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  • UK Election!
  • theotherjonv
    Full Member

    Go back and read it properly. Every word, read every word.

    You’ll kick yourself.

    Full Member

    Keir Starmer’s eighth pledge, which he made in 2020, was fine:

    8. Radical devolution of power, wealth and opportunity

    Push power, wealth and opportunity away from Whitehall. A federal system to devolve powers – including through regional investment banks and control over regional industrial strategy. Abolish the House of Lords – replace it with an elected chamber of regions and nations.

    I can’t see anything wrong with that.

    Full Member

    I actually find your contempt for “the population” quite insulating. But there you are…..we all have our different points of view.

    So you’re OK with the population voting for Brexit, 14 years of Tory rule, destruction of public services, demonisation of anyone deemed to be other because that’s what people voted for, again and again. You’re entitled to your point of view of course but personally I’d rather live in a country where there is some mutual respect and universal support for people who need it. Shame that’s not what people voted for but if you’re happy to support people voting on the grounds of ignorance and intolerance crack on.

    Free Member

    @theotherjonv what are you on about?

    Full Member

    If they can’t proofread a leaflet, what else can’t they be trusted on the detail of

    Is the answer other unimportant issues?

    Full Member

    OK, comment withdrawn. It wasn’t serious. Sorry for any slight distraction from the bighitter circular bickering.


    Free Member

    @theotherjonv we just can’t see what your point is, I’ve read it twice now which is twice as many times as I care to and am now bored. So once again, for the hard of thinking, what are you on about?

    Full Member

    Is it the non-traditional spelling of ‘Zöe’ which the Guildford LDs website suggests is how she spells it?

    Intrigued what I’m not seeing now.

    Full Member

    What are the second and third words of the headline?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I reckon there are two missing words that somehow didn’t get printed, “c**ts and”

    Full Member

    OK, comment withdrawn. It wasn’t serious.

    Okay but on a side note I quite like the idea that the LibDem election leaflet being pushed through letterboxes in Guildford might contain spelling errors.

    It suggests that instead of a slick professionally produced leaflet from the national party local party members have produced their own leaflet discussing local issues.

    Part of the problem with contemporary politics imo is that it is marketed as a business and with little actual substance and conviction. Although still a long way away we are moving ever closer to the American model of politics.

    Free Member

    What are the second and third words of the headline?

    Oh ffs, can’t see the woods for the trees!

    Full Member

    Yup, repeated words are a recurring problem are a problem which forever baffles me. I’m constantly having to strike them out.

    Full Member

    Ho ho

    Free Member

    And then put in a maximum voting age of 60

    So people who are still economically active will be banned, makes no sense. However I’d like to see a maximum age for standing for election of 67 and a maximum age to hold office of 72.

    Full Member

    How about (based on a made up life expectancy of 78) you get 60 voting points at 18 and it then drops by one a year as you get older.  The young (who traditionally aren’t great at actually voting I know) have on average to live with the consequences for longer of a dubious administration, referendum result of the like and therefore should be listened to more.
    I am open to variations on the points scheme – perhaps as simple as 110 minus your age so as not to disenfranchise the old (well not as much) and to account for different voting ages for different elections.
    For reference I am shortly to be 53.

    Full Member


    The very latest Opinium poll, fieldwork done yesterday and Thursday.

    Opinium because of their methodology have consistently been more generous to the Tories than other pollsters. I suspect that they are likely to be the most accurate.

    Its still a comfortable Labour lead but a lot can happen between now and July 4th.

    Full Member

    Interesting chat with my brexity sister in law today

    She’s very angry at farage for ditching reform & running off to America &  doesn’t like Tice

    Won’t vote Labour & doesn’t like Sunak, so has no idea whether she’ll bother voting

    That opinium poll has reform lower than others too and I can see that bearing out.

    Full Member

    She’s very angry at farage for ditching reform & running off to America & doesn’t like Tice

    Eh? Hasn’t he taken time off from GB News to campaign for Reform UK?

    What were the chances that he would have been a candidate in her constituency anyway?

    Free Member

    The poll posted above states 55% currently believe it was wrong for the UK to leave the EU. I can only see that increasing, especially if 16 & 17 year olds are allowed to vote in 2029

    Why do you think 16 and 17 year olds would be particularly interested in something that happened when they were 6 or 7 years old based on a vote that happened when they were 2 or 3 years old?

    A sensible 2nd chamber idea could involve turning House of Commons into an English parliament, with HoL becoming an elected UK upper chamber  for reviewing legislation from all 4 UK lower chambers within a federated UK.

    Apart from the fact that the English electorate has no interest in a devolved legal parliament, your suggestion would:

    – be much worse for Scotland and Wales (and nuclear for NI) because you’d have a UK legislature in a position to veto devolved legislation

    – not have a space for legislating on issues that aren’t devolved to turn assemblies eg foreign policy.

    Full Member



    I’m not sure this is well thought out, I suppose they’ve anyway lost the youth vote anyway, but still not sure how popular this is with older voters?

    Full Member

    Eh? Hasn’t he taken time off from GB News to campaign for Reform UK?

    No, he’s buggered off to grift in the US

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Eh? Hasn’t he taken time off from GB News to campaign for Reform UK?

