Unhappy Sick Bicycl...

[Closed] Unhappy Sick Bicycles Customers. BEWARE!

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This thread is absolutely nutritious. To think I'd completely forgotten about it.

Thanks to Joecantello for kicking it back to the top.

Anyone googling for info on a new Sick bike is going to love this.

Posted : 02/05/2019 10:35 pm
Full Member

Or the 50+ pages on pinkbike...

Posted : 02/05/2019 10:36 pm
Free Member

Oh Joe.....

Shit. I genuinely thought you’d had some old stuff trawled up by a few people when you tried (Ill-advisedly) a bit to help your mates out. I actually thought you were more sinned against than sinning in this matter for a while.

But the wacky reappearance a bit later shouting “I WILL WREAK MY REVENGE” like some kind of demented Baron Greenback just makes it obvious that you are trying to help your previous(?) employers out with their guerilla marketing strategy. Shame.

FWIW everyone can construe their job as ‘voluntary’, I mean, I don’t have to go to work tomorrow if I don’t want to. But my employer doesn’t have to pay me, either. The little bio Sick did on you on the previous page makes it look for all the world like you were employed by them. And you don’t have to be on a payroll system and in a pension scheme to be ‘paid’. Free bikes and kit, for example.

Now I am in a genuine conundrum, because stoking this further actually helps with the guerilla marketing, so on that basis, I am out. You’ve blown your cover here, I’m afraid.

I certainly won’t be spending any money with Sick Bikes and I will continue to chortle at the Gnarpoon T-Shirts, which are, frankly, an awesome bit of wit and piss-taking.

Posted : 02/05/2019 10:40 pm
Full Member

Joe - he has been trolling you because of your defence of the bunch of shyster whole stole a load of peoples money

Posted : 02/05/2019 10:43 pm
Full Member

The sick shit show rolls on !

Posted : 02/05/2019 10:47 pm
Free Member

Genuine question, has anyone actually reported Sick to trading standards yet? It’s fairly clear they are either completely inept or on the fiddle. Either way people not getting what they paid for, or a refund is a complete joke and I’m sure there would be significant interest.

I genuinely feel for anyone who has lost out financially, because of the instabang fanfare!

Posted : 02/05/2019 10:48 pm
Free Member

I also troll Joe cos it's easy and he's a huuuuge legit Sick OG fanboi.
Also this website should be held into account too.
All those singletrack articles about Sick and no articles of truth of the delays, the lies, the false advertising from a bike company who has lowered their standards to that of a used car salesman. #lies #scummyreporting

Posted : 02/05/2019 10:51 pm
Free Member

SINGLETRACK mods, how about you do an article on Sick.
Some facts.
Some truths.
Some of the things that paid customers can't get from Sick nor their loyal fanbois?
Do some honest reporting for once #idgaf

Posted : 02/05/2019 10:54 pm
Free Member

I also troll Joe cos it’s easy

Well, that’s an admission of deliberately trolling on here, so we may well get a 2 for 1 on the banning front, then.....

Posted : 02/05/2019 10:57 pm
Full Member

I’ve got ‘can’t pay, we’ll take it away’ and ‘watchdog’ on series link, just so I don’t miss it when they pick up this one...

As for why folk haven’t gone to TS, I assume it’s pangs of guilt when the ‘were really sorry, it wasn’t our fault, we’re moving to an office, Jordan sneezed so had a week off’ pleading emails come out.

Though I think the OP is seeking legal advice, as is a chap in the states. Both of whom say they are owed Ti frames, that sick no longer produce.

Posted : 02/05/2019 10:57 pm
Free Member


714 posts deep. hahahahahahahahahahahahha thats sick.

Posted : 02/05/2019 11:03 pm
Full Member

SINGLETRACK mods, how about you do an article on Sick.

Mods don't write articles we mod the forum clearing out trouble making members. Speaking of which.

Posted : 02/05/2019 11:05 pm
Free Member

@grizzlygnarcissist aka matt yates you own a Sick Gnarcissist luxe and a pair of the Sick Ti bars. You troll a brand and people who ride their bikes and yet you ride one of their premium bikes. Please please please bring on the homophobic abuse on this thread

Posted : 02/05/2019 11:10 pm
Full Member

joe - a word to the wise - invoke hattersleys rule - when in a hole stop digging.

Posted : 02/05/2019 11:12 pm
Free Member

Its amazing the amount of slack and goodwill these guys have been shown by their paying customers....(using the phrase customer loosely, victims sounds more accurate) I would be fuming right now!

Posted : 02/05/2019 11:12 pm
Full Member

As you’re still here Joe, I’m perfectly willing to have a civil, grown up conversation with you (or anyone at sick) publicly to get to the bottom of what’s happening, and if there is any light at the end of the tunnel?

