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  • Will religion ever die out and make the world a better place?
  • griptool
    Free Member

    For balance:

    Mother Theresa, you can’t be serious!

    Glad I will never have to be cared for in on of her “houses of the dying”
    Little to no palliative care so the victims suffering can bring them closer to Jesus

    Only a narcissistic money grubbing religious zealot could get away with it.

    Religions are just established personality cults, we should all open our minds and get over it;-)

    Free Member

    Mother Theresa, you can’t be serious!

    You know what while we’re at it, that Lady Diana cow was a right attention whore.

    Full Member

    I’m not a fan of Mother Theresa either…

    Free Member

    I’m not a fan of Mother Theresa either…

    You lot can be such a bunch of sanctimonious **** sometimes.

    I agree her motives were misguided but anyone who gives up their life to live in poverty, disease and squallor in order to try and help others, even if that is from this deeply misguided place, really should be held up as a good person.

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    it’s all tribal.

    Free Member

    I’ve been a vocal atheist for ages, decided it’s pointless. All you can do is bring up your kids without religion if you don’t believe and maybe one day that’ll be that. In the meantime let them get on with it believers don’t stop believing just because you think they are wrong.

    As for the conflicts it’s about land and nicking other peoples stuff – Just like it always is.

    geetee it’s worth reading Hitchen’s book on Mother T, he slates her like a roofer.

    Free Member

    geetee it’s worth reading Hitchen’s book on Mother T, he slates her like a roofer.

    I’ve read quite a few critical exposes of her and as many that hold her up as a saint.

    I have no doubt that she acted in a way that I would not agree with on many occassions because of her beliefs (contraception was another big problem with her approach for example).

    My point is that its really easy to sit in your comfy chair in the western world and throw criticisms at someone who is ‘in the arena’.

    I’d rather be in the arena and coming up short than be the critic who points out how others stumble.

    Free Member

    Tax them. Put the books in the fiction department and put an ‘entertainment purposes’ disclaimer on the cover. Ban unecessary surgical procedures on under 18s. Ban under 18s from indoctrination meetings. Ban religious schools.

    That should solve the problem in a generation.

    Free Member

    If you want to do good in the world, best use the vast amount of money (some of it stolen from the poor) you get alleviating suffering, rather than glorifying suffering to follow a perverse dogma, whilst expanding your empire to further your self righteous mission to sainthood.

    Just saying, if you want to use a religious exemplar, don’t rely on the Albanian harpy.

    No offense and all that 😉

    Free Member

    This “religion is the cause of all wars” thing is becoming something of an easy excuse for not looking into the true causes of war, which I think are power and greed, amongst other things. It’s almost being used by some atheists to excuse themselves of any responsibility for current unrest in the world.

    Full Member

    By the way there many religious people who do not believe in creationism.

    But they do all tend to believe in something even more improbable:

    Full Member

    So he argued there is some sort of evolutionary advantage to following religion, possibly relating to subconciously passing down key survival information from generation to generation.

    or forbidding contraception so you maximise your demographic ?

    Free Member

    It’s all in your head religion or not.


    Free Member

    5thElefant – Member
    Tax them. Put the books in the fiction department and put an ‘entertainment purposes’ disclaimer on the cover. Ban unecessary surgical procedures on under 18s. Ban under 18s from indoctrination meetings. Ban religious schools.

    That should solve the problem in a generation.

    Because that worked so well in the Soviet Union. 🙄

    Full Member

    Interesting thread….

    I can understand the original story of the baby Jesus (not the Top Gear version i must add..), but then it all runs away as a consequence of there being a lot of unexplained stuff as science wasnt up to it, so story telling kicked in.

    After the start of the stories its been the biggest and best marketing exercise the world has ever seen, which is gradually being undermined as science develops. Maybe it will fizzle out and the lure of Belief transferred to some thing or someone else.

    A fair amount of world unrest seems to have been orchestrated under the catch all of Religion, most recently Bush and Blair in Iraq.

    Free Member

    No because the question doesn’t make sense.

    Free Member

    As long as there’s conceit and foolishness, no.

    And religion isn’t the problem, human beings are.

    Full Member

    geetee1972 – Member

    You lot can be such a bunch of sanctimonious **** sometimes.
    I agree her motives were misguided but anyone who gives up their life to live in poverty, disease and squallor in order to try and help others, even if that is from this deeply misguided place, really should be held up as a good person.

    geetee. I am all for selflessness and casting aside worldly goods and concerns to live with the and care for the poor. The reporting of the treatment or lack of that people received is where my issue with Mother Theresa lies. I don’t have an issue with her religious motives at all – it is failure to address the suffering of others in the pursuance of God that I have a problem. I say this as someone who isn’t an atheist BTW…

    Full Member

    I pray that religion will die out!

