Saniflows and their ilk are the devils own poo shredding devices.
Going into the roof water pipe is probably a non-starter as it should be going straight to a soakaway. If, however, it is going to the sewer/septic tank/treatment plant (which is shouldn’t be… but they do with remarkable regularity) then I suppose you could use it (and possibly put a new downpipe on for the rainwater that does go to a soakaway.
You don’t need a 1 in 3 fall on a sewage pipe, it is a good bit less than that, especially if installed “with care”.
Personally if I had to pump the waste I would be digging a wee hole outside the house wall, dropping a soil pipe into it, putting a small submersible pump into the hole in a pre-formed polythene tank and pumping it around to your usual disposal point (sewer/septic tank/treatment plant etc). It would cost more, but result in much easier maintenance and if it does go wrong it is doing so on the outside of your house, not your bedroom!