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    Full Member

    That’s what I used to believe until it was pointed out to me on here all the negative effects of a tidal barrage thingy.

    tidal flow rather than barrages are the way forward.  Two sites – pentland firth and sound of Islay would give a nice steady baseload as the tides are 4 hours apart.  Unfortunately has had no significant investment despite the tech being available.  Not without its own issues but not insurmountable

    Free Member

    I cannot see any large scale hydro being built again in the UK

    I would consider tidal barrages as hydro, and there are quite a few potential sites. That’s not the same as tidal flow generation.

    Unfortunately has had no significant investment despite the tech being available.

    Just because you see some article on Facebook doesn’t mean it’s available to use.  The startups that do these things get people to write articles about how amazing and almost ready they are – but there are significant technical challenges still.

    Of course, it should be backed by the state. It’s ridiculous that something as vital as energy generation is not state-run and.. oh look a Labour policy.

    Full Member

    What’s the wow for? You vote communist.

    Because shouting “communist” is a standard right-wing response when they can’t think of anything else to say. From Daily Mail column writers to US Republicans.

    Just remind everyone that I’m a communist……. that should do it.

    I will probably be backing the LibDem candidate in my safe Tory seat btw, he is extremely good on Gaza.

    Full Member

    I’m not shouting. You said you voted communist in the London elections. With that in mind, it’s not really a surprise that you consider the current Labour leadership right wing. Their positions on most things are to the right of me as well. I just accept that a Labour government in modern times just isn’t going to happen if you scare off the voters with a program too close to my own personal politics.

    Full Member

    Voting communist?  Are there actually communist candidates standing anywhere?  I have never seen any

    Free Member

    tidal flow rather than barrages are the way forward. Two sites – pentland firth and sound of Islay would give a nice steady baseload as the tides are 4 hours apart. Unfortunately has had no significant investment despite the tech being available. Not without its own issues but not insurmountable

    TJ- They have trying to harness that power for literally decades.

    So far the issues have been insurmountable on a commercially viable scale.

    I was involved in 1 project in 2012 and it didn’t go well.

    Full Member

    Fair enough but the tech worksd in other places does it not?  Its certainly true that there has been little investment compared to say nuclear

    Its no panacea tho – huge amounts of concrete needed to anchor the turbines and maintenance is a key issue.  Can you say which project it was?

    Free Member

    the tech worksd in other places does it not?

    I don’t think so – they can build all manner of turbines but the problem is keeping it running with a load of moving parts sitting in salt water getting covered in barnacles and sand and whatnot.

    Free Member

    Grasmere is soooo tempting.   Sadly the Cotswolds are limestone so no joy there.

    There are few places left behind by the North of Scotland Hydroelectric Board – some that come to mind are Caiplich/Avon (Cairngorm). Tarf (Athol) and the biggy, Fisherfield in Wester Ross.

    I am aware that some of the existing dams are never at full capacity now – Monar’s cut off dam, the concrete wall is never allowed to impound water, so some expansion, rainfall willing, of existing infrastructure is a possibility.

    Full Member

    You said you voted communist in the London elections.

    I also said that I voted Green. I voted Green in the mayoral election, Green for the local London assembly member, and Communist for the party list.

    The idea that I am not entitled to express my opinions on here because you don’t like the way I vote is absurd.

    I am perfectly open about my political views and I certainly won’t tailor them to suit you.

    And btw try to perhaps be a little less arrogant with your use of the term “we”. Others might share your opinions, many obviously do, but I am fairly certain that you don’t speak for everyone. Most people manage fine with “I” when expressing their opinions.

    Full Member

    The idea that I am not entitled to express my opinions on here because you don’t like the way I vote is absurd.

    Now you’re be absurd.

    Full Member

    the alternative was to sit on the opposition benches feeling “right” for yet another term.

    Or make the case that neo-liberalism is not in anyone’s interest (those who work for someone else on a small wage).

    Full Member

    Thought I’d just pop my head in here to see if there was any interesting or perceptive chat.

