Been out for few beers earlier, got home and Mrs Binners is out for the night. Had a think about what I fancied watching for all of about 2 seconds, and went for my default. Apocalypse Now
Christ only knows how many times i’ve watched it, but I can always watch it one more time. It gets better every time
Coen brothers made some great films,but I like this even more than Fargo
Possibly Black hawk Down?
Even my default movies depend on mood.
Not a movie....but The Walking Dead is great too watch with 2 to 3 episodes back to back! 😀
The shining.
+1 Big Lebowski.
Always turns a dreary day around
Currently Roue 1.
Episode IV
Episode V
Ceec & Cons Up in Smoke
Te Bi Lebowski
*Some keys ave stopped workin on my laptop :/
Y u c n hard y not ce mate.
Watched Highlander the other night. I could watch it again tomorrow.
The Terminator.
Escape From New York.
The Big Lebowski wins with me most times, otherwise the more romantic option is usually As Good As It Gets.
If I'm totally trolleyed I'll try and look for Vanishing Point or King Kong (1933), at which point anything could happen.
Oh yeah, it's Hudson Hawk again.
Yeah that. Hudson Hawk 8)
Dead man's shoes
Any James Bond movie or recently G.O.T.G.
I’ve a few, grab and watch..
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And obviously you’ll spot a theme in that little lot..
And not forgetting any of the Indiana Jones Movies..
Cougar - ModeratorAliens.
Please tell me you mean the Directors Cut version otherwise you miss one of the best bits in the movie. 🙂
Where the automated sentinel machine guns are mowing the aliens down like cannon fodder and your watching the the small screen displaying how much ammo is left in each one as the numbers count down... Tense.
Love that bit! 😀
Notting Hill
I wanted to suggest something cool, but it’s this, damnit
Withnail and I. Not a day or few hours go by without it getting quoted in a real world setting. I'm not alone in this as I'm also a member of the Withnail and I appreciation society on Facebook, which has a large membership.
Big lewbowski while drinking a white russian.
Or if the kids are awake Jurassic park
jonnyboi - Member
Notting HillI wanted to suggest something cool, but it’s this, damnit
Very brave to admit that mate.
We are here for you if you need us.
lambchop - Member
Withnail and I. Not a day or few hours go by without it getting quoted in a real world setting. I'm not alone in this as I'm also a member of the Withnail and I appreciation society on Facebook, which has a large membership.
It is a great film but I find the end scene crushingly sad.
Shaun of the Dead
Very brave to admit that mate.We are here for you if you need us.
Cheers man, it’s a lonely road I tread
Home alone
The Princess Bride
.... That's it, Darcy finally said it.
The Big Lebowski. Must have seen it at least a dozen times.
Binners is your choice original or the Redux?
Mad Max Fury Road
Withnail & I
With our lass... It's complicated.
The film not the situation.
Apocalypse Now , is certainly an interesting film, and is certainly about mood more than plot. I find the production of it fascinating.
Sleepy Hollow
Wife and I will always watch the Rock when it is on!
Some Like it Hot or The Fifth Element.
The missus' fave is The Princess Bride, I love that too. 🙂
The Princess Bride
(QI Alarm blares in background)
Hot Tub Time Machine! Love it!
I usually prefer to look for something I haven't seen but the films I've watched the most times are:
Pulp Fiction
Fight Club
Black Hawk Down
I only really watch films when I'm very ill, very tired or very hung over so it tends to be the first Lord of the Rings film. Watched it dozens of times 😳
Groundhog Day
The Blues Brothers
Taxi (the original French one)
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
In the days of VHS is was either Aliens or Pink Floyd - The Wall. Or after returning from a drug fuelled night out i enjoyed melting my head by watching John Woo movies - backwards 8) 😆
Now with access to so many movies i rarely watch any movie more than twice. Me and my boys have a movie night every weekend and if we're stuck for a new movie our back-ups are one of these...Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1, The Incredibles, Wall-e and Captain America - Winter Soldier.
The Original Point Break
My most watched films are
The Big Lebowski
So I Married an Axe Murderer
Both packed full of quotable lines
Blue Is The Warmest Colour.
I know I know, subtitles, French. I'm just arty like that 😀
Apocalypse Now Redux
Scent of a Woman
Gladiator and Bond also worth mentioning
Forest Gump