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Bloody criminal the amount of barely used boots that get chucked into cages at Quartermasters then sold to mil surplus companies.

Those work-boots would probably do the trick quite nicely. Some Military boots come with a slightly 'extra' price tag, often undeservedly so, a scene-tax if you will.

Karrimor, Magnum, Viper, Web-tex & Highlander are a few of the lower to middle brands you might be able to pick up some cheap military boots from.

Posted : 05/06/2022 10:07 pm
Full Member

Well if you were asking me I'd go with my trusty Lowa Zephyr mid GTX, but I ain't fighting in Ukraine so **** knows.

Has this thread turned into “what tyres boots for fighting in Ukraine”?

Posted : 05/06/2022 10:09 pm
Full Member

Thanks all, it’s probably easier if I just buy him some of those work ones. No need for a big buy, I can’t really get my head around another project.

Posted : 05/06/2022 10:12 pm
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Topic starter

The BBC has a small trickle of good news- there are reports that half of Severodonetsk had been retake, and another Russian Major General has been killed on the frontline

Posted : 06/06/2022 7:23 am
Free Member
Topic starter

Does anyone know what happened in Kherson? A fre days ago this was the focus of a Ukrainian counterattack, but since then the news has been quiet

Posted : 06/06/2022 7:25 am
Free Member

Small breakthrough by Ukraine, then it stalled, nothing much since.

Posted : 06/06/2022 8:24 am
Full Member

It was a counterattack in Kherson province, not the town itself. My understanding is that its not great attacking terrain, with little cover. It may well have been a tactic to fix units in position rather than moving to the Donbas Line.

Posted : 06/06/2022 9:48 am
Full Member

This guy translates russian intercepts. Eye opening if true.

Posted : 06/06/2022 9:49 am
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Full Member

I spoke to my Russian colleague today for the first time in a few weeks. We are in the process of closing the Russian entity. The last time we spoke he was quite upbeat, he will stay with the company until the end of the year to close everything down. Today he was glum as all of his skills are from working with western international companies and they are dropping like flies. He also said the Russian authorities are talking about stopping English lessons in school

Posted : 08/06/2022 3:56 pm
Full Member

I’m not sure what the attraction of invading somewhere if you’ve reduced it to rubble is, but the strategy seems to be intact.

That is Putin’s aim, basically ethnic cleansing. He hates the idea of Ukraine being recognised as a country in its own right, with a language and culture of its own. He doesn’t recognise any of the facts about the history of Ukraine and how Russia grew from it, Russia, it’s language, culture, etc are everything to him, and he has an overwhelming need to see Ukraine destroyed along with its language, culture, and people; he then has a clean slate he can rebuild as another region of Greater Russia, like The Crimea, The Donbas, etc.

How else do you explain his deliberate targeting of civilian structures like museums and theatres, obvious symbols of Ukrainian culture, and an equally obvious target for his obsession with destroying Ukraine as an entity.

This gives a bit of background to his thinking:

Posted : 08/06/2022 4:14 pm
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Full Member

Russia are withdrawing from the ECHR. Ukraine is still a member. I’ll find a source…

Posted : 08/06/2022 4:18 pm
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Full Member

Added to the confusion in all this depressing mess is that china is apparently doing huge military exercises on the Russian border.
Russian rockets hit a grain supply port depo owned/funded by china last week.
Who knew china imported grain from Ukraine (not Putin apparently)
A closer to home problem is the British nationals about to go on trial with the option of a death sentence.

The phots of the kids who graduated and dressed up for their proms outside the blitz torn schools was a sad sight indeed.

Posted : 08/06/2022 4:45 pm
Free Member

Interesting article CZ.

A saying that sums it up that I use a lot at work: if you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. If you were a KGB agent, everything looks like a plot.

Posted : 08/06/2022 7:19 pm
Full Member

Another piece on the deliberate destruction of Ukrainian cultural heritage by Russia:

Posted : 09/06/2022 1:18 pm
Full Member

Blimey, the Morrocan and the 2 British guys sentenced to death.

Posted : 09/06/2022 3:02 pm
Full Member

By a non-court in a non-country against international law. Honestly, **** Russia. For ever.

Posted : 09/06/2022 3:04 pm
Full Member

Send them everything . Now.

Posted : 09/06/2022 3:15 pm
Full Member

This is pure politicking

Posted : 09/06/2022 3:15 pm
Full Member

No it’s just a very close to home display of what they do.

We have turned a blind eye to them for too long.

There is no appeasement. There can be no ceasefire agreement whilst they possess military strength.

Russia cannot be allowed to continue without consequences.

Posted : 09/06/2022 3:37 pm
Full Member

No it’s just a very close to home display of what they do.

This. It's just a normal day for Russia. It just feels closer to us now. And if Russia can cut Ukraine off from trade routes, take all its resources, bomb the areas they can't take, and then form a well protected land bridge to Moldova, Romania, Slovakia... it's going to get closer still.