    **** hell guys. Don’t you realise how you’re behaving?

    Full Member

    Just listening to the Reform launch, featuring barking  mad old trout Anne Widdecombe 😳

    Nige is off to Merica apparently, to help out his mate Donnie

    Full Member

    Or make the case that neo-liberalism is not in anyone’s interest

    The Clive Lewis approach.. a Labour MP I would agree with on most things.. but a soon as you’re using the term new-liberalism you’ve lost a huge swath of the voting public, and the General Election.

    Anyway… I’ve got to find out how I can help with Labour leaflet drops now we’re into the campaign period proper… don’t buy into the “they’re all the same” narrative… do what you can in your seat to kick and keep the Tories out.

    Free Member

    It was a protype sub sea turbine.

    They ended up failing to complete the installation before the current peaked, which resulted in damage to the cable making it useless.

    The technology exists in regards to the turbines etc. That’s pretty straight forward.

    It’s the issues with the installation and maintenance in such a hostile environment and it being commercially viable.

    Personally, I always thought they should try doing it areas with lower currents but believe me a lot of very smart people have been trying to crack this for years.

    There’s no doubt that it’s solvable, some of the engineering in offshore O&G is incredible, but O&G can produce a lot more energy for a smaller investment, than tidal ever will.

    Full Member

    Now you’re be absurd.

    And now you can’t even own up to what you said:

    Look. We get it. You vote Communist. Any government the UK is prepared to elect with our winner takes all system will look “right wing” to you. We get that point.

    If that’s not attempting to tell me not to make my point I don’t know what is.

    Don’t be so disingenuous.

    Full Member

    Richard Tice just referred to ‘the boogie-blaster of the remouner-in-chief’ 😂

    He then accused the present Tory party of being socialists.

    Full Member

    I haven’t heard of any new pump storage projects ( not a dig – genuine interest)

    Think still all at the proposal stage.

    That’s what I used to believe until it was pointed out to me on here all the negative effects of a tidal barrage thingy.

    It depends on the type. Some seem more viable and lower impact than others. The severn one for example would likely be horrendous but ones using tidal range rather than barriers could be effective. However would need a lot of investment since very early days.

    Full Member

    Ta dissonance / gobuchal

    Free Member

    What worries me most is people assuming it’s a done deal – and seeing no point in voting, as Labour are all set to win. (several people in my office have said this already this morning)

    During Brexit, I assumed it won’t actually happen, surely not. You can never assume!!

    Full Member

    For all interested in pumped hydro schemes, this is being actively worked on at the moment by SSE: https://www.coireglas.com/

    Free Member

    Maybe it’s just me who is slightly concerned by the longer term future..

    labour will win by a landslide, serve 5 years and when they’ve not managed to undo 14 years of Tory mismanagement and incompetence the tories will be back in.

    only this time it’ll be an even more ghastly incarnation (is that possible) led by one of the few nutters in parliament they’ll have left come 4th July

    Free Member

    Tidal is a 10 year not 5 year thing though… and laying down new renewable energy sources FAST will be the theme of the next parliament… so won’t come into play at this election at all. Long term though, we should be using it.

    As a bare minimum it’s a long way off.  And it’s a limited number of sites.

    I don’t think people quite comprehend how big the windfarms going in on the North Sea are.  They’re huge both individually and in the areas being covered. It’s not like looking out of your window and seeing a handful of small onshore  turbines on a nearby hill. And those onshore ones are small, and it is a handful in comparison tow hat’s being put up offshore.  That’s a reflection of the amount of low carbon energy required.   Tidal flow is probably 40 years behind that sort of roll-out. It’s not just technological.  It’s

    Design a system that works reliably

    Develop the infrastructure to install it

    Grow the companies that could build them,

    Grow the companies that could operate them.

    You don’t just need £billions to get it off the ground, you need someone to set up a company to do it as well to give those billions to.  Otherwise you’re in a Chris Grayling giving contracts to ferry companies with no boats scenario.

    Full Member

    On a side note.

    Simon Case is finally appearing at the covid inquiry today. He must be chuffed that a)the election is taking up most of the headlines and b)the few it isnt taking up Vennels is for the post office inquiry.

    Full Member

    Ta for the info about the pumped storage.

    Free Member

    This is the eternal labour issue. Some of them would rather remain in opposition and be able to bitch about everything than accept there will never be their socialist utopia.