    She’s upset because he’s not running as an MP

    And she wanted him to lead the party

    She gets all her knowledge of the world from GBNews

    Full Member

    Is it wrong to hope farage will be flying by light plane again, and doesn’t get so lunch this time?

    Full Member

    I’m not sure this is well thought out, I suppose they’ve anyway lost the youth vote anyway, but still not sure how popular this is with older voters?

    It will be as welcome as a fart in a lift with the forces chiefs of staff. All those couldn’t give a **** recruits to manage for a year.

    Free Member

    Well I for one think mandatory volunteering is a fantastic idea, I’d like to see any of you lot come up with something better when you’re smashed out your face on whatever he’s been having.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure this is well thought out, I suppose they’ve anyway lost the youth vote anyway, but still not sure how popular this is with older voters?

    going by the fail (or the tory faithful) comments section I don’t think this is the policy they are looking for.

    Full Member

    going by the fail (or the tory faithful) comments section I don’t think this the policy they are looking for.

    Yeah I read that too. They seem to hate the policy for mainly the same reason that I think it might possibly be a good idea.

    The idea of having an army full of kids who hate the army, and everything about it, fills them with complete horror. I actually think that it’s quite healthy. After all the US draft played a significant role in ending the Vietnam war.

    But yeah, I think the geezer has lost his mind. He seems to be on a mission to secure a huge landslide victory for Labour.

    Starmer must be wondering what the hell he has done to deserve such recurring good luck.

    Full Member

    And then put in a maximum voting age of 60

    I’ll be happy to stop voting if it means I’m not paying any tax.

    Full Member


    Why do you think 16 and 17 year olds would be particularly interested in something that happened when they were 6 or 7 years old based on a vote that happened when they were 2 or 3 years old?

    The demographic gets increasingly anti-brexit the younger the population. My guess is young people are quite unimpressed with the shitshow we have given them

    Screenshot 2024-05-25 230532

    Interestingly as well since the Election date was called intention to vote has increased dramatically, particularly among 18-24 year olds, with an increase in 17 points!

    Screenshot 2024-05-25 231254

    Free Member

    just looked @ uk population by age group, the Army could have to find facilities to house 1 million new recruits :?

    Full Member

    But yeah, I think the geezer has lost his mind. He seems to be on a mission to secure a huge landslide victory for Labour.

    I actually think this is Sunak and Hunts plan. They have trashed the country so badly, time for a quick exit, and then start blaming the next government for all of it.

    Edit: Also I think they realise will lose to Labour so will come up with increasingly batshit promises (like national service) in the hope they hold off Reform. It must have been a moment of “clarity” when they came up with that one ha ha

    Free Member

    “I’ll be happy to stop voting if it means I’m not paying any tax.”

    sadly that’s not how it works. My wife pays a hell of a lot of tax yet isn’t allowed to vote in anything other than local elections…

    Free Member

    just looked @ uk population by age group, the Army could have to find facilities to house 1 million new recruits

    The devil is in the detail. If I have read it correctly there would only be 30000 in the forces for a whole year selected competitively ( “ the brightest and best” ), everyone else would have mandatory “voluntary” work ( yes, I know but apparently that is what it says) for 12 weekends in the year. Still going to cost many, many millions per year

    Full Member

    The Daily Telegraph really has firmly secured the mantle of newspaper for the deranged swivel-eyed loonies. Eat your heart Daily Mail.


    “So it is extremely welcome that the Conservatives have come up with a refreshingly bold idea to restore a sense of national pride among the younger generation.”

    Free Member

    the prime minister has unveiled a plan that would see 18-year-olds given the choice of a full-time military placement for 12 months or a scheme to volunteer for one weekend a month for a year…The placement would be selective – with tests used to decide who is eligible – and involve working with the armed forces or in cyber defence. The voluntary option would see young people spending 25 days with organisations such as the police, the fire service, the NHS, or charities that work with older isolated people….”To those who complain that making it mandatory is unreasonable, I say: citizenship brings with it obligations as well as rights.”

    1) There’s no need for the Army to find 1 million new units of accommodation. Practically no-one would join the military: only whoever wanted to go and the military actually wanted. The rest of these kids will be pushed over to “the NHS” (but presumably not the privatised parts) etc to find some time-wasting nonsense to do for one weekend a month. Not sure what the Tories think a fire service would do with a bunch of unskilled 18 year olds…but in any case all this only comes after a Royal Commission reports its findings (by which time it will all have been forgotten and any awkwardness can be blamed on the woke judge that chaired the commission).

    2) Sunak has never served a day in his life in the military or law enforcement or the fire service, not as an employee or a volunteer. Neither has his wife. Not her parents. Nor his parents. And not his siblings either. Sunak’s first day as an MP was the first day he ever was employed in any kind of public body.

    Sunak’s sudden enthusiasm for the military and national service is the result of zero personal experience and an understanding that it’s the kind of thing that other people’s kids do.

    Full Member

    Absolute non starter of a policy. Tomorrow will be bringing back corporal punish schools and Monday it will be the death penalty. If it wasn’t so serious it would be hysterical how desperate they have become.

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