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  • What will the U.K. look like…
  • MrWoppit
    Free Member

    … in 5 years time, do we think?

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    like this

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    Free Member

    Increased poverty, increased unemployment, decreased standard of living for everyone but the rich, increased waiting times for the NHS, increased homelessness, destroyed public services.

    Free Member

    Increased poverty, increased unemployment, decreased standard of living for everyone but the rich, increased waiting times for the NHS, increased homelessness, destroyed public services.

    ever the optimist eh TJ? 😉

    Free Member

    Realist Torminalis. Its the clear and obvious outcome of the ConDem policies

    You will see

    Free Member

    Gated burbclaves, Bucky domes, big black motorbikes and the wearing of nano ceramic knives mandatory at all times and coal fired power stations built next to cities as the National Grid will have fallen into disrepair.
    Motorways given over to bicycles with allotments either side, money is a thing of the past and Everyone wears tie die clothes.

    Free Member

    Increased poverty, increased unemployment, decreased standard of living for everyone but the rich, increased waiting times for the NHS, increased homelessness, destroyed public services.

    yes i think your right it breaks my heart to think what type of life my grandchildren will have .

    Free Member

    Like it is now.?

    Free Member

    The World according to TJ:

    Full Member

    something like this:

    Free Member

    idave – is that what happens if we follow the diet?

    tj – boring.

    Full Member

    Increased poverty, increased unemployment, decreased standard of living for everyone but the rich, increased waiting times for the NHS, increased homelessness, destroyed public services.

    Tragic transformation of places with currently high levels of public employment like Morpeth and Oxford. Schools go down the tubes as kids see little point in working and can’t afford HE anyway. An utterly divided society with a repressive and even more violent police force. There will be more depression, petty crime, substance abuse and the Bullingdon Club will be completely immune to it and Gideon will be skiing with Charles and Will in Klosters.

    Free Member

    The first prosthetic eye to match the performance of a real human eye will emerge.

    Hub gears will weigh less than current conventional hubs and the first nanotubule frames weighing sub 1lb will be coming onto the market.

    Advances in battery technology will mean electric cars are coming onto the market at long last and you will only have to charge your mobile phone once a month.

    The condems will be long gone.

    TJ will still be banging on about a golden age that never was.

    Stem cell research will enable the rebooting of skin cells to allow the growth of replacement body parts in labs. Still very expensive but getting cheaper all the time.

    The internet will have taken down the last of the world dictators as people availed of information and an ability to organise themselves rise up against the shackles of oppression. Egypt 2011 is hailed as the start of a new age of emancipation.

    Free Member

    large swathes of golf course interspersed with overpopulated polluted cities which will be surrounded by shanty towns..

    and very mildewy and damp

    Free Member

    One things for sure, the usual subjects will still be desperate to spend other peoples money, even if they haven’t been born yet.

    Full Member

    nah it will just be full of call centres where we will be providing tech support in urdu and mandarin to middle class asians who make fun of our accents


    Free Member

    well, in my lifetime (30ish years), we’ve gone from labour/conservative/labour/conservative.

    in that time we’ve got computers and that, mobile phones, and radio-controlled helicopters for £20.

    but not much else to report.

    i confidently predict very little will change in the next 5 years.

    Free Member

    Realist Torminalis. Its the clear and obvious outcome of the ConDem policies

    You will see

    Is that “You WILL see”?

    I get the feeling you will be twisting the facts to “make the cap fit” regardless TJ!

    You are sullenly standing by, wishing it all to go wrong for us. A mean spritied nasty far left winger, you want everything down at heel, so everyone is a miserable and disadvantaged as you! Shameful!

    I personally have little faith in modern politics, but i’m sure that just as the public finances are coming back under control (but far from balancing the books), a left wing government will get back in to blow it all – bribing the likes of TJ and others who expect something for nothing.

    The whole political system in the UK is going seriously wrong: We have increasing numbers of career politicians who’s only work experience is working for government think tanks. Increasingly, they are people from exclusive private schools and I refer to politicians of all political persuasions.

    It is my firm belief that you have to have worked at the coalface to understand the coalface, so in this respect, we are being governed by people who have a poor understanding of how life is for ordinary people. Ordinary people are getting a diminishing say in Westminster and social mobility is becoming a thing of the past. All bad news!

    My guess that we will have enjoyed a year or two of economic recovery in five years time. Nothing dramatic, just a gradual improvement in our circumstances.

    Labour went on one almighty spending binge which we simply could not afford – Alistair Darling was pretty clueless about the gravity of the situation he was creating. Labour committed us to some serious spending even in the final throws of their administration, safe in the knowledge that somebody else would have to pick up the pieces.

    The truth is that people not even born will be paying for their mess in decades to come.

    In reality, the cutbacks we are experiencing fall far short of what is really needed to balance the books. Public spending is still growing, just not so fast. A sorry sorry mess the likes of TJ cannot begin to comprehend.

    What Clegg and his lot need to do is grow a pair and instist that the rich are prevented from sheltering themselves from tax in these tax havens around the world. We denigrate benefit cheats (righly so), but the tycoons who legitimately swerve paying billions in tax need to be held to account. Named and shamed!

    I’m beginning to sound like a bloody liberal! 😯

    Free Member

    Your local FC woods will look like this in 5 years:

    And then this in ten years:

    How did the crunch vote go by the way?

    Free Member

    Kimbers – brilliant.

    One of my most favorite films, and I agree with you.

    Free Member

    bribing the likes of TJ and others who expect something for nothing.

    You sad little envious man. Your life must be so unpleasant living with that much envy, hatred and bile. I really rather pity you.

    You know – I have spent my life in public service. Looking after the old the sick and the vulnerable. All I ask is a reasonable wage and a decent pension. Both under attack. I am actually very content in my life – but saddened by the attacks on the ethos of public service from small minded little men like you who know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

    Free Member

    I personally have little faith in modern politics, but i’m sure that just as the public finances are coming back under control (but far from balancing the books), a left wing government will get back in to blow it all

    …. that’s the problem. We’ve never had a proper left-wing government.

    Free Member

    I’m already stock piling guns,food and tin foil hats in my workshop bunker.

    Seriously though, having recently become a father it does worry me how it will be when she is older.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    You know – I have spent my life in public service. Looking after the old the sick and the vulnerable. All I ask is a reasonable wage and a decent pension

    Unfortuately the cost of a decent pension are way out of control and the previous gov didnt do much to sort it out if you look at what you have to pay into a private staveholder pension to get anything like the public sector pensions you would be horrified.

    Free Member

    The nhs pension was widely accepted by workers as something to mitigate against the low wages for qualifications/stress/responsibility ratio. If I got paid more I would be happy to put more in my pension. Instead we get pay freeze for at least 3 years, ie pay cut equivalent to ‘cost of living’ inflation. Cheers!

    Full Member

    Realist Torminalis. Its the clear and obvious outcome of the ConDem policies

    You will see

    Just out of interest, what do you think would be the clear and obvious outcome be if we’d stuck with Labour and their unsustainable spending?

    Much the same, I would guess.

    Free Member

    NHS pension fund is easily affordable and is pretty much self funding. It was also reorganised a few years ago to reduce the benefits to new entrants.

    Most NHS pensioners get a few thousand a year – barely enough to take them out of benefits.

    Free Member

    Just out of interest, what do you think would be the clear and obvious outcome be if we’d stuck with Labour and their unsustainable spending?

    Ah, that old chestnut. The pickle we’re in isn’t fundamentally the result of Labour’s mismanagement of the economy (which up until the recession was cruising along quite nicely with one of the better debt to GDP ratios in the world), but the bankers, who through greed and avarice (albeit supported by politicians of every colour) managed to wreck the economy. Result? Tax revenues fall through the floor meaning that of course we build up a huge public sector deficit. If Labour hadn’t borrowed the money to keep up public spending during 2008-09 then we’d be in a much worse state than we are now.

    Cameron has spun the whole ‘it’s Labour’s fault’ thing beautifully.

    Free Member

    According to the Daily Mail, central London will look like this :

    According to me, central Croydon will look like this :

    Full Member

    Cameron has spun the whole ‘it’s Labour’s fault’ thing beautifully.

    Who said anything about it all being Labour’s fault? I just asked what the situation would be if instead of 5 years of ConDem cuts, we had 5 years of unsustainable spending? Perfectly valid question, seeing as it’s all based on conjecture educated guesswork anyway.

    Free Member

    NHS pension fund is easily affordable and is pretty much self funding.

    Is the NHS pension index linked ?

    Thats good news shame the same cant be said about local government and the emergency service esp the Police

    Free Member

    Ernie, where are they going to find the money to tidy up Croydon from?

    Oh, sorry – that’s now.

    In 5 years is anyone’s guess.

    In 50 years, I seriously worry for my grandchildren.

    Free Member

    It’ll be ok.

    People will still find/have things to worry about whatever happens. Bad stuff will still happen, so will good stuff.

    The human race will keep bumbling along, as it always has.

    I reckon.

    Free Member

    All I ask is a reasonable wage and a decent pension.

    pension unavailable to those not in the old scheme to be funded by taxpayer who pay your salary (and hence “contribution” and make up any shortfall for the emplyer side)

    Most NHS pensioners get a few thousand a year – barely enough to take them out of benefits.

    statistics skewed by high churn rate of low pay staff who are the majority of scheme members

    care to state your pension benefits in a public forum TJ I’m sure everyone will have sympathy for you then 😉

    Free Member

    Ernie, where are they going to find the money to tidy up Croydon from?

    I’ve got complete faith in my Tory-controlled council Mark.

    That’s why I’m convinced that we’ll all enjoy the luxury of living in a traditionally constructed pinewood wardrobe.

    Free Member

    Increased poverty, increased unemployment, decreased standard of living for everyone but the rich, increased waiting times for the NHS, increased homelessness, destroyed public services.

    Best start grafting to join the rich then! 😉

    Free Member

    Best start grafting to join the rich then!


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