• This topic has 99 replies, 56 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Jamie.
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  • Things that shouldn't make me go arggh but do……..
  • ivnickkate
    Free Member

    Yes i know, not real problems.

    People who pick up items in supermarkets, decide that they don’t require said item, and leave it wherever they want.

    People who can’t fill skips properly.


    Free Member

    People who follow me around supermarkets scrutinizing what I pick up, and where I leave it.

    Full Member

    People who amble around the supermarket, blocking the whole aisle, pretending that no other people exist.

    No effort to get out of anyone else’s way, no acknowledgment of anyone who gets out of their way. Never any eye contact, ever.

    Why not, instead, just try and act like a decent human?*

    *versatile concept, can be applied in many situations

    Free Member

    Supermarkets that don’t put similar things together so you pick up a packet of bikkies from one place and get round the corner to find that there’s a different brand that’s better or cheaper. I always leave the original packet in the new spot so that other shoppers can compare them, see it as a community service. Also sends a subtle message to the staff that they should organize their supermarket better.

    People who try to get all friendly at the supermarket, making eye-contact, etc. Bloody weirdos, just because we both like chocolate bikkies doesn’t mean I want to invite you round home or something.

    Full Member

    Since we’re on a supermarket theme- supermarkets that despite having a free from section still put gluten free stuff in with the normal stuff. Funnily enough, I didn’t see that you have freshly baked gluten free rolls, Sainsburys, because I don’t go in the bloody bakery because it’s completely full of stuff I want to eat that I can’t. You monsters. I was over here, in the wheat free ghetto, wondering where the bread is.

    Full Member

    People who pick up items in supermarkets, decide that they don’t require said item, and leave it wherever they want.

    Not just supermarkets, book shops and record shops, items which have obviously been picked up, carried around for a bit then just abandoned randomly elsewhere in the shop.

    Full Member

    People who are so convinced that they know exactly what a poster on a thread means that they don’t actually bother to read the post. And then start a fight. And can’t be reasoned with.

    On the supermarket theme :
    People who spread out their 10 items on the conveyor so that there is no space for yours and then you hold everyone else up because you are still unpacking when the check out staff are ready to start. And you get the blame.

    Full Member

    Expanding on the supermarket theme; Children who wander round the house with the remote control and then abandon it at random…. Arrrraaaaaaggghhhhh

    Free Member

    Supermarkets in general.

    The theme of “shopping experience” virtually sends me in a spin. All I really want to do is whiz around collecting items of a scummy nature, dash in/out, not be confused by special offers (that invariably aren’t special, nor offers)
    If you plotted my track around my local Waitrose you’d see I rarely venture off the Red Trail, occasionally get pushed off onto the Blue if the jump is blocked by Mum2Kids in the biscuit section, but then return to the Red route that leads to the self service tills.. then boom! Out da door.

    Have A Nice Day.

    Free Member

    People who pick up items in supermarkets, decide that they don’t require said item, and leave it wherever they want.

    I always assume they put it back where they found something they’d rather have. Makes for a fun game imaging their thought process: “oh! I won’t have tuna tonight, I’ll have some AA batteries”

    Free Member

    I see you have a large trolley full of clothes with tags, booze, electronics, and medication.

    What the actual **** are you doing in the self service tills when your entire trolley needs confirmed and detagged?!

    Free Member

    People who pick up items in supermarkets, decide that they don’t require said item, and leave it wherever they want.

    This doesn’t bother me, unless it’s a chilled/frozen product being left on a regular shelf. That’s just being a ****. If it’s too far to walk back, just take it to the checkout and tell the cashier you don’t want it. They’ll call over someone to return it properly.

    Full Member

    Sticking with supermarkets – when they decide to reorganise the store and you then can’t find anything again*. Thanks very much, I’ve spent the last year carefully honing the most efficient path through the store and now you’ve made the very logical decision that cous cous should no longer live near rice and pasta causing me to wander round the store in bafflement until I’m forced to ask someone and find out it’s next to the tins of tomatoes 👿

    *I do know that they do this to jerk you out of your pre-set patterns and spend more, but it doesn’t stop it being annoying!

    Full Member

    Treasure chests.

    Free Member

    Out of town supermarkets who put in a planning objection against a competitors proposed new out of town store, because…….. it’ll damage the town centres commerce….. yea, i’m looking at YOU Tesco!!!!

    Free Member

    People with children who consider a trip to the supermarket a family day out.
    One of you stay at home with your revolting shrieking brats and the other one shops. Why don’t you do that?

    Free Member

    You were a revolting shrieking brat too once*.

    *possibky you still are?

    Free Member

    I find there’s fun to be had putting random items in to other people’s shopping when they’re not looking.

    Free Member

    People ok men who sit in the car park of supermarkets with the engine running whilst wife does the shopping!