    Repeating this tiresome crap doesn’t make it true. The left has shown repeatedly that it will hold its nose and support a centrist candidate. Compare and contrast with how centrists treated Corbyn.

    Full Member

    It was Starmer who conflated himself with Thatcher

    No doubt belongs is on his own thread, but having checked what he actually said in the article in question, I don’t think it’s what the Haterz (want to) believe it to be.

    Full Member

    Compare and contrast with how centrists treated Corbyn.

    I didn’t like Corbyn because he was shit at the job. Labour was in a shambles, he let the anti-Semitics off, he was useless during the EU referendum because he was a closeted brexiteer, and couldn’t muster up any clear plans or policies that could be implemented.

    Put me forward a competent left wing leader and I’ll happily get behind them.

    I’m not a big fan of Starmer but he’s had a plan and put the people in place to deliver it. As long as Rayner is beside him shouting loudly I’m happy

    Free Member

    My understanding is, that like it or not, the Labour party cannot get elected without appealing to a significant number of Conservative party voters, because of FPTP and the fragmented vote on the left.

    Full Member

    ‘Labour leader says former PM ‘set loose our natural entrepreneurialism’ in appeal to Tory voters to back him’ is an example of a congruent conflation. He’s saying to Tory voters elements of what they saw in Thatcher they can also see in him.

    Full Member

    Compare and contrast with how centrists treated Corbyn.

    I absolutely despised Magic Grandad with a passion, not because of his beliefs, but because he was a completely hopeless politician, was an absolute gift to the Tories, had more baggage than the cargo hold of a 747 and was also as passionate a Brexiteer as Farage

    Not only did I vote for him twice but I went out and campaigned for the useless old goat (or the party under his laughably bad ‘leadership’) because ANY Labour government has to be better than the Tory’s. Plenty of other people did the same

    You lefties should really take your tinfoil helmets off every once in a while

    Labour are 15-30 ahead on the polls. It’s worth remembering that when grandad belatedly shuffled off to the allotment they were 24 points behind the Tory’s having just suffered a catastrophic defeat

    Full Member

    Repeating this tiresome crap doesn’t make it true. The left has shown repeatedly that it will hold its nose and support a centrist candidate. Compare and contrast with how centrists treated Corbyn.

    And immediately it gets turned into an attack on centrists……

    Just because you don’t believe it is true,  doesn’t make it incorrect.  Labour consistently falls into infighting from factions.  The tories just want power and will focus on that.  If you are not in power it doesn’t matter what you want…

    Full Member

    MP resignation letter dated a month ago


    She must be one of the MPs told to hold back going public & spacing out resignations over the summer, now forced to act over Sunaks u-turn

    Expect a flood of these from very pissed off MPs

    Free Member

    You lefties should really take your tinfoil helmets off every once in a while

    It really is an absolute mystery as to why the Labour vote is so fractured.

    Full Member

    I came back to post about young people and student voting, and thought for a few moments I was back in the Nuclear Energy Clean Energy thread, and then other people descending into name calling.

    I guess STW will STW……🥱

    Full Member

    Anyway…….This thread from Ben Goldacre is important if you were on here yesterday asking about your kids at uni etc can register and where, and that their (or anybody’s) ID does not need to have an address on it


    Screenshot 2024-05-23 130623

    Full Member

    You lefties should really take your tinfoil helmets off every once in a while

    I don’t think he’s talking about you binners, we all know you’re the most loyal of party loyalists, even when you were calling him an anti-semite. The problem is not people like you who didn’t like him or thought he was useless, the problem was labour MPs and party officials who at every turn did their best to prevent a labour government and ensure the tories stayed in power. Even with all his faults the UK would be a very different, less chaotic and less hostile place now than it was in 2017 and 2019, and everything that the tories have done in that time is in no small way a result of the actions of those labour MPs, officials and others. They can all f*** right off as far as I’m concerned.

    Full Member

    Expect a flood of these from very pissed off MPs

    So of course the Tories will need to find new candidates at no notice…that is going to go well then.

    Full Member

    Also for anyone struggling with an appropriate ID:


    Screenshot 2024-05-23 131032

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