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  • This topic has 123 replies, 44 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Klunk.
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  • Theresa May
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    Even after her shambolic showing as home secretary and kinda racist attitude
    After the Tory power struggle that culminated in Brexit and the backstabbing that followed
    She did seem like a steady hand, and importantly hadn’t backed Brexit to further her career/ego a la Gove/Johnson/ Farage etc

    Then she picked the fools for top Brexit jobs, must be a cunning ruse….

    Then came a Tory conference all about naming and shaming foreign workers, selective schools and sadly a continuation of the bitter divisiveness of the referendum.

    She’s been unable to control the Brexiters from leaking and briefing against anyone that disagrees with them; MPs including her own chancellor, judges, civil servants, ambassadors, people the country need to have at the top of their game alienated and May has failed to back them up.

    She is starting to look weak and indisisive, coz everyone is starting to worry that ‘cards close to your chest’actually means There Is No Plan.

    Now we have her Big Shared Society , an empty series of soundbites that her speechwriters and spindoctors must have spent literally 2 meetings on

    She will be defined by one thing alone, there’s almost no point in her bothering trying to do anything else, not because Brexit is all that matters, but because it’s a black hole that is sucking all the focus and resources of government and will do for the next 10 or so years.

    She backtracked after America finally took a stand on Israeli settlements, then it turns out the Israeli embassy has a list of her own MPs they are trying to smear, just as she failed to defend the judiciary, Hammond, the civil service etc, she’ll dither on this too.

    Anyway, Theresa maybe, I am not a fan

    Full Member

    Not even the trousers?

    Free Member

    Well she will be known in history as the brexit means brexit woman, last captain of the good ship GB who just chucked out the last guy with a paddle.

    Free Member

    Anyway, Theresa maybe, I am not a fan

    Good, we have something in common ! now go ride your bike, life is far too short 😉

    Free Member

    Is it also bad that I’m not sure if the dead ringers version is actually an impersonation

    Full Member

    She has really sad eyes. Even if she tries to smile she still looks sad.
    There’s some darkness in her heart and it will consume her from the inside.
    A heart attack awaits.
    Hopefully she will stand aside , walk a dog or do some gardening.
    I hate her with a passion but there’s no point doing a job that will kill you.

    Full Member

    Kimbers sums it up for me. Keeping your cards close is one thing, but she is turning into a series of vacuous sound bites like Gordon Brown did as PM. At least Blair, Clegg, Gove, David Miliband,Alan Johnson etc say something with conviction in a way that you know where they stand. May is not the woman our country needs right now. Good job we have an effective vibrant credible opposition….oh wait, poo!

    Free Member

    And on the opposite side, I think she’s doing a very hard job quite reasonably.

    Free Member

    It’s a bloody tough job doing something that you know is bad for Britain (but that people voted for). All political carees are doomed to end in failure but hers (as PM) starts with an even bigger disadvantage than normal. She can’t possibly win. Toires always blow themselves up,over Europe, she’s is/will be merely the latest casualty in a long list.

    Free Member

    is she related to captain slow? Yes, no, maybe?

    Full Member

    I do agree that it’s a very very tough job , I’m just not convinced she’s the one for it.

    Not sure I’d like to pick from the rest of her party, I just hoped May would be a bit stronger and smarter

    Free Member

    Stop Press. Hold the front page. Anti-Tory is anti-May.

    So now we don’t have the rich Eton boy as PM we have the vicars daughter with a socially progressive agenda and she’s not for you.

    As the Telegraph said yesterday she’s going to reposition Tories to make Labour electorally irrelevant. There is the gaping centre ground which has besn vacated by Labour and she’s going to fill it.

    Sky news in an hour.

    Full Member

    Socially progressive?

    Free Member

    I’d rather play tennis

    Free Member

    Stop Press Hold the front page Jamba is in denial again

    She is a political animal with in the confines of her party, is clueless or worse wilfully blind to what is going on in Britain.

