Cad Bane dropped a big hint about Boba when he met the sheriff. Boba has also warned through out that the syndicate need to learn him alone. Boba will ride into town on is horse next week.
Yes, significant characters from The Clone Wars, Rebels and the Bad Batch.
I thought as much.
As someone who can't engage with the cartoons (Star Wars for me is a film - and now TV - thing), It feels overly portentious and a bit clunky when they bring in these characters.
This is what they call "fan service" I assume? It feels like some scenes may have been shoehorned in from other sources, leaving the main narrative a bit stretched and baggy.
Or is it just me?
Or is it just me?
I think it helps if you know the lore, I’m far from full on fanboy so some are new to me. Not sure it deters much from it though.
I mean Cad dropped another hint about the sherif too.
This is what they call “fan service” I assume?
For me, fan service is more when they have Luke re-enacting the training from Empire, getting Grogu to play with the same drone-ball-thing from New Hope and throwing in dialogue from the old films almost word-for-word.
Absolute awful fan service for middle-aged babies that don't want to grow up.
I saw that comment on a review of the episode. I think it was intended as criticism, but to be honest I resemble that remark and am quite happy with it 😀
Boba will ride into town on is horse Bantha next week.
The Togrutans like Ahsoka and the lady who ran the gambling plan- those floppy horn things, are the body parts or a head dress?
Boba will ride into town on is horse Bantha next week.
If he sets off next week he might arrive midway through Mando season 3.
The Togrutans like Ahsoka and the lady who ran the gambling plan- those floppy horn things, are the body parts or a head dress?
Asking for a friend?
Didn't he leave the Bantha in the older timeline, he'll be riding the Rancor beast, surely?
I think it helps if you know the lore, I’m far from full on fanboy so some are new to me. Not sure it deters much from it though.
Yeah I suppose I'm trying to say there are moments where characters appear and the camera lingers for us to go "ooh look, it's them out of thingybob" - but it feels a bit jarring if you don't know who they are.
I was always a bit "less is more" with Star Wars, all the expanded backstory stuff spoils the mystique a bit IMO.
I think the appearance of Cad Bane is a bit sudden right near the very end of the series, I understand why they didn't just outright show him earlier ( it was maybe him that took out the Tuskens?) and they have not positioned the Pyke Syndicate as that threatening for those who have not seen the Clone Wars etc. Now the Syndicate is being shown to have merciless figures working for it but we get to see all of this in only 1 episode. Pacing has been very poor for the first few episodes.
Dave Filoni (Clone Wars and Rebels showrunner type person) always wanted Boba Fett and Cad Bane to have a fight at the end of the Clone Wars but they didn't get to make them, so the appearance of Cad Bane has his name written all over it to finally get his wish.
I think there will be a series with Luke and his students with a Young Ben (Kylo Ren) in it, the work they put into Luke in this episode and setting up his school feels like it's world building for a future series.
I really liked the episode, Timothy Olyphant is great in it. I think his character is still alive based upon the camera showing his deputy quite clearly dead and the other townsfolk rushing around the Marshall to help him. I still don't like the lack of Boba Fett though, although he will no doubt be front and centre in the finale. I get what they are doing, setting up Mandalorian S3, Ahsoka series, maybe Luke series and have more interconnectivity between them (MCU style). This will no doubt have caused disagreements internally at Lucasfilm, but fan service and nostalgia does get people to watch stuff, as well as, hey look it's that character from the cartoon/other series/movie etc
Next weeks episode is the last, it's going to have to be about 4 hours long to tie up even half of this
Star Wars Brogue One.
You didn’t I’m just trying not to spoil it for others, not a bantha anyway.
Next weeks episode is the last, it’s going to have to be about 4 hours long to tie up even half of this
Or maybe they may do another series. Look how it took Mando to deliver Grogu.
Full Member
Username checks out.
Name comes from my 2 dogs' names combined 😀
I thought I would be less geeky as I got older, not more!!
It’s an old username but it checks out sir
Really enjoying seeing all these elements together on screen from the past couple of episodes...
However imagine being Temuera Morrison & hearing you're getting your own series, 7 episodes, to find out 1/2 of the first 4 you're in fever dream & then in 5 & 6 you barely make a cameo appearance & the world is way more excited about the new shiny Boba rocking up in your show.
It’s an old username but it checks out sir
I cant wait for next mando season and hopefully seeing baby yoda in chainmail sitting in the droid port of the pimped naboo fighter.
Has anyone else noticed it's a bit like a western? Just the odd subtle bit, here and there.
Has anyone else noticed it’s a bit like a western? Just the odd subtle bit, here and there.
Subtle? Was the Cobb Vanth + his plucky deputy Vs Cad Bane part not full on western enough? 😁
Westerns are a huge influence for both the Mandalorian and Boba Fett, I don't think they're trying to hide that.
Has anyone else noticed it’s a bit like a western? Just the odd subtle bit, here and there
Was a bit crouching Tiger with Luke as well
Didn't think it was as good this week.
In fact to be blunt(i know, totally unlike me) I'm finding the entire series a bit of a bore. Although the mandalorian episode was a huge improvement.Feels like this is an intro into mandalorian season 3.
Problem is it's all so predictable.
It is predictable and much of the plot seems (poor) dialogue led. 🙁
Problem is it’s all so predictable.
It is predictable and much of the plot seems (poor) dialogue led
It's a kids TV series, what do you expect. Although I agree the first few episodes and the current time plot for Bob's Fett is poor.
Was great to see Cