Just a little news for those who own or are thinking of buying the memorymap adventurer 3500.
After owning this handheld gps from day 1, it became evident the unit suffered some serious issues, no screenlock, problems with direction arrow when following a route, course over ground problems, sleepmode issues, the list goes on.
All in all it never gave me too many problems whilst MTB, but was a pain in the butt when mountain walking.
This unit in the past has received rightly or wrongly some adverse comments, but memorymap although not as quick as i would have liked, (there may be reasons for this)... have just upgraded this unit.
The software fixes included as follows:-
Fixed: Velocity Vector
Fixed: Course over Ground
Fixed: Backlight Timer
Fixed: Sleep mode. From Memory-Map press front panel button and select Sleep GPS Off. Puts GPS into a ‘suspended’ state to maximise battery life but allow fast resume from a single press of the front panel button. When in sleep mode GPS tracklogs will not be continuously recorded but will be automatically ‘joined’ from the last known position when resumed.
Fixed: Lock screen. From Memory-Map press front panel button and select Lock Screen. Turns off back light and touchscreen to reduce power but still records GPS position for a continuous tracklog. Press front panel button and Unlock to return to normal mode.
Now its fair to state the ad3500 at last seems a good unit to own, there seems on the whole to be universal support from members of memorymaps forum, and i myself have carried out a few tests and can confirm the software upgrade really brings out the best from the unit, the brightest screen i,ve ever owned, very stable software a joy to use.
I only post this topic for members who may own or are thinking of purchasing the ad3500 who maybe be unaware the upgrade exists.
If your thinking of researching the ad3500, try memorymaps 3500 forum, check post replies sent after 5th may 2011.