    Free Member

    So now we don’t have the rich Eton boy as PM we have the vicars daughter with a socially progressive agenda and she’s not for you.

    Is the piece in the telegraph had any substance then maybe it would have helped but it had nothing other than vague hopes.
    Let’s face it not backing the judicial system when they lost first time was ridiculous.
    She can’t keep her 3 amigos on a leash
    Still has no brexit plan
    Has lost one of her key negotiation team through what looks like not listening.
    The cluster that was the conference
    Then there is her track record as home secretary.
    Best of a bad bunch, only sane one etc. Still does not mean she is doing a good job.

    Full Member

    socially progressive agenda


    As the Telegrapgh said yesterday she’s going to reposition Tories to make Labour electorally irrelevant. There is the gaping centre ground which has besn vacated by Labour and she’s going to fill it.

    Repeating exactly what the Tory press office says doesn’t make it any more believable

    Free Member

    As the Telegraph said yesterday she’s going to reposition Tories to make Labour electorally irrelevant. There is the gaping centre ground which has besn vacated by Labour and she’s going to fill it.

    Yet again you confuse political maneuvering with what is good for the country. Eliminating the opposition allows you to do what you want. Having strong opposition forces you to act in the interests of others. A bit simplified but broadly true.

    Free Member

    She has a passion for shoes and sexy underwear too.

    Win ?

    Full Member

    ‘Eliminating the opposition allows you to do what you want’
    Surely that’s a dictatorship? Nacht und nebel anyone?

    Free Member

    22 mins to go


    Andrew Marr and the BBC must be smarting

    Free Member

    Andrew Marr and the BBC must be smarting

    Why? If this is your highlight of your day then I expect disappointment. I predict no actual answers of any substance and hundreds hearing what they want to with their kleenex

    Free Member

    @mike in a few weeks no one will even remember the ambassadors name, I can’t even now. Who remembers our Commissioners name ? He quit on day-1 and no one has even noticed.

    Free Member

    Obviously Jamby, how could we not have thought that. Maybe when the negotiations actually start he might well be missed.

    Full Member

    sexy underwear


    Barfs again.

    Full Member

    She’s a walking vacuum. I don’t believe she has a single firmly held belief or idea beyond her own advancement. A trait she shares with many of those around her

    Free Member

    To be honest sturgeon is becoming a bigger PITA more because she is showing what little actual control she has over anything yet continues to threaten x ,y and z , every now and again she pops up saying she is not bluffing about a fairer deal for Scotland but the poor delusional cow hasn’t realised even yet she has no say.

    Never been a fan on May but have to say I think she is damned in history of she does but also if she doesn’t. I seem to recall her charter for snooping when she wasnt PM and thought she was a bit backwards then

    She will probably just screw the whole Europe exit and Britain because she can
    While we all sit and watch.

    If we were the French they would be burning down the streets by now and have held the whole country hostage by parking our onion towing tractors and striking

    We need a revolution in this country.

    Full Member

    Tory version of Gordon Brown. Won power by manoeuvring rather than an election. Arrogant, evasive, distant, dithering. She combines all the worst traits of Brown, Major and Cameron and none of the good parts.

    I’ve said it before, but she’ll go down as the single most disastrous PM in this country’s history. I seriously doubt whether she’ll even get to the next election.

    Full Member

    Yet again you confuse political maneuvering with what is good for the country.

    This. Plus zillions.

    Free Member

    She striles me as a depply inept individual a sort of Tory Gordon Brown but with less people skills and a racist agenda

    Personally I think she lacks the skill – as THM notes she has not been dealt a great set of cards so I dont think anyone could really do well of this dogs dinner of a situation- to actually lead the country

    At some point her Trymp like i have a plan to make it great for us and get th ebest we can will need to be a n actual answer and I very much doubt she has it

    She also seems, given she is a christian, immensely keen to get rid of foreigners at any cost including the economy and seems determined to re invent the Leave vote as if it was a vote to end /curtail immigration and nothing else

    Obvs I wont like her whatever she does but she seems like a low grade middle manager elevated to the top because everyone else had a personality that repelled enough that the grey quiet person slipped through[ not being give boris or gO was more important than the fact she was TM] to be given power only to the n note she was shit and not up to the task

    NO thatcher on the current evidence

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member

    Andrew Marr and the BBC must be smarting

    Approximately 2 million people watch the Sunday political chatshows, nearly 1.7 million watch the Andrew Marr Show. Clever move on the part of Theresa May to “snub” Andrew Marr.

