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  • WTF is happening with my phone data usage FFS?????
  • PeterPoddy
    Free Member

    Had an iPhone 3g for 18 months. Used it lots, downloaded songs, watched Youtube at work, the odd app etc. No problemo.
    During that 18 months I averaged about 400mb usage a month. I’ve just checked a few bills to make sure and I’m not mistaken, and I’m not. Average 400mb, roughly, (highest month 600mb.)

    I’ve had an iP4 for a month now and last month I used 1.5gb of data and in 4 days this month I’ve used 300mb!

    WTF is going off here? I’m not doing anything I didn’t before and my data usage has more than tripled!

    Could it be leaving apps running in the background that’s doing it? Surely not because I’m only talking about email, Youtube, games, websites etc, but that’s all I can think of

    Any ideas?
    Becasue I’m flummoxed.

    Free Member

    The Jesus phone is calling home ?

    Free Member

    You have something running on it that is using teh internets.

    won’t it tell you?

    Free Member

    Ask your service provider.

    Full Member


    Free Member
    Full Member

    Your operator will be able to find out, but it’s not something that’s easy to do – plus they’ll only be able to give a list of URLs that have been accessed. This info isn’t generally available to a call centre bod (for obvious reasons) but will be stored somewhere. Someone who I used to work with had to dig this kind of stuff out when people disputed their data usage.

    You are better off looking at what apps are running in the background, and what internet access they do.

    Not sure how easy this is to do on an iPhone, it’s easy enough on Android.

    Free Member

    Kill your apps, check your data, open an app and check for the one using your data.

    I must admit that Google maps used 20mb to find out where I was!

    Also I never update any apps on 3G as they can be as big as 100 MB etc.

    Free Member

    Ask your service provider.

    They can only tell me what days I’m using the data, not what data I’m using.

    Free Member

    Those numbers are about 4x higher, the ip4 is 4x the screen res… does it DL higher res video/images etc? ( I know it’s possible to set a website to serve higher res content based on device DPI, I dunno if many/any do?)

    Free Member

    Porn will kill your bandwidth and your eyesight Peter 🙂

    Full Member

    have you done that ‘double tap’ thing to see which apps are running.

    it conveniently leaves everythign going the whole time once you start an app unless you manually close it down so if you have some sort of gps/mapping thing runnign that’s downloading data/uploadign your location it could be that but really any app that uses internet and is runnign in the background may be responsible.

    Be grateful you didn;t take it abroad with roaming on…

    Free Member

    sounds odd – I have had mine since Aug and have only used about 1gig total. Although this is my 1st iphone so nothing to compare to

    most apps aren’t really running in the background – they are just kind of frozen where you left them and ready to pick up again where you left off

    But as wwaswas says – things like mapping/ GPS apps can keep running. I have to make a point of properly closing down cyclemeter after I am done with it, as it keeps on running the GPS if I don’t (which runs down the battery)

    Free Member

    I had the same problem, after about 3 months of kicking off every month and getting them to refund it only now is it starting to chill out and use a lot less. I don’t use it any less so i’ve no idea why.

    Free Member

    Hmmm. Interesting…..

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