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  • Universal Truths?!
  • pondo
    Full Member

    Above these clouds the sun shines.

    I like that. :)

    Free Member

    Remove jacket, it shall rain.

    Full Member

    Early rising is good for the wealth but early drinking is good for the health. (Rabelais)

    Full Member

    People’s opinion on the vast majority of topics is not based on facts/statistics/research/practical knowledge but on the basic principle of ‘Pick a side & be a dick about it’

    ….its given me a lot of clarity knowing this when involved in discussions both online and off

    Full Member

    Almost 50% of the population are below average intelligence.

    Full Member

    Moaning about something after it has happened does no good whatsoever.
    and related.
    Giving someone advice about something they’ve already done does no good whatsoever and may actually make them feel worse.

    It took me about 40 years to work these out. Totally pointless.

    Full Member

    Indeed. No point crying over spilt milk. Get a cat.

    Free Member

    No STW thread gets to the 3rd page without turning into a binary, attack and counter attack argument, even ones when STW seems to have a collective agreed stance.

    If you spend your life thinking you’ll be happy once you get the next ‘thing’ on your list, you’ll never be happy.

    Every Married Man has at one time or other, but usually multiple times – blamed their Wife for not being ‘allowed’ to do something they don’t want to do.

    No one likes the taste of Coffee, in the same way no one likes smoking tobacco. You’ve grown to enjoy the feeling of easing your cravings.

    Alcohol Free Beer only exists so brewers can circumvent advertising restrictions.

    When you get old, your kids will spend as much time thinking about the value of your possessions as much they do your health and wellbeing.

    Full Member

    I see plenty of thinly veiled attempts to start an argument there P-Jay!

    Full Member

    I’m sure always means I’m not sure

    Full Member

    No one likes the taste of Coffee, in the same way no one likes smoking tobacco. You’ve grown to enjoy the feeling of easing your cravings.

    This one is utter bollocks, coffee tastes delicious. Tea, on the other hand, is described by my son as ‘stinky fish water’ and I think he has a point.

    Free Member

    You can’t polish a turd.

    But you can roll it in glitter

    Free Member

    A man who never made a mistake never made anything

    Free Member

    Nothing is permanent.

    We all die one day.

    Full Member

    Man with hole in pocket feels cocky all day.

    Full Member

    You can’t polish a turd.

    Turns out that actually you can.

    Free Member

    Nobody useful to society ever got out of a Range Rover.


    Full Member

    Indeed. No point crying over spilt milk. Get a cat.

    True – you can milk anything with nipples.

    Free Member

    “It is a well known fact, that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. Anyone who is capable of getting themselves into a position of power should on no account be allowed to do the job.” Douglas Adams

    Full Member

    This too will pass.

    Full Member

    If you think things can’t get any worse. wait.

    Never drink in a flat roof pub.

    I was intrigued by one close to my caravan site when working near Newport, South Wales, so went in – having an English accent added another edge (North Wales and I may have been pushing it too far).

    There were some very strange goings on and I definitely got checked out, not being a local to the estate, but everyone I interacted with were really friendly

    Full Member

    It’s always in the last place you look.

    Free Member

    You can’t polish a turd

    Not true 😂

    Free Member

    ‘never ever bloody anything ever’

    Full Member

    No one reads the posts above and you will always get the same video posted twice!

    Full Member

    Entropy isn’t what it used to be.

    Full Member

    There is no point saying, ‘Things can’t get any worse’ because a universal truth is that things can always get worse. Until you die. Then things can’t get any worse.

    – Told to me one lunch break by my Russian colleague.

    Full Member

    Luck isn’t the same as a wheelbarrow- it works better if you don’t push it.

    Full Member

    A fool and his money are easily parted (See over there :D ) >>

    Full Member

    Never attribute to malice what can be better explained as stupidity

    That’s “Hanlon’s Razor.”

    Free Member

    That’s “Hanlon’s Razor.”

    Yes it is! :-)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    No STW thread gets to the 3rd page without turning into a binary, attack and counter attack argument, even ones when STW seems to have a collective agreed stance

    No it doesn’t

    Full Member

    You can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead.

    Full Member

    99% of gargoyles look like Bob Todd

    Free Member

    “No good news ever arrives by helicopter”.

    “If you can see the explosion, the explosion can see you”:

    Free Member

    ‘Mmmmm, doughnuts!’

    Full Member

    Opinions are like arseholes, everyone’s got one. (And you probably shouldn’t show yours to the whole world)

    Full Member

    The vast majority of people have more than the average number of legs for a human.

    Second one is that some STWer will be along soon to ask me if I meant ‘mean’ rather than average.

    Full Member

    Put a man alone in a room with a tea cosy and he will put it on his head. Any man. The only variable is how long it will take.

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