Posted : 02/05/2019 11:13 pm
Free Member

Joe, why are you trying to get a thread closed down if you have nothing to do with sick bikes? I’m afraid your attitude and previous postings by Sick themselves are somewhat tainting your argument.

Also if you have been trolled previously with vial homophobia, why are you now encouraging this kind of behaviour? It makes no sense?

Posted : 02/05/2019 11:16 pm
Free Member

@joe I'd not read the whole thread, and homophobic behaviour and abuse is bang out of order. Sad to hear this, there is no place for it.

Hopefully the sick boys will end up convicted to theft, fraud and any other shit that will stick to them. With their guerrilla marketing there are bound to be plenty of youngsters who've saved hard for stuff that will never be delivered.... That sucks bigly

Posted : 02/05/2019 11:27 pm
Free Member

STW are doing an article on Sick, Hannah has been in contact with myself and others collecting information.

Posted : 03/05/2019 1:41 am
Full Member

No relevance to the topic, but what I don’t understand is, why a person would pay a premium price for a frame when he/she could go directly to the frame builder and have one made for $550 plus a shock?

Posted : 03/05/2019 3:41 am
Full Member


Posted : 03/05/2019 6:11 am
Full Member

For the Sick decals? They’re looking more like the terminally ill bike company now.

Posted : 03/05/2019 6:46 am
Free Member

For most people, just going to Giant, Trek, Spesh etc. and buying a complete bike, then doing some sensible upgrades and selling off the unwanted parts would result in a better bike for less money than any custom built frame. Thing is, people want a bike that is different and special and are willing to pay for that, so marketing targets those people. Nothing wrong with that, but in this case, there seems to be a surplus of marketing and a shortage of bikes.

Posted : 03/05/2019 6:52 am
Free Member

This is a mad thread. Just keeps on coming back!

With the 2 week social media and email blackout I just hope that Sick haven't gone and people get the frames they bought and their warrantee claims sorted.

Posted : 03/05/2019 7:11 am
Full Member

Sick = two wheeled cult

Posted : 03/05/2019 7:12 am
Full Member

Not wanting to rake over the coals in any way... ahem... but are any customers currently receiving frames/bikes from Sick! ?

Posted : 03/05/2019 9:13 am
Full Member

With the 2 week social media and email blackout I just hope that Sick haven’t gone

my thoughts exactly. The last output was just a video Mea Culpa and a promise to do better in the future...and then radio silence. I'm a subscriber to the "Incompetent" rather than "Malicious" theory on Sick! but I hope peeps get the bikes they were promised or their money back.

Posted : 03/05/2019 9:23 am
Free Member

two wheeled cult

There's a spelling mistake in there.

Posted : 03/05/2019 9:25 am
Full Member

No one will received bikes is my bet. These scammers have spent the money that they raised for bikes on other stuff.

Posted : 03/05/2019 9:26 am
Free Member


I think the simple answer is no, over on the other forum there seem to be several customers waiting, one guy did get a response from sick as recently as yesterday, so sick are still on planet Earth and not living with Hitler on Mars but it was the same old excuse and delay tactics. So no change. The soap opera continues.

Posted : 03/05/2019 9:26 am
Free Member

money is gone, bikes wont arrive, sick will go pop (if not already). They played the industry for mugs and did pretty well. Makes for cringey reading going back to some of the gush articles from Dirt (and on here). Ooooh, they're edgy and punk and wont apologise... yeah, apart from when grovelling and snivelling on insta stories. Sad lots have lost money but may not be as many as it seems seeing as everything was a touch fake about them.

Posted : 03/05/2019 9:37 am
Free Member

This post (and others) are literally internet gold.

As they told Dirt:


You couldn't make it up if you tried.

Then when it all dies down, a fan/employee/whatever comes wading in to the rescue, gets shouty & claims he's innocent in all this, 2 posts later an image introducing him to 'team Sick' 🤣

Posted : 03/05/2019 10:08 am
Free Member

Nazis and Hitler mentioned within a page of each other- has this thread proved Godwin's Law?

Posted : 03/05/2019 10:13 am
Full Member

Some people (like joe) have received frames, there’s half a dozen bike checks on vitalMTB, plus a few owners on the various threads that have come up, along with ones being ebayed. Not seen any of the new batch(es?) or the Kickstarter frames (save for a bit of cnc work) though.

I’m in the ’they’re grossly incompetent’ camp, rather than ‘they’re crooks’ camp, but it’s a fine line, and sadly for those who’ve handed over money, the outcome tends to be the same.

Posted : 03/05/2019 10:27 am
Full Member

Ive had daily contact with James the "customer service" member 🙂 its been fun in its own special way but i'm no nearer getting my refund, I requested it on 29th April, told repeatedly that he has emailed Tim/Jordan/beelzebub (one of those may not exist/be true) and they will process it, I was also told Tim/Jordan will contact me (this obviously hasn't happened.
Im not averse to jumping in my van (when its replaced) and going to worthing and seeing if either Occult Tattoo (ive phoned them so they are there) or the address listed is real. Im also not ruling out stopping at Swinley and "renting" the two hire/demo bikes that are there 🙂

Posted : 03/05/2019 10:50 am
Free Member

Do we know if Joe paid money for his bling bike? Or was that payment for his voluntary work?