    Free Member

    dazh – Member
    Tory version of Gordon Brown. Won power by manoeuvring rather than an election. Arrogant, evasive, distant, dithering. She combines all the worst traits of Brown, Major and Cameron and none of the good parts.

    I’ve said it before, but she’ll go down as the single most disastrous PM in this country’s history. I seriously doubt whether she’ll even get to the next election.

    Succinct, to the point and stunningly accurate.

    Have you thought about a career in political advising ?

    Still, think of her now prancing around No10 in heels, satin and that smarmy grin she adopts.

    Free Member

    We were applying for my wife’s visa when she had been home secretary for two years. To say she has no beliefs of her own is a fallacy- we realised over that time that she despises foreigners and the world outside the UK. So much so it is dangerous for the country- her rules on student visas will dramatically reduce university funds whilst also having zero effect on net migration. She is happy to rip families apart with her spouse visa rules from 2012 which go against the ECHR. Which she is determined to leave. And she is pro brexit.

    She is an evil woman and it terrifies me that people think she is occupying the centre ground when in reality she is the most right wing PM we have had for 30 years.

    Full Member

    socially progressive agenda and she’s not for you.

    Issuing socially progresssive sounding sound bites and then acting in a contrary way is not being socially progressive.

    Full Member

    She is an evil woman and it terrifies me that people think she is occupying the centre ground when in reality she is the most right wing PM we have had for 30 years.


    She striles me as a depply inept individual a sort of Tory Gordon Brown but with less people skills


    Free Member

    dramatically reduce university funds

    Thank christ because those lazy b*****s need a kick up the arse In my entire working life I have yet to come across a more self serving workshy elite who wouldn’t survive without handouts from the EU, make them work with business and make the UK great again.

    Free Member

    The NHS is sinking
    And Social Care’s a mess.
    But HS2’s essential
    And Trident is the best.

    “Brexit means Brexit.”
    You say it with such pride.
    If you never tell us anything
    You’ll say “at least I never lied”.

    You don’t like legal process,
    You don’t like refugees.
    You don’t like Nicky Morgan.*
    But you do like G4S?

    You had a go at Gordon,
    when he stepped into the breach.
    “Running scared of the people’s verdict.”
    Irony means irony.

    So we’ll wait for 2020.
    We’ll let it go full term.
    Enjoy your reign, Theresa.
    Just switch the lights off on your way out.

    * To be fair, a lot of people don’t like Nicky Morgan, It’s just that we don’t like her for better reasons than how she feels about our trousers. Because you have time to argue with each other about trousers and handbags. Maybe if you’d spent that time better, you’d have come up with something better than “Red, white and blue Brexit”.
    Or maybe not, maybe that’s the best you’ve got and you really are that **** stupid.

    Free Member

    Socially progressive?

    That’s the funniest thing you’ve said all week, and you do tend to come out with some corkers

    As for the witch vs witch MkII, witch MkII just needs someone to invade a bit of Britian somewhere. If my memory serves me well, Thatcher was somewhat on the nose until the S*n’s second most delightful headline of all time 🙄

    Full Member

    I’ve switched on the may interview

    Has this been going on for an hour?

    She’s just looking uncomfortable on the NHS at the moment

    Full Member

    And now she’s having to discuss trump’s pussy grabbing 😯

    I’m not sure Andrew Marr would’ve gone straight for the crotch grabbing !

    B4 cutting off the interviewer at the end, is Sky news always this shoddy.

    Cassette boy is going to have a lot of fun with this

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