Even after her shambolic showing as home secretary and kinda racist attitude
After the Tory power struggle that culminated in Brexit and the backstabbing that followed
She did seem like a steady hand, and importantly hadn't backed Brexit to further her career/ego a la Gove/Johnson/ Farage etc
Then she picked the fools for top Brexit jobs, must be a cunning ruse....
Then came a Tory conference all about naming and shaming foreign workers, selective schools and sadly a continuation of the bitter divisiveness of the referendum.
She's been unable to control the Brexiters from leaking and briefing against anyone that disagrees with them; MPs including her own chancellor, judges, civil servants, ambassadors, people the country need to have at the top of their game alienated and May has failed to back them up.
She is starting to look weak and indisisive, coz everyone is starting to worry that 'cards close to your chest'actually means There Is No Plan.
Now we have her [s]Big[/s] Shared Society , an empty series of soundbites that her speechwriters and spindoctors must have spent literally 2 meetings on
She will be defined by one thing alone, there's almost no point in her bothering trying to do anything else, not because Brexit is all that matters, but because it's a black hole that is sucking all the focus and resources of government and will do for the next 10 or so years.
She backtracked after America finally took a stand on Israeli settlements, then it turns out the Israeli embassy has a list of her own MPs they are trying to smear, just as she failed to defend the judiciary, Hammond, the civil service etc, she'll dither on this too.
Anyway, Theresa maybe, I am not a fan