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  • UFC Content – Did Aldo Take a Dive?
  • jimjam
    Free Member


    but one thing that confuses me is why they punch differently to boxers? they seem to use a slap type punch as opposed to a ‘normal’ punch.

    In an nutshell different threats mean a different stance, different weight distribution/bias, in addition to different wraps and different gloves.

    Some fighters will choose a grappling wrap, others will choose a striking wrap. Each have pros and cons.

    Full Member

    Not if the technique is good.

    if you hit a hard object like a head, with a ‘boxing’ style punch, developed from having the comfort of 16oz gloves with only 4 oz gloves on, you run a big risk of breaking something.

    but obviously not in your world…

    Free Member

    Seriously, 14 world titles at 18? Who is he? He must have been winning junior worlds since he was 4!
    Please don’t say he’s won more than 1 world championship for 1 age / weight group in any 1 year or it’s going to sound bobbins.

    Free Member

    Please don’t say he’s won more than 1 world championship for 1 age / weight group in any 1 year or it’s going to sound bobbins.

    I wrote:

    There’s an 18 year old lad in our club has 14 world titles, 22 European titles, 80 odd national titles in TKD and Kickoxing, but he can’t get into the national team. He fights his own weight division, the one above it and the one above that. He fights cadet and senior.

    You wrote:

    What you’re missing on a lot of these titles (in tkd) is that the same person, on the same day can win (for example)
    light weight, middle weight, heavy weight sparring

    Breaking (hand) breaking (foot)

    High kick


    Team Patterns


    so that’s something like 9 titles on one day, and it sounds very much like he fights above his weight / age so very very likely.

    I wrote:

    There’s an 18 year old lad in our club has 14 world titles, 22 European titles, 80 odd national titles in TKD and Kickoxing, but he can’t get into the national team. He fights his own weight division, the one above it and the one above that. He fights cadet and senior.

    You wrote:

    Seriously, 14 world titles at 18? Who is he? He must have been winning junior worlds since he was 4!
    Please don’t say he’s won more than 1 world championship for 1 age / weight group in any 1 year or it’s going to sound bobbins.

    I lolled.

    Free Member

    So glad that smurfmat is back in the fold 😆

    Free Member

    This video shows that Aikido is the true king of martial arts.

    You are not invincible!

    The best defence against sword technique in real life 🙂

    Posted by Aikido Academy-uk on Tuesday, December 8, 2015

    Full Member

    now who’s trolling?

    Free Member

    Umm….. it was supposed to be a joke. Terribly sorry.

    Free Member

    Skipped the last 3 pages but I do have a quick question. How much do you reckon the top guys earn in UFC? (i have no idea). I assume its in the hundreds of thousands at least?

    Next question is how much do the top guys in Wanman’s club make (including their day jobs)

    Surely if every black belt trained martial artist could kick the crap out of them in the octagon then why aren’t they earning the big bucks in the UFC?

    Is it because

    a:they’re all pasifists, and they feel its to violent
    b: they don’t want to earn huge amounts of cash fighting infront of 20 thousand addoring fans in the MSG
    c: Wanma is full of absolute shit…

    Free Member

    There was a kid at my school who was a bit different.. Like the speccy gadge from The Inbetweeners in a school full of pikeys, farmers and suburban trash..
    He had a tough time..

    He’d taken aikido lessons over the summer one year and chose to give a presentation in front of the English class on the power of harnessing chi..

    He picked his nemesis, a particularly nasty little scrote, to be his victim for the purpose of the demonstration..
    Unfortunately he had drastically underestimated the killer instinct of your standard predatory feral toerag..

    Things did not end well for the young aikido student 🙁

    Full Member

    see mike tyson quote above.

    everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth

    Free Member


    Skipped the last 3 pages but I do have a quick question. How much do you reckon the top guys earn in UFC? (i have no idea). I assume its in the hundreds of thousands at least?

    It varies from fighter to fighter, depending on their profile. Speaking in dollars, and excluding other sponsorship deals they may have you might typically expect mid ranked fighters on a UFC undercard to earn $20-30 thousand a fight. They may then receive a win bonus $20,000) and performance of the night bonus ($50,000) and if they are involved in fight of the night $50,000 whether they win or lose.

    So the same fighter might come away with $150,000 as the UFC wants to incentivise fighters to perform. The higher up the ranks a fighter goes, the more they make. They also have personal sponsors which can earn them $100,000 to $1million a year.

    Someone like Conor McGregor or Jose Aldo will get a minimum contracted amount ie $500,000 for Conor and $400,000 for Jose last weekend but tied into that they will earn a percentage of PPV and gate revenue. It’s safe to assume Conor got at least $2million (which he got for fighting Mendes), but it has been rumoured he earned as much as $15 million. The UFC generally try not to disclose these amounts.

    He then has personal sponsorship deals with Reebok and Monster as well as appearing on the cover of the latest EA sports UFC game with Rousey who is rumoured to earn around $10million pa.

    Free Member

    Skipped the last 3 pages but I do have a quick question. How much do you reckon the top guys earn in UFC? (i have no idea). I assume its in the hundreds of thousands at least?

    McGregor got $500k on saturday

    but, the guys fighting at the bottom of the card, and who lost got $20 or $30k

    Free Member

    Next question is how much do the top guys in Wanman’s club make (including their day jobs)

    Well they all run their own very successful enterprises. They all live in very nice parts of Edinburgh and I’d be very surprised if any of them earn less than £300k/yr. They are probably exceptions to the rules though.

    Full Member

    I’d be very surprised if any of them earn less than £300k/yr.


    Free Member

    wml, you are Walter Mitty and I claim my £5

    Full Member

    If they’re sitting on skills that could earn them millions, why are they bothering with the small change stuff? Lack of ambition, is disappoint.

