was caused solely by the broken part and you'd have reasonably expected the garage to have done their job properly then you wouldn't be to blame at all, and could pass on all of the liability to the garage (though you might have to sue them to recover what you have to pay out).

    In a similar way, it all depends what checks BP could have been expected to carry out. If they did everything reasonable to keep tabs on their contractors and the contractor didn't do the job properly but kept it quiet from BP then ISTM BP should be able to pass on all of their liability. In reality I don't think it's that clear cut, but neither were BP totally negligent in their checks so the contractor is only partly to blame.

    Of course the contractor is a wholly US company without a name which used to include the word "British", so they're not so convenient a target.

    To come back to the original point, if it wasn't that this has now just reduced to a political points scoring exercise, it's surely in the best interests of all involved that the CEO does the best possible job, which IMHO will happen if he's allowed a bit of time off to relax. Personally I think Obama comes out of this looking far worse – have now lost a lot of respect for him – though obviously I'm not part of the audience he's playing to.

    Free Member

    They should also look at the contractors here and the part that failed

    False premise alert!

    Free Member

    elaborate kona please
    I can also see two premises there

    Free Member

    The false premise is that "they" are only looking at BP.

    Since when did a huge oil giant need everyone's sympathy because someone was being so howwible to them anyway? Cry me a river.

    Free Member

    They Being USA Congress?

    Free Member

    Since when did a huge oil giant need everyone's sympathy because someone was being so howwible to them anyway

    It is you …you bring out the worst in me first defending Hitler then defending BP 😳 …. fair point just think others are also culpable

    Free Member

    defending BP

    And they didn't even make the spills run on time! 🙂

    Free Member

    genuine LOL at that was going to make a hugely inappropriate joke about final soloution but will let it go on grounds of decency and taste.

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