    Checkout ladies who put the apples/meat/whatever in an extra plastic bag,” I know about **** bags love! Look I brought my own to save the planet”

    Men who cant say no thankyou to extra plastic bag but instead say “oh thankyou” in a remarkably genuine voice.

    Full Member

    People who pick up items in supermarkets, decide that they don’t require said item, and leave it wherever they want.

    People who browse freezer cabinets by holding open the perfectly clear glass door (meaning it’s covered in condensation and opaque when you come to it, so you have to hold it open so see behind it whilst other people walk past thinking “look at that tool holding open a clear door…”)

    Full Member

    People who just abandon trolleys anywhere in the car park becase walking 50m is just too difficult. Worse those that use an abandoned trolley to start a queue of trolleys. D1cks.

    Full Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member
    I find there’s fun to be had putting random items in to other people’s shopping when they’re not looking.


    Full Member

    People that don’t understand how passing places work on single track roads – then can’t reverse…

    Full Member

    I find there’s fun to be had putting random items in to other people’s shopping when they’re not looking.

    I used to work with a girl who had a signature move – always the same, alphabetti spaghetti and disposable nappies. She got me at least twice

    Disposable nappies – HTF did I not spot them until the checkout? 😯

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Supermarkets that don’t put similar things together so you pick up a packet of bikkies from one place and get round the corner to find that there’s a different brand that’s better or cheaper.

    I find tht is often the case with things like chopped tomatoes and tinned chick peas – they have them in the obvious places at one price then have them again in the ‘world foods’ aisle but cheaper brands.

    And that’s where you’ll find my leaving behind things from other shelves…

    Full Member

    Supermarkets rather cynically have the habit of putting a ‘special offer’ on the end of an early aisle which you pick up, then find wasn’t actually special at all when you get to the relevant section later on. I’m not particularly bothered about keeping it neat for them by walking halfway back across the store.

    Full Member

    allfankledup – Member

    People that don’t understand how passing places work on single track roads – then can’t reverse…

    Ah. Well I know how single track roads work, I’m just absolutely crap at reversing. Sorry.

    Free Member

    OCD passengers who adjust your car stereo volume, because ‘it’s on an odd number’.
    I make a point of leaving it on 13 to stress them out.

    Free Member

    Mister P – Member


    Free Member

    People who use the pay at pump then go into the kiosk anyway.

    This is annoying enough when they’re paying for the fuel in the kiosk, really really drives me up the wall when they pay at the pump (slowly of course) then leave the car at the pump to go buy milk/cigarettes/harribo etc.

    Full Member

    And spend their time squeezing an exact whole multiple of £1.00, and then go buy extra items in the store that will make it no longer a whole multiple of £1.00, but then go to pay with a card anyway.

    On the topic of supermarkets…
    erm Shopping. Fullstop.

    Free Member

    In supermarkets, it’s pensioners. Or to be more precise, doddery old dears who wander around slowly, leaving their trolley at 90° blocking the isles, and randomly browse.
    Seriously, why the **** are you doing this at lunchtime/6pm/Saturday? You have all week, go at 10.30am, the store is empty, you can chat to the checkout staff as long as you want, wander around aimlessly, and not piss off everybody who has shit to do.

    Free Member

    Seriously, why the **** are you doing this at lunchtime/6pm/Saturday?

    I asked this once and was told “it’s the only time I see real people”

    Free Member

    dangeourbrain – Member

    People who use the pay at pump then go into the kiosk anyway.

    My debit card doesn’t work at the pumps. In fact two of my cards won’t work at any self service pumps.

    Full Member

    Elderly women! Remember that at the conclusion of the till process, you will be expected to produce money! Save valuable minutes by fumbling around in your handbags/purses for vouchers, clubcards and some form of payment before this surprising moment!

    Free Member

    So knowing this Jimjam, i assume you just use one of the normal pumps when the option presents itself?

    Free Member

    In supermarkets, it’s pensioners. …
    Seriously, why the **** are you doing this at lunchtime/6pm/Saturday?

    Having worked in a supermarket for a few years when I was a student, I actually know the answer to this.

    It makes it easier for them to shoplift when it’s busy.

    Pensioners are serial shoplifters. They’re particularly larcenous when it comes to tinned salmon.

    We once had an old dear who fainted in the booze aisle and it was only after we had propped her in a chair, gave her a glass of water and phoned an ambulance that her hat fell off to reveal a tiny frozen chicken concealed within that had caused her to pass out in the first place.

    Free Member

    I find there’s fun to be had putting random items in to other people’s shopping when they’re not looking.

    I tend to go for tena lady or anusol.

    My fave is if I see a colleague in there, approach a member of staff and say ‘I think I saw that old lady put a chicken under her coat’

    Full Member

    We once had an old dear who fainted in the booze aisle and it was only after we had propped her in a chair, gave her a glass of water and phoned an ambulance that her hat feel off to reveal a tiny frozen chicken concealed within that had caused her to pass out in the first place.

    Was it an old hat?

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