Sammy C, thanks for your comment, you have made her evening, totally why she is writing the books.
Sadexpunk, I know kinda funny isn’t it, but I believe every book has to be individually printed and is delivered the following day, I don’t even pretend to know how Amazon manage that. We had a proof copy which came from the US but it would appear the copies available on Amazon UK are perhaps printed for delivery.
The Amazon self publishing model appears to be a very slick operation and for a wannabe author seems to be an ideal way to dip your toe. She tried the route of sending manuscripts to agents but out of the submissions made she only had the one response to say it wasn’t even a genre they were currently interested in, so self publishing seemed the way to go.
Not 100% on the commission that is payable, but think it is around 60pence on a 99pence sale, the lowest Amazon will let you sell it at. For Debbie it is more about the satisfaction of writing the books and knowing that people (mainly children, her target) are reading them. Sure she’d love to give up her job and write for a living but just knowing people are reading them is satisfaction enough. Hence why she’s happy to publicise when freely available.
Self publishing does appear to have quite large potential and there is quite a large community around it, although not one we have explored too much. Many people manage to write and successfully market their books and enjoy in some cases quite lucrative earnings all won’t side the traditional publishing model.
Having said that, I, slightly biased, think this book is an improvement on the previous one and, as alluded to earlier, am interested to see whether future books could enjoy more success. I might yet get that dream bike….