Posted : 09/06/2022 3:49 pm
Full Member

Blimey, the Morrocan and the 2 British guys sentenced to death.

Now some political games will be played, sadly. The British soldiers are too valuable to execute?

Or have the Ukranians git any non-Russian prisoners they can also claim are mercenaries?

Messy, and a nightmare for the families.

Posted : 09/06/2022 3:55 pm
Full Member

Or have the Ukranians git any non-Russian prisoners they can also claim are mercenaries?

Seeing how little the Russians care for their own troops, let alone the forced conscripts in Donetsk and Luhansk and any Syrians, Belarusians, Chechens etc that are figting, I doubt they would care a jot.  Life is cheap for Russia it seems.  As others have said, we have ignored Russia for too long, they need to be stopped.

Posted : 09/06/2022 4:08 pm
Full Member

Worst fears I'm afraid.
It's the only way Putin can drag us further in the uk press will run with it and demand action because words are easy.
Not sure on the response the UK government will take.
Freeing up trade routes by escorts boats?

Posted : 09/06/2022 5:00 pm
Full Member

The genius Russian navy has mined the black sea.
Thus ensuring none of the thousands of tons of wheat leave the silos.
Sentancing thousands of African and Middle Eastern folk to death as they rely on those wheat and maize exports to keep themselves alive.
Dumbass russian bell ends

Posted : 09/06/2022 5:58 pm
Free Member

We all knew they were going to be sentenced to death, though, right?

I certainly expected it because there seems to be no limit to this man's actions to provide a victory. He obviously expected to topple the UA govmnt, he obviously expects to take donetsk and luhansk and after seeing what happened at mariupol I expect that execution for those captured is highly likely unless another option presents itself that furthers putins aims yet more....

Posted : 09/06/2022 6:31 pm
Free Member

"Blimey, the Morrocan and the 2 British guys sentenced to death."

I'm sure our foreign Secretary is on the case. After all, they went there with her blessing.

Posted : 09/06/2022 6:31 pm
Full Member

That was the plan after it went tits up for putin destabilize Africa even more with food shortages. Wagner group have been running amuck in mali

the bully cannot win this one he has to be stopped.

Posted : 09/06/2022 6:32 pm
Full Member

I’m sure our foreign Secretary is on the case. After all, they went there with her blessing.

They've been living in Ukraine and serving in their military since long before she became FC and before the current conflict.

Posted : 09/06/2022 6:40 pm
Full Member

After all, they went there with her blessing.

I believe they were both in the Ukrainian army, not UK volunteers that went over during the current phase of the war.

Posted : 09/06/2022 6:42 pm
Full Member

they both hold duel citizenship I believe.

Posted : 09/06/2022 6:45 pm
Full Member

Father's day coming up. I've asked my kids to donate any money they were going to spend on presents to Ukraine charities.

Posted : 09/06/2022 6:53 pm
Free Member

The genius Russian navy has mined the black sea.

Actually it's Ukraine that has mined all their ports, to prevent a Russian amphibious assault via an easy route. They are understandably very hesitant to de-mine them for this reason. This is what is currently preventing export via bulk carriers.

Really it needs a Western naval escort mission but talk about getting close to the action there. I don't think it will happen.

Posted : 09/06/2022 7:49 pm
Full Member

No wonder Sweden are rushing towards NATO membership…

…mixed picture with their membership application recently. USA senate voted in support, Turkey still looking to block.

Posted : 10/06/2022 9:22 am
Full Member

Sweden (and Finland) will probably have to stop any support they give to the Kurds, but Turkey will relent I reckon.  The US, the EU and other NATO members will put huge pressure on them to do so. Erdogan is milking Turkey's leverage here, but some face saving concessions from Sweden and Finland over the Kurds will swing it.  The Kurds unfortunately will be the losers.

Posted : 10/06/2022 10:18 am
Full Member

Turkey is broke so I'm sure they will back down on the NATO front.
Also they changed it's name.

Posted : 10/06/2022 10:35 am
Free Member

The genius Russian navy has mined the black sea.

Actually it’s Ukraine that has mined all their ports

They're blaming one another.
Ukraine says that the mines were seized during the 2014 invasion of Crimea by Russia and 372 were laid by Russia in 2022.
Russia says that the mines are obsolete, 400 were laid by Ukraine and some have broken free from their cables.
The things that can be agreed upon (probably):
372-400 mines have been laid
It'll take months to find them all and get rid (they're tethered below the surface so Arnie/Sly/007 can't take them with a single pistol shot)
Global grain production is due to fall short this harvest season
Russia will want concessions on sanctions to allow removal of the mines that it didn't lay

Posted : 11/06/2022 8:32 am
Free Member

Family with us update: all continues well. Our village, nearby town, government agencies we’ve dealt with, all have been great!

Youngest in village school. Class learning Ukranian, she (and 2 others) learning English. Looks forward to school each day.

Yoga teacher in village giving free yoga classes to Ukrainians, hosted (once made clear to vicar that was neither spiritual nor sexual brand of yoga) at the village church. Plenty of other events also on.

