Home Forums Bike Forum I've been known to over-value 2nd hand bikes so I need some advice….

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  • I've been known to over-value 2nd hand bikes so I need some advice….
  • thered
    Full Member

    In case I decide to move this on.

    A 2011 Blur LTc in medium and black. It’s in lovely condition with only the odd rub inside the chainstays and on the top tube. No dents, been helitaped from new. It also had new bearings in November.

    It will come with either an RP23 or an almost brand spanking 3 ride old CCDB air XV climb switch shock.

    I’m thinking £800 for the frame with the RP23 and £1100 with the CCDB, do I need another coffee?

    Free Member

    Full Member

    I new you’d be the first post, get to work!!

    I love Swiss Tony tho.

    Free Member

    How much was it new?

    Can it be bought new now (eg older models)?

    How much do they go for on ebay?

    Free Member

    1) Stick it on the classifieds.

    2) If no one touches it then it’s too expensive.

    3) If you get a bit of interest and someone buys it then you got it right.

    4) If you get 50 people wanting it within 5 minutes it’s probably too cheap.

    It isn’t rocket surgery. No one here can offer any more info, particularly on your stunning description. I have to say that’s the one rule BikeRadar have right, these threads are forking pointless!

    Full Member

    £200 to £300 over in each case, sorry.

    Free Member

    just a way to use this forum instead of classifieds <yawn>

    Free Member

    I couldn’t even begin to guess on these. Its three years old?

    Would need to see LOTS of detailed pics in a sale- I think standard shots wouldnt help it sell.

    At a wild guess- £700 max. Still alot for a secondhand frame but it is a 2011. I’d say £600 for a quick sale.

    I trust carbon- I love my Easton carbon bars- fallen loads with them but on frames spending a sizeable wedge on a secondhand few year old carbon- it’d be a pallet able punt.

    Free Member

    I’d say it’s about right.

    Full Member

    Checked ebay and there are no frames on there current or completed, nothing in the 3 month classifieds search on here either.

    Free Member

    Look at 6 month search, only 1 has been confirmed sold.

    Free Member

    Yeah these threads starting to get annoying now. Njee has it. Or ebay starting at 1p with no reserve.

    Full Member

    How can anybody get annoyed at a thread, surely you just ignore it?

    Free Member

    I think the topic is valid as really- there isnt much to gauge your sale on.

    Free Member

    How can anybody get annoyed at a thread, surely you just ignore it?

    Meh, it’s a bike forum, not a classified forum. There is one of those, you’re choosing not to use it. These threads are increasingly common. A bit like if there were myriad threads, in the bike forum, about “my dog has x ailment”. I could ignore them, but they’re in the wrong place, and I don’t care, and when they keep coming up it’s annoying.

    It’s even more annoying because the answer is the same, every time. It’s worth what someone will pay. There may be a gullible fool out there who’ll pay £3000 for the frame, believing that it’s expensive, so it must be good. I’d pay you £5 gladly.

    Therefore, to me, it’s worth £5. To mr hypothetical gullible oaf it’s worth £3000.

    If you want to establish it’s market value, put it on the market, don’t randomly ask a group of people who can’t offer any meaningful insight. There are several places to do this. eBay, Gumtree, the Classified forum you’re neglecting to use. It’s not a tough concept to grasp.

    Full Member

    Who pissed in njee20’s coffee this morning? :p

    To be fair though, I’m inclined to agree. Most of these posts seem to be in an effort to advertise a sale rather than it getting lost in the ‘for sale’ page, and the advice is always the same – just common sense really.

    Having said that, the threads are easy enough to spot and ignore if desired so I won’t be stripping my Bombers off the bike and forming a lynch mob just yet.

    Free Member

    Having said that, the threads are easy enough to spot and ignore if desired so I won’t be stripping my Bombers off the bike and forming a lynch mob just yet.

    Aaaw, really? Even after my vitriol. Iz disappoint.

    Free Member

    How can anybody get annoyed at a thread, surely you just ignore it?

    I would have, but the thread title is ambiguous (deliberately?) and I assumed it was a request for buying advice.

    Secondly I’m getting annoyed by ‘these threads’ not this thread in particular. There are any number of posts asking ‘what’s it worth?’ and the answer is always the same.

    Echoing Njee here but it’s not a black art. It doesn’t matter how much you think it’s worth, or how spiffing you think the condition is. The market will decide, and always has. So put it on the market.

    If I was a more cynical sort I would say it’s just an attempt to start a discussion and get around the anti-bump classifieds rule and for that reason, I’m out.

    Free Member

    Knowing the OP very well I’m sorry to disappoint the haterz but it’ll be a genuine (if slightly misguided) question.

    2nd hand carbon, boutique-esque make, 26 inch wheels, choice of shocks. Chuck it at the classifieds, if no one bites then lower the price.

    Full Member

    qtip – Member
    Who pissed in njee20’s coffee this morning? :p

    The OP obviously.

    Having said that, the threads are easy enough to spot and ignore if desired so I won’t be stripping my Bombers off the bike and forming a lynch mob just yet.

    What, you have to strip them off the bike? :? I’ve got a spare pair hanging on The Shed wall for moments exactly like this.

    :wink: :wink:

    Free Member

    It was Mr thered who had an endlessly repeating advert for about 9 months on the classifieds a few years ago for some things* that wouldn’t eva sell. I almost wanted to buy the stuff off him just to stop seeing the flaming advert.

    *I think it was some Reba forks, endlessly… endlessly…

    Free Member

    What, you have to strip them off the bike? I’ve got a spare pair hanging on The Shed wall for moments exactly like this.

    Indeed, thats a great idea having a spare pair of Bombers – I’ve got a pair up for sale in the classifieds, though I’m not sure if I’m selling them for too much – any ideas? Yours for £500 via Paypal gift :D

    Full Member

    What, you have to strip them off the bike? I’ve got a spare pair hanging on The Shed wall for moments exactly like this.

    They were hanging on the wall ready for just such an opportunity, but I decided to fit them to the wife’s bike. She’s not the most confident of cyclists so I figured the Bombers would serve as a warning to people to give her a wide berth.

    Free Member

    Thinking about it- carbon FS SC frames are crazy expensive new. Who would pay top-dollar for someones few-year old ragged one?

    I’d buy a new one, I’d buy a used carbon road bike but I’m not sure I’d pay top/good money for a mtb carbon one used.

    Free Member

    You’re brave Op! You have awoken the dragon so to speak. Can’t offer any better advice than above really, other than what is it’s inherent worth to you?
    I too asked for advice re selling a bike on here. The responses ranged from helpful to vitriolic, but it did help me to reach a satisfactory conclusion in the end. In future I would suggest not using words like worth/what or advice on this forum as they seem to encourage distemper in some. Good luck!

    Full Member

    breatheeasy – Member

    What, you have to strip them off the bike? I’ve got a spare pair hanging on The Shed wall for moments exactly like this.

    Indeed, thats a great idea having a spare pair of Bombers – I’ve got a pair up for sale in the classifieds, though I’m not sure if I’m selling them for too much – any ideas? Yours for £500 via Paypal gift[/quote]

    I don’t mess about with PayPal Gift. Just send over your bank account details, passwords, etc. I’ll take care of the rest. :wink:

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