Brazo de Hierro © 2016

Book Release: Mud or Glory, No.1

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If you’ve seen the just-released issue 009 of (which is available now!), you’ll notice the fantastic cover image, shot by Brazo de Hierro of Spain. In addition to the cover photo, he also has a great image in the Perspective gallery in the front of the magazine.
Hierro has been documenting the Spanish ‘cross scene for some time, and he’s now published a collection of his images! Mud or Glory, No. 1 deftly illustrated everything we love about cyclocross – pain, beauty, machines and action. The photos in the book were shot over the past two seasons in the Catalonia region of Spain.
Mud or Glory, No. 1 is now available for pre-order through Hierro’s Official Facebook page, or you can shoot him an email for more information.
And if you think Spain might not be fertile for ‘cross, check out some of these sample images from the book!
Brazo de Hierro © 2016
Brazo de Hierro © 2016
Brazo de Hierro © 2016
Brazo de Hierro © 2016
Brazo de Hierro © 2016
Brazo de Hierro © 2016
Brazo de Hierro © 2016

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