    A load of old tosh for those weak in mind (in my opinion).

    Free Member

    It has been postulated that if we had an apocalypse and humans ended up almost extinct and back to Stone Age times,
    eventually some form of religion would surface due to mankinds need to believe that there is something else other than life and death.

    Free Member

    Im 95% in the camp of “what the ****, you use an imaginary friend to justify the shit you do” and 5% in the camp of “if lifes so crap that your only hope is an imaginary friend….”.

    I think religion is bollocks, but then i also think a lot of nasty **** just use it as an excuse and they find any other excuse given the chance….

    Free Member

    Right, I’m going to tell my bearded, dress wearing man in the sky on you lot!

    You’ll get you comeuppance on judgement day.

    Free Member

    If religion disappeared you’d just pick on roadies more.
    What worthwhile causes will you pour your time and effort into Dobbo?

    Full Member

    Don’t give any of them the time of day;

    “Many religions now come before us with ingratiating smirks and outspread hands, like an unctuous merchant in a bazaar. They offer consolation and solidarity and uplift, competing as they do in a marketplace. But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behaved when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse.”


    Free Member

    People believe what they want to. Many people like having faith, so they do. That’s why it persists whilst we have still discovered so much about the universe.

    Full Member

    If only Christopher Hitchens hadn’t also been a smug pompous git… I have no problems with his atheism at all though – just the fact he was often obnoxious and a tool.

    Free Member

    But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behaved when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse.

    That is profoundly shitty. It’s like blaming modern Germans for Hitler. How the f is my mother in law in any way related to Torquemada? That quote shows utter ignorance of history and humanity, and a wilful desire to divide people and create hate.

    Full Member

    vickypea – Member
    This “religion is the cause of all wars” thing is becoming something of an easy excuse for not looking into the true causes of war, which I think are power and greed, amongst other things. It’s almost being used by some atheists to excuse themselves of any responsibility for current unrest in the world.

    Agreed. It’s lazy and convenient for many to believe this – but the more often something is said the more people believe

    Full Member

    But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behaved when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse.
    That is profoundly shitty. It’s like blaming modern Germans for Hitler. How the f is my mother in law in any way related to Torquemada? That quote shows utter ignorance of history and humanity, and a wilful desire to divide people and create hate.

    I rather think it’s a comment on the Vatican/House of Lords/Muslim Council etc, not your mother in law.

    But, you know her better than me… 😉

    Full Member

    I’ve seen an awful lot of lightning flashes since this thread started, I’m guessing a few of you non believers have been ‘struck down with great vengeance and furious anger’

    You can keep your science and ‘facts’, I’m worshipping at the 26 inch alter for eternity.

    Free Member

    If only Christopher Hitchens hadn’t also been a smug pompous git… I have no problems with his atheism at all though – just the fact he was often obnoxious and a tool.

    Attention whore, just like Dawkins. Also a bit like the religious zealots who can’t concede that others’ points of view just may be valid as their own.

    Full Member

    I didn’t like Hitchens’ political shifts in later life but he remains a superb writer. Elton John’s tribute song to Mother Theresa: Sandals in the Bin

    Free Member

    Attention whore, just like Dawkins.

    Yeah! Finding you’ve got a public platform by your own efforts and speaking up for what you see as the truth should be left to the talentless professionals.

    The Pope, maybe. Or that American nutjob Palin perhaps. 🙄

    Full Member

    Here you go

    I heard this on the radio the other day and it seems relevant; some people arguing that wars are not just due to religion and religion is responsible for lots of good things as well.

    Free Member

    Nice selective quote Woppit. Totally missing the point about intolerance. By all means express your views but acknowledge that others have a right to theirs too.

    Free Member

    I actually think it is more likely that people will rebel against science than it will against religion. This is mainly because religion has the answer to the one big question, which science does not I.e. what happens after we die.

    I am not religious at all but you could equally argue that science is partially responsible for many of the horrific things we have done to our fellow man over the years eg the atomic bomb, the V2 rocket, chemical warfare, biological warfare (Ebola conspiracy theory anyone?) etc etc.

    Full Member

    Coyote – Member
    Attention whore, just like Dawkins. Also a bit like the religious zealots who can’t concede that others’ points of view just may be valid as their own.


    Full Member

    I actually think it is more likely that people will rebel against science than it will against religion.

    For all our sakes I hope not!

    Free Member

    These threads attract people like a moth to a flame don’t they,just like religion 🙂

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