Race Face Women’s Khyber

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Knee pads-16
I only discovered these are theoretically female specific when I checked the product name for this review – the equivalent gent’s version is the identical-looking Dig. I’m not sure whether this means I have shapely, feminine legs, or whether the gender specificity can be taken with a pinch of salt… Anyway, the Khyber pads put protection as a priority. Putting them on is psychologically comforting and they are initially extremely comfortable. The downside to plenty of padding is very warm knees and fairly restricted pedalling (although these are better than other solid knee cup pads I’ve used). The open back means no need to take your shoes off to get the pads on and off. Try this 12 times on your local Wednesday night pre-pub mates loop and you’ll lose friends quickly, but on the right day it’s great option to have. Proper, secure knee protection, with added points for ease of putting on. Not just for the girly of leg.

Tom Hill.

Review Info

Brand: Race Face
Product: Women’s Khyber
From: Silverfish, silverfish-uk.com
Price: £56.95
Tested: by Tom Hill for

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