I’ve owned several VWs and have loved them all. When I bought my Mk.2 GTi, I spent ages looking for a car that was just like a Golf GTi, but was not one. Every other car I saw was either less well built, had fewer, more expensive spares, was less reliable or just less good. So, I bought a Golf.
I have _never_ regretted buying that car. It was awesome and, even with me driving it lasted for a long time.
The same with the Passat. Rock solid. Ok, not a hugely inspiring drive, but it was a diesel estate. It was, however, comfortable, economical and fast.
Other manufacturers? Well, the Fiat Panda I had was awesome, but needed spares just abut every three months. The Omega? That needed an engine rebuild. My Rover? Let’s not talk about that apart from to say it was the shittest car I have ever had the misfortune to purchase, beating even the B plate Polo Coupe that replaced it and the Frontera that replaced that.