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  • What recovery drink?
  • Nezbo
    Free Member

    I am uping my training amount and think it is time for some type of recovery drink.

    What do you use/would recomend?

    i have been looking at this stuff :

    Free Member

    At the risk of sounding like a broken record. Yazoo Choccy milk seems to work fine.

    Free Member

    I find all the SIS stuff tastes rather chemically. Having tried a couple of the Torq alternatives, I'm currently enjoying the Chocolate Orange one. Strawberry Cream is nice too tho..


    Free Member

    Coffee… Same as pre ride drinks…

    Free Member

    SIS Noche before hitting the sack

    Free Member

    bitter pints of it…

    or Lucozade power – easier to drink than all the milkshaketype ones..
    the packet says use 250ml of water I use 350 to 400ml and they taste like fruit juice and go down as easy

    Free Member

    +1 for Yazoo Choccy milk

    had the knowledge passed on to me by Jason in N.Wales and I'm addicted post ride now.

    Full Member

    SIS and SIS Noche is okay, I like High 5 protein recovery also. I avoid everything by maximuscle as gastrointestinal distress is something of an understatement 😉

    Free Member

    SIS stuff tastes like chemicals.

    Torq or High5, I use the High5 strawberry in a pint of milk.

    Free Member

    pint of irn bru followed by hot lava java or ardbeg/laphroaig – can't beat it

    Free Member

    I'm a big fan of the Zipvit range. If it's good enough for the Cervelo test team and Team Radio Shack, it's good enough for me.

    Try these for a full recovery set:

    All in one recovery drink

    Protein bar for Muscle repair

    Night-time recovery drink

    Free Member

    scientists with daft haircuts, glases, white lab-coats and everything have looked at this, and found that milk is as good as anything else.

    (it's got about the right mix of carbs, and proteins, and other good stuff)

    chocolate milk seems to feature in the trials, but mostly just cos it tastes nice…

    me? – i'm lactose intolerant, i seem to crave smoothies when i'm proper knackered.

    Free Member

    Yes awhiles, and that is why professional athletes drink nothing but milk to aid their recovery.

    Free Member

    calm down Shandy, i didn't say anything rude about your mother.

    all i dared to suggest was; there have been scientific trials (there really have), and in terms of things we can measure*, milk is a good recovery drink. it's certainly much better than wet cement.

    (*things like; recovery times required to repeat a physical exertion test – that sort of thing)

    and as i pointed out, it doesn't work for everyone; i'll never be able to enjoy the revitalising power of milk, i'll be too busy throwing up to notice any benefit.

    why so angry? do you need a hug?


    linky 1

    linky 2

    linky 3

    Full Member

    Frijj here, just because it's soooooo tasty :mrgreen: It may not be the best choice, not too bothered tbh. I sometimes use the SIS Rego pink stuff, which does give the impression it's doing you good- "I'm drinking ooze. The only explanation for why I would be drinking ooze is that it's healthy. Ergo, this is a good recovery drink"

    Free Member

    koppaberg pear.

    Free Member

    Shandy why don't you look at the publication itself? I have read it and it's for once proper science (peer reviewed published and all).
    If you're really that miserable I'll be happy to give you a hug too…
    What professional athlete drink is like what they wear most of the time… What sponsors told them to

    Free Member

    Something made by monks

    Orval is my favorite

    Free Member

    I drink choccy nesquick

    Free Member

    Guiness and lucozade, followed by just guiness 😆

    Free Member

    Yo, my milkman brings me three pints of flavoured milk every week. Sorted.

    Free Member

    I like High 5.

    Free Member

    3 Studies proving that protein-based recovery drinks are better than carbohydrate-based recovery drinks, this is a landmark moment in sports science.

    I'm not angry at all, but every time there is a question about supplements on here 75% of the replies are from people saying that a pint of milk and a banana will see them reet. Most people that train at a good level take supplements, whether for ease of access to decent nutrition or because they believe it gives them a performance increase.

    Free Member

    been rocking maxim of late. seems im alone in this???

    Full Member

    milk mixed with nesquick powder for me. maybe a banana as well. and then half an hour later, something much more substantial.. pasta etc..!

    Free Member

    water..followed by fruit juice.. followed by tea

    Full Member

    Rego rapid's good if you're doing day after day high intensity/long duration training, or a stage race.

    For most people and most training schedules just a normal recovery drink – like the powerbar/torq/other SiS/maximuscle/etc ones wil do everything you need and cost a bit less.

    If you're somewhere in between the two situations, try a "normal" recovery drink and suppliment it with some of the Rego Nocte stuff – seems to do the trick for me when I've got a few rides lumped one after another 🙂

    Free Member

    I'm using High5 Protein Recovery in the chocolate flavour. It's worth getting something that can be mixed with either water or milk. Milk is a good source of protein but doesn't contain many carbs and some find it difficult to digest, particularly after strenuous exercise. The High5 has its own carbs and protein but the protein count is boosted even more by adding milk.

    It's worth keeping a couple of bottles of ForGoodnessShakes in the cupboard for those times when you won't be able to mix something.

    Free Member

    From what i've read you need both carbohydrate and protein pretty quick after a ride. Most recovery drinks are based on chemicals/ingredients isolated from milk products (whey protein). So there is common sense (and scientific study) in thinking that perhaps milk might be a good, cheap idea.

    Recovery stuff is very expensive if you are using it regularly.

    Personally I use SIS rego, chocolate if I'm out. If I'm riding back to my door I'll have a large glass of milk, peanut butter sandwhich and a nap. Then I'll have a decent meal with plenty of protein and a decent nights sleep.

    I would say there isn't much in the various different offerings so get some sachets and see what works for you in terms of flavour and stomach* and go with that.

    * I found some make me feel a bit sick and others give me terrible wind which doesn't make me popular on the drive home.

    Zipvit have a trial pack for £4, discount suppliments do a High 5 trial for £3. Your local shop sells milk. As for protein barsI like the "wholefood 9 bars". Not sports stuff but packed with protein from decent sources.

    And finally. When watchin the tour last year it was noticeable tha riders not going to be involved in the final sprint/break and just coming in in the peleton were switching to recovery drinks before the end of the ride.

    Not easy to do on your own but if you are out for a really long time might be worth eating a protein bar of the last 30 minutes.

    Free Member

    Come on Nezbo you know that 6 or 7 pints in the Sunnyhurst Pub after our Tuesday rides is all you need. 😈

    Free Member

    How often do people actually use them?

    I don't bother unless I'm doing back to back hard sessions, don't really see the point on most rides frankly.

    Free Member

    njee20 – Member
    How often do people actually use them?

    I don't bother unless I'm doing back to back hard sessions, don't really see the point on most rides frankly.


    Free Member


    I also concur.

    For example, this week i did a 11 mile run on Wednesday, 20miles on the bike Thursday and then a 17.5m run on Thursday….after which i had a Yazoo.

    Feel ok, if a bit achey, today. Guess it must work 😉

    Free Member

    I use pharma whey with a couple of bananas, some honey and goats milk then yogurt. Tastes pretty good and has everything you need to recover quicker and build muscle faster.


    Free Member

    I drink mine after each ride, and possibly before as well…

    Free Member

    Actually do people think it's really going to make you ride faster? I usually don't bother with any of that stuff. Ritter chocolate and aponia "fruit jelly/jam" bars is going enough on the dark side for me.
    Now haggis as recovery food that is something I love 😀

    Free Member

    Cheers for the info peeps…

    It is not for making me go faster, it's just so i can ride more 🙂 fixing my body after a ride so i can ride the day after at the same pace etc…

    i have gone for the high5 stuff 🙂

    Free Member

    Case of Stella 😉

    Full Member

    I've just started using Mars Refuel which is £1.79 a litre or thereabouts, tastes good and you don't need a huge amount of it either according to Mars.

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