Since packing in smoking a few months ago (yay me! etc etc) I’ve found, like most people do, I’ve piled the weight on. Its like Kate Moss giving up the Malborough and Coke, She’d look like Jo Brand in no time I’m sure. Actually… I may have been ever-so-slightly less svelte than Kate. A little bit, anyway. My moobs are bigger.
I’ve been doing quite a few commuting miles in (25 mile round trip), and the off road miles, so it could be worse.
The problem is that I’ve basically find myself grazing all day, a bit like a heiffer ( I also fart like one too, but thats another issue). So how the hell do I get out of the habit I’ve got into? Its too bloody easy to reach for the crisps and/or pies/sausage rolls/pepperami’s
Any words of wisdom and advice/noisy renditions of who-ate-all-the-pies/oi fatty comments/abuse gratefully received
Now…. is it lunchtime yet…..