I'm a bit suspicious, grizzly turns up, hurls a load of abuse at Joe and then Joe says he's going to get this entire post removed like the last one.

There aren't many ways to get a post in stw removed but I know how the last one was done.

Just a thought

[url= https://i.postimg.cc/rFR9cbvF/id-have-gotten-5c4c88.pn g" target="_blank">https://i.postimg.cc/rFR9cbvF/id-have-gotten-5c4c88.pn g"/> [/img][/url]

Posted : 03/05/2019 10:50 am
Full Member

spev - small claims!

Posted : 03/05/2019 10:54 am
Free Member

I’m a bit suspicious, grizzly turns up, hurls a load of abuse at Joe and then Joe says he’s going to get this entire post removed like the last one.

Are you suggesting that they are in cahoots? Hmm, the plot doth thicken..

Posted : 03/05/2019 10:55 am
Free Member

joe says in this thread he bought a bike off sick, i didnt see any abuse from grizzly (already removed?), but he did admit to trolling him as it's easy. still though, this is riveting stuff.

Posted : 03/05/2019 10:57 am
Full Member

TJ, yeah that's the plan, I have a mate in trading standards locally so I'll be chatting to him as well. Just starting the paypal dispute now, I thought i'd give them a chance to do the right thing first (I'm nice like that).

Posted : 03/05/2019 10:59 am
Free Member

Are you suggesting that they are in cahoots? Hmm, the plot doth thicken..

After the post showing what a valued member of the team showed up I'm not ruling out anything.

Trolls move in mysterious ways with no dude diligence

Posted : 03/05/2019 11:01 am
Free Member


Posted : 03/05/2019 11:05 am
Free Member

In this modern new fangled age of camera phones and instant social media, it would be rather interesting for someone to turn up on their doorstep and kindly and calmly request their well over due refund and see what the outcome is. (you may or may not want to arrive on a motor bike driven by a benefit fraud for the full classic, amateur rogue traders effect 😀 )

Posted : 03/05/2019 11:29 am
Free Member

In late breaking news, supermarkets are reporting a shortage of popcorn on the shelves.

Posted : 03/05/2019 11:38 am
Full Member

Im not averse to jumping in my van (when its replaced) and going to worthing and seeing if either Occult Tattoo (ive phoned them so they are there) or the address listed is real.

Doesn’t look good. 🤭

Hang on, what’s that? 🤔

A ransom note?

Ah, I see, let’s take a look 👀

Looks like they’ve gone a bit less gothic, more dream catcher...

Posted : 03/05/2019 11:39 am
Full Member

They do appear to have stopped defending themselves on Instagram which was their last line of defence. It was the easiest place to control the conversation anyway.

I can't wait to hear their side of the story this time. "Maverick bike manufacturer bullied out of existence by middle aged forum trolls."

Maybe they've been legally advised to shut their traps for 5 minutes now that people are making claims against them.

I genuinely hope everyone involved gets their money back. And as for the 2 monkeys and their parasite army, I have no sympathy whatsoever.

Posted : 03/05/2019 11:43 am
Free Member

somewhere past that second godwin, when you think a thread simply can't have any more to give...

Posted : 03/05/2019 11:45 am
Full Member

@pictonroad please if you have the gnarpoon t-shirt take it in for a replica tattoo 🙂

Posted : 03/05/2019 12:02 pm
Full Member


Right then.

I've just had the displeasure of reading through all nine pages here. Grizzly has been banned earlier by my esteemed colleague and his more offensive posts have been removed (his less offensive ones haven't, for your viewing pleasure).

Joe, you and Grizzly clearly have a history which long predates posts on here. Whatever that is, I don't care, and I'm not having your little spat pollute STW any further. Posting personal details is the sort of behaviour which leads to litigation, and personal attacks / trolling - however you may feel they're justified - are against the forum T&Cs which you agreed to when you signed up. So, knock it off with immediate effect or you'll be joining your furry friend.

Carry on, play nicely all of you, or there will be hammers.


Posted : 03/05/2019 12:03 pm
Free Member

Something about Occult Tattoo

Companies House has them as dissolved as of 2nd of April, so that explains the empty premises.

Why are people not getting refunds when they've paid with CC or Paypal? What's holding you back? Must be a good warning in here for people going forward with purchases (not just from Sick!).

Posted : 03/05/2019 12:21 pm
Full Member

(his less offensive ones haven’t, for your viewing pleasure).

Hurrah for the modz!

Posted : 03/05/2019 12:25 pm
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