    Free Member

    Are you ok wanmankylung? Suffered any head traumas recently? Seriously, I’m actually quite concerned for you. 😉

    Free Member

    unlikely as his behaviour seems unaffected

    Free Member

    where is this Gym? the best fighters in the world, who are all millionaires?

    seems to good to be true.

    Free Member

    Where exactly is this stupendous institution full of one-percenter ‘kick to kill’ TKD assassins? Is it like that bit in IT Crowd except with underground ‘Street Kicks’? Is there a sign over the door saying ‘TOO DANGEROUS FOR THE LIKES OF YOU’?

    Free Member

    Rockplough – Member

    Where exactly is this stupendous institution full of one-percenter ‘kick to kill’ TKD assassins? Is it like that bit in IT Crowd except with underground ‘Street Kicks’? Is there a sign over the door saying ‘TOO DANGEROUS FOR THE LIKES OF YOU’?

    I think it’s on an Island somewhere off the coast of China. It’s not on any maps, doesn’t show up on GPS but once every hundred years a chosen few will receive an invitation to fight there to determine who is earth’s greatest hero.

    Anyway, enough of this sad man. Anyone looking forward to this weekends fights? I think I’m as excited about this card as last weekend.

    Donald Cerone vs Rafael dos Anjos
    Junior Dos Sanos vs Alistair Overeem
    Nate Diaz vs Michael Johnson.

    I mean, none of them have any martial arts skills, (apart from multiple kickboxing and Muay Thai world champs, BJJ world champs, multiple times K1 Grand Prix championships)

    Free Member

    and I’d be very surprised if any of them earn less than £300k/yr.

    Hehe. This is the thread that keeps on giving.

    Also, I bet when they sharpen knives, they get so sharp they have to inform NATO as they are classed as WMD’s.

    And all their dads were kicked out of the SAS for being too hard.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’d be very surprised if any of them earn less than £300k/yr

    that 18 year old has done very well for himself

    Free Member

    agree about this weeks fights, and there’s some crackers after new year too…

    Free Member

    I’d be very surprised if any of them earn less than £300k/yr

    FFS mate give up!

    You are coming across as an absolute ball bag.

    I cannot believe this thread is still going.

    Free Member

    I think it’s because it keeps on giving.

    Free Member

    Junkyard – lazarus

    I’d be very surprised if any of them earn less than £300k/yr

    that18 year old has done very well for himself[/quote]

    And you think I’m struggling to keep up! This is great. Certainly filling the dead time until Christmas!

    Free Member

    You are coming across as an absolute ball bag.


    Free Member

    If they all earn that much they should chip in and get an architect to design them a gym in the shape of an enormous can of whoopass.

    Free Member

    Donald Cerone vs Rafael dos Anjos
    Junior Dos Sanos vs Alistair Overeem
    Nate Diaz vs Michael Johnson.

    All tough calls but great card like you say… I’m going

    Dos Anjos
    Dos Sanos

    wanmankylung – your making me smile more and more each time I log on 🙂 please continue.

    Don’t reckon any guys at my local martial arts club earns over £50k (probably not close) but I may be wrong but saing that I wasn’t training with the worlds most elite martial artists.

    Free Member

    Certainly interesting fights. What’s making it more interesting is the increased drug testing. In the old days fighters were caning testosterone amongst other things, but now they can’t. A lot of people have made two very interesting points, fighters were running out of steam very early in the fights, and a lot of fighters have lost a lot of bulk, Aldo being one of them.

    Something to bear in mind when betting Dos Anjos for the win

    Free Member

    This thread is for the pedantic…….leave it alone now…..forget it, life’s too short…..I don’t mind that he objected to my description that triggered all this crap…… 🙄
    Seriously you will never convince someone that doesn’t accept that you can have an opinion on something and or use the wrong description………..
    I wonder how many martial artists I could talk to in a pub without knocking them out 😆

    Free Member

    I was asked how much the people i train with earn in a year. I gave an answer. Is it beyond belief that a senior partner in a law firm, a guy who runs several very successful companies, a guy who owns a massive electrical wholesaler, a guy who runs an insurance company, all earn £300k/yr+ and are successful in martial arts. There’s probably a link. In the club there’s also a head teacher of an exclusive private school, a professor of quantum physics, a couple of consultant physicians.

    There’s a lesson here – dont assume that because your experience doens’t match with others that it doesn’t and can’t happen.

    A parting shot – an opinion is like an anus, if you probe too deeply things get messy very quickly. It’s best to only probe people who you know and like.


    Full Member

    This is going off on a complete tangent but does anyone else think that the ring girls look completely out of place?

    I thought it was weird the first time I saw a women’s fight. I’m not sure if I thought they should be men up there holding the cards or something but to me having some models walk round the ring while the fighters were getting there cuts seen to and trying to recover enough to get back into battle was bizarre. Then I started to think they looked really out of place in the men’s events too.

    It’s a three round fight, I think I can remember which round we’re in.

    Full Member

    Britney and Arianne are pretty much part of the “brand”. Arguably better known than a lot of the fighters!

    Free Member

    Cheerie Tìoraidh

    FTFY 🙂

    Full Member

    If you got rid of them do you reckon there’d be a drop in gate and PPV revenue?

    I could be wrong but MMA always struck me as trying to be more progressive.

    Free Member

    senior partner in a law firm,

    Of course!

    So the other Senior Partners from the Law Firm are happy for him to be risking serious injury sparring with you and your mates.

    a guy who runs an insurance company

    Runs an insurance company????

    all earn £300k/yr+

    They discuss their salaries with you?

    Where is your gym by the way? Canary Wharf or in The City?

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