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  • Anyone used insulation tape to repair punctures?
  • 06awjudd
    Free Member

    I set off on a bike ride the other day, cycled past some fellow cyclists having a drink in a local pub, turned the corner and bunnyhopped off the road onto the pavement, upon which I got a pretty major puncture 🙁 .

    Embarrasingly, I walked back past the cyclists (much to their amusement) that I had cycled past a minute ago, to get back to the car.

    I then remembered I was cycling on my spare tube, and had no puncture repair stuff.

    I really didn’t want to head home, so I decided to try and wrap some insulation tape around the puncture, I wrapped it around 3 strips wide, on the semi inflated inner tube, before deflating and refitting to the wheel. To my surprise, it worked perfectly, and has yet to lose any pressure over a week later.

    Just wondering if anyone else has done this?

    I know it’ll be my go to fix in the future, having reached a total of 17 puncture patches once, the faff it will save is massssiiivvvveee!!!

    Free Member

    Nope….. But I will be throwing a roll in my bag tomorrow! Wonderful stuff 🙂 thanks!

    Free Member

    Nope….. But I will be throwing a roll in my bag tomorrow! Wonderful stuff thanks!

    Well, next time you get a puncture, and can’t be arsed with a patch…….

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