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  • The Grinder: Zefal Bike Taxi Tow Rope, Continental Argotal, Fox Dropframe helmet, Zipp 1ZERO HiTop Wheels
  • Ben_Haworth
    Full Member

    Is that creak me or the bike? Real-world product reviews from real-world riders.

    By ben_haworth

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    The Grinder: Zefal Bike Taxi Tow Rope, Continental Argotal, Fox Dropframe helmet, Zipp 1ZERO HiTop Wheels

    Full Member

    That bike taxi looks rubbish compared to the tirevelo which has actual flex in the line for similar money

    Full Member

    That bike taxi looks rubbish compared to the tirevelo which has actual flex in the line for similar money

    Why do you need flex? I’ve got a Trax (which this is a rip off of), that uses a thin Kevlar rope on a sprung spool and stretches not a bit. I’ve had no trouble with it at all. Me and my lad have only had a single crash using it and that was a breakdown of communications on a bumpy bit.  I’d rather have something consistent than a giant bungy cord twanging about.

    I will ask why there appears to be an offset on the exit? There’s potentially a lot of load going through this and I’d rather it wasn’t trying to twist on the mount.

    Full Member

    Why do you need flex?

    having had both setups, the flex is great – it massively reduces snatching and makes pulling away (especially uphill) a load easier (as you can tension the line and set off together, using the spring to get both of you over top-dead centre as you’re going walking pace which is the time the kids most likely to fall). it doesn’t twang about, but gives a bit (maybe growing a foot or 2 from un-stretched length) making the whole experience way smoother.

    for a more advanced passenger, or for smoother trails a static/retractable line is probably fine, but for younger kids the more you can do to make things easier for yourself the better (I tend to have one kid on the wee-ride and one being towed..)

    Full Member

    Tried all versions of the Argotal and the Endurance seems to be the best all round. Great grip at bike parks and off piste and still rolls fast.

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