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  • The Coronavirus Discussion Thread.
  • kelvin
    Full Member

    Doesn’t matter really, if people on here seem to put more trust in Rory Stewart, Brenda from Bristol and Mystic Meg

    People are listening to experts all over the world… fight to contain this, and reduce the extend and speed of the epidemic, or pay the price.

    Free Member

    Hygiene and staying away from people as much as you possibly can.

    Yep. Within sensible reason. Particularly old folks if you feel rough.

    Full Member

    And an epidemiologist, I presume?

    A bloke with better connections to what the thinking is in the inner circles of the govt than an epidemioligist maybe?

    Full Member

    A bloke with better connections to what the thinking is in the inner circles of the govt than an epidemioligist maybe

    Don’t forget your tinfoil hat when you go out

    Full Member

    I wonder if those people who are obliged to walk down stairs in their H and S gone mad offices are still duly following the same rule and walking up and down the stairs with hand contact on the banister at all times
    You and a few hundred potential carriers rubbing your sweaty mits together
    Also, those extrapolated infection numbers also seem iffy. Surely if you you remove huge swaves of the populace the distancing has an effect, and as the numbers ramp up a great deal more will hibernate to avoid catching anything, increasing distancing again and lowering cross contamination.

    Free Member

    Loads of people fall and hurt themselves on the stairs.

    Full Member

    Watching BBC World News… they’re going through each country one by one detailing the restrictions they are putting in place. The contrast with the UK is stark.

    Free Member

    Surely if you you remove huge swaves of the populace the distancing has an effect,

    Didn’t we have a referendum on this very topic?


    Free Member

    A bloke with better connections to what the thinking is in the inner circles of the govt than an epidemioligist maybe?

    About as likely as Samantha Flower being a bloke.

    Free Member

    Well the NHS is gearing up.

    Local Hospital is booting anyone who can walk and doesn’t need a machine to live.

    A couple of GP surgeries are closing their doors in favour of Telephone appointments.

    Both sends everything rolling downhill to district nurses. My Wife’s former team already has 480 calls booked for Monday, that’s before the bulk of hospital patients are sent home. There’s 5 of them, about 100 calls each… they usually do between 6-8 a day.

    Full Member
    Free Member


    Please can we add this word to the swear filter?

    Full Member

    Denmark is now closing its borders to non-Danes without purpose to enter from tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Chinese are blaming the US, claiming the virus came from US Bio-warfare lab –

    COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US

    Interesting read – to summarise, it says that the evidence is that there are several strains of the virus and Wuhan has but one, yet all strains have been found in the US, therefore indicating that was the origin. The background is that the US conducted a ‘military games’ event in Wuhan in October last year, where staff from said weapons facility ‘toured’ the city. First cases were detected in November 2019, with one patient having no connection to the ‘wet market’.

    Free Member


    More like “it is too much bother and too embarrassing to put our own house in order, so let’s take a cheap shot at the Great Satan to feed a nationalist narrative at home”.

    Turns out that other countries play these games too. Who’d have thunk it.

    Full Member

    yet all strains have been found in the US, therefore indicating that was the origin

    Utter bullshit.

    Free Member

    Utter bullshit.


    Full Member

    Interesting read

    If you have half a brain, possibly

    Free Member

    You can dismiss anything as bullshit, but you ought to say why. I’m just interested in facts.

    “The inspection also found the lab systematically failed to implement safety procedures with lapses such as propping open a door while biohazard waste was removed”

    “America’s main biological warfare lab has been ordered to stop all research into the deadliest viruses and pathogens over fears contaminated waste could leak out of the facility.” (August 9th, 2020).

    The 2019 Military World Games, officially known as the 7th CISM Military World Games, was held from October 18–27, 2019 in the capital of Hubei Province in Wuhan, China. Over 109 nations took part.

    A lot of that checks out, not sure about the variant strains. The US Nuclear program had all sorts of accidents over the history and it is simply astonishing nothing ever came of it. Then you’ve got a biological warfare facility which was closed for incompetence and had its license revoked two months before a pandemic erupts and people think do not think that is worth investigating?

    Full Member

    You can dismiss anything as bullshit, but you ought to say why

    Sorry, I thought I was clear enough.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the intelligent contribution.

    Full Member

    Not sure the USA conspiracy works out, just because they screwed up so badly intially trying to use their ‘made in the usa’ test rejecting the euro made ones that actually worked !

    Full Member

    I’m sure I’ll get banned soon, but I’m losing patience. If you seriously believe any of that shite you’ve linked to, I’m not convinced you’d recognize an intelligent contribution of it kicked you in the nuts. I can only hope you posted it for a joke?

    Free Member

    I wonder if those people who are obliged to walk down stairs in their H and S gone mad offices are still duly following the same rule and walking up and down the stairs with hand contact on the banister at all times
    You and a few hundred potential carriers rubbing your sweaty mits together

    Over 600 people die every year in England and Wales falling down stairs, aye, H and S gone mad…

    And if they wash their hands, it’s not an issue.

    I have no idea what a swave is. 😂

    Free Member

    I’m sorry you’re so upset by it. I can delete it if you want?

    Full Member

    I have no idea what a swave is

    Similar to a swathe….

    Full Member

    A lot of that checks out, not sure about the variant strains.

    That’s how conspiracies work they have some facts but surrounded utter bullshit.

    Full Member

    I’m sorry you’re so upset by it. I can delete it if you want?

    It’ll make you look less silly, so maybe a good plan

    Free Member

    Thank goodness for that simulation ‘Event 201’ last October…

    if it wasn’t for the likes of Bill Gates and the John Hopkins Centre

    John Hopkins Centre

    (who besides the simulation, are also doing the global real time mapping of this most horrific of outbreaks), we’d likely be in a far worse situation than we are.

    Just wish our government would take this all more seriously, as thanks to Trump’s decision to keep transport links between the UK and US open (perhaps to encourage future trade deals?) our great nation becomes all the more vulnerable by the second!!

    Free Member

    As long as you’re feeling OK about things Twodogs, I’m okay too 🙂

    That’s how conspiracies work they have some facts but surrounded utter bullshit.

    I guess a US military research lab for biological weapons closed down for being feckless/incompetent two months before a global pandemic isn’t worth mentioning at all then.

    Free Member

    BBC News – Coronavirus: Why is the UK not shutting schools like other countries?

    Full Member


    thanks to Trump’s decision to keep transport links between the UK and US open (perhaps to encourage future trade deals?) our great nation becomes all the more vulnerable by the second!!

    Nope. The virus is well and truly out in the UK population, international travel might bring in some more carriers but the actual spreading is now being done almost entirely by people that are already here.

    Full Member

    I guess a US military research lab for biological weapons closed down for being feckless/incompetent two months before a global pandemic isn’t worth mentioning at all then.

    Pretty much that yes.

    Free Member

    Wow, ok then.

    Free Member

    Nope. The virus is well and truly out in the UK population, international travel might bring in some more carriers but the actual spreading is now being done almost entirely by people that are already here.

    Phew, that’s reassuring, I’ll reduce my level of panic accordingly!!

    Full Member

    For the love of dog, can one of the mods please ban me for a bit? I can’t break my morbid fascination with the utter **** and tinfoil hat brigade on here

    Free Member

    “Computer simulations indicate the UK is in the early stages of its epidemic which is expected to rise sharply in four weeks and peak in 10 and 14 weeks’ time.”

    This sounds like seriously bad news.

    Free Member

    TwoDogs, this is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in on the Where’s the coronavirus we’re all going to die conspiracy threat, and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes…

    Free Member

    Thank goodness, sense at last, especially excited by the emergency laws!!

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