Mom attending English classes in nearby town 3 mornings a week. A local initiative, and nicely run (in as much as I can judge!). Separately, doctors office so helpful and supportive. Made everything very easy.

Jobcentre were also so helpful and good. Patient, supportive, looking for solutions. A hard experience - the change in their situation was laid so bare - but handled with delicacy and kindness.

Nice story from mom I know - her sister hosting Ukranian family, lives in a posh village in Oxfordshire. Asked on village WhatsApp group if anyone had a car they could borrow. One of the local squires said certainly, he had one in one of his barns. That family now bumping round in a huge early 90s v12 jaguar! Apparently so far they’ve only hit the car port with it, but it oak framed so holding up fine!

Situation in Ukraine? Looks utterly grim without end to me. Russia seems willing to trade lives for time and I’m not sure how long western support will continue. Miserable. And with that it mind, I have have no idea as to how our family are really bearing up. They’re building lives here, are outwardly positive, but at the same time are dealing with so much.

Posted : 13/06/2022 7:27 am
Full Member

@Markie, thanks for posting that. An uplifting and positive post in the sea of gloom that is the war in Ukraine.  It's a wonderful thing you are doing. It's great to hear that the community and agencies are doing their best to welcome and accommodate the needs of your guests and others. I'm sure the family are dealing with a great deal and not all of it obvious, but imagine how much worse it would be if they didn't have somewhere safe and welcoming to stay! You have my huge respect 👍

Posted : 13/06/2022 7:36 am
Full Member

You guys hosting families are a real inspiration. That’s a massive thing to do.

Posted : 13/06/2022 8:32 am
Full Member


Posted : 13/06/2022 8:42 am
Full Member

Well done Markie on taking in a family!

My sister's family have taken in a Ukrainian mother & her 10 year old daughter. They are Russian speaking Ukrainians & their English is not great. They are learning English & my Sister's family is learning Russian.
I think the daughter is now attending the local school, and there were a couple of job prospects for the mum. Not sure if she is now working though, or not.
Their Mum/Gran also came over with them & is living with a different family 5mins down the road, so it's good that they have managed to stay together.

I think there is a local network and they have taken in about 8 families in total, so they have a support group - always nice to have familiar people available I think. They had a large communal lunch recently, where I think there was some likes/dislikes with each others traditional cuisine.
All good stuff & they seem to be settling-in well.

Posted : 13/06/2022 9:15 am
Full Member

Both sides seem to be using a lot of drones both for spotting and dropping munitions. Drones vary in size from DJI Mavic to TB2. Some seem to being defeated using jammers, some are being shot down using manpads. Given the relative cost of cheap drones to manpads that doesn't seem sustainable.

Does anyone know if there's anything better being developed? Slow moving drones at fairly low altitude seem to me to be vulnerable to old fashioned anti aircraft guns especially if radar targeted.

Posted : 13/06/2022 7:23 pm
Full Member

Well done Markie top family effort 👍👍

Posted : 13/06/2022 8:04 pm
Full Member

Brilliant Markie and family!

Posted : 13/06/2022 9:20 pm
Free Member

Situation in Ukraine? Looks utterly grim without end to me. Russia seems willing to trade lives for time and I’m not sure how long western support will continue.

"Zelenskiy tells Germany to give Ukraine support, worry less about Russia"
Scholz and Macron are finally going to Kyiv for the first time along with Draghi of Italy, although Germany hasn't publicly confirmed it yet.
The visit by the leaders of the three largest economies in the EU, who all have links to Russia, will hopefully send a signal of continued western support for Ukraine ahead of the G7 hosted by Germany later this month.
Ukraine is running short of ammunition while Germany hasn't sent promised artillery yet. Hopefully this will change too, it doesn't take four months to train artillery crews!

Posted : 14/06/2022 6:11 am
Free Member

Thanks all.

Posted : 14/06/2022 8:10 am
Free Member

Father’s day coming up. I’ve asked my kids to donate any money they were going to spend on presents to Ukraine charities.

Good idea, I'm going to ask my two to do the same but for Yemen. They desperately need the support. Unfortunately, whilst it seems very fashionable to support Ukraine at the moment, Yemen receives very little international attention, media coverage or support, despite a far greater loss of life and poverty than Ukraine. You can donate to Yemen via Save the Children of Unicef. Or maybe you could split your donation between both?

Posted : 14/06/2022 9:38 am
Full Member

Our company intranet reporting a 40% reduction in gas deliveries down the Nordstream 1 pipe to Germany from yesterday. Although the official reason given by Gazprom is due to reliability issues with the gas compressors used to push it down the pipe, the real reason seems to be that a couple of large units were sent to Canada for service and now won't be returned due to sanctions.

This could develop into a significant problem for central Europe supplies if this is the first instance of similar failures. Self inflicted sanctions, love it. 🤣

Posted : 15/06/2022 10:00 am
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