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  • Where can I get discounted nappies online?
  • molgrips
    Free Member

    We've found reusables loads easier. Nice not to have to buy the damn things all the time. In fact, wipes are the only reason we need the baby aisle at all.

    (runs and hides)

    Free Member

    reusable rock. And if you use a collection/delivery service, you don't even need to worry about the washing aspect.

    Free Member

    We've found reusables loads easier.

    Do you have twins?

    Free Member

    And if you use a collection/delivery service, you don't even need to worry about the washing aspect.

    So, do reusable nappies that are collected from our house, taken somewhere miles away, washed at high temperatures, dried (almost guaranteed to be electonically), then delivered back to the house going to have any less impact on the environment?

    Free Member

    No twins, no collection service. Put nappies in wash (at 40), take out, put on airer, use – all in your own time. Pretty easy. Helps when you have upwards of 25 nappies and a machine that can take them all plus the dirty clothes tho. Plus it's way cheaper, esp with multiple kids 🙂

    I just think they get bad press that's all. But anyway I'm not preaching so let's keep it relaxed 🙂 I think it works for us because we are disorganised, so we'd be forever forgetting to pick them up and stuff.

    So, do reusable nappies that are collected from our house, taken somewhere miles away, washed at high temperatures, dried (almost guaranteed to be electonically), then delivered back to the house going to have any less impact on the environment?

    For sure. It's what, 5000 nappies per kid? You keep the reusables, use them on your next kid(s) if appropriate, then ebay them. They could last for many years and save tens of thousands of disposables. All of which are made from plasic which is made somewhere from oil shipped half way around the world to a chemical plant, then shipped to a nappy factory somewhere else again then shipped to the shop where you buy them THEN shipped back out to a landfil where they sit taking up very much needed space… Imagine a pile of 50,000 used nappies!

    Like I said I'm not preaching, but you did ask 🙂

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I honestly would have considered reusable if we only had the one baby, but the amount of washing we are getting through with two is stunning – and we only have a small house – the attic room has already converted to a drying room and I have had to succumb to putting up a washing line right outside our lovely new extension – so instead of views over the fields, we have views over washing…

    BTW – I have put a second line there too – and still not enough room!!!!

    Free Member

    shipped back out to a landfil

    An interesting point, this one. My father-in-law happens to be the MD of a company supplying liners to the landfill trade and he says that research shows that the abundance of natural waste in the nappies actually helps degrade all the other landfill waste much more quickly so, although nappies take forever to degrade, the fact they are there in the first place does actually have a positive effect on the overall landfill site.

    Free Member

    Like I said I'm not preaching, but you did ask

    But is the overall nett effect any less than disposable? That is the important thing – neither are ideal, both are unnatural and have an negative impact on the environment – is any appreciably better than the other on overall impact?

    Free Member

    depends if you want to be riding entirely on landfill in a few years time.

    Free Member

    I would say so MF. The thing about nappies in landfill I can remember from when I was a kid (not in nappies tho 🙂 ) – it's been a big issue for many more years than other ecological concerns. Seems to me that re-usable has to be much more eco friendly overall, especialyl when they're made from bamboo rather than cotton.

    But anyway – you're not changing baby clothes every time they spit up on them are you? I've noticed a great deal of mumsnet mums doing crazy things to make work for themselves.

    We have a load of washing every 3 days ish with the one kid including the nappies. But like I said, it's a large washing machine, 7.5kg load – but that's not that unusual these days I suppose.

    Oh and get a rotary clothes line!

    Full Member

    we've run 2 babies (well a new 'un and a 2 year old) on washables no bother…

    plus try for reusable wipes that are FAR superior to any normal wipes…one wipe will clear more poo than you can imagine (toddler poo full of olives, blueberries and beans…) and if you drop me an email we can get you a fiver off.

    seriously, don't discount the washable option, they work better than disposables and aren't that much hassle.

    Free Member

    My mrs just follows the deals round, 1/2 price pampers in Morrsions at the moment, so I got a boot full at the weekend. There is nowhere to store them all in the house with 2 of everything else.

    Get they now at £2.50 for when you do need them! We have 4 months supply in our house!

    BTW – if you think you are busy now, wait till they start weaning. My wife was doing feeds for 5 hours a day at one point, although its got a bit better

    As for the baby milk, we are getting all their formula, including 56 cartons of nutriprem 2 a month, on prescription because they were low birth weight. We get it till they are 1

    Free Member

    Looks as though the new Lidl being built down the road may not be such a waste of a development after all. Hopefully It'll be open before the twins arrive 🙂

    Free Member

    FAIW According to my neighbour (I know, she's South African so pretty messed up by definition 😉 ), LIDL and Aldi nappies are not too good.
    We have finally managed to teach our sprog to use a potty. What a relief financially!

    Free Member

    Have the die-hard disposers tried the nature eco-nappies? They are excellent – work better imo than pampers etc and they biodegrade quickly. And they're made from a renewable resource…

    Free Member

    Oh and get a rotary clothes line!

    Really haven't the room – the clothes line runs along the edge of our property, about 3ft from the door.

    we've run 2 babies (well a new 'un and a 2 year old) on washables no bother..

    So not two newborns then – I am sure you know the difference between the amount of newborn changes and two yr old changes…

    on prescription because they were low birth weight. We get it till they a

    What weight? Ours were 4/10 and 5/7 and no mention of prescription feed…

    Hopefully It'll be open before the twins arrive

    Apparently they only start at size three, so no good for newborns 🙁

    Free Member

    I doff my hat to you MF for knowing everything.. truly impressive feat 🙂

    Free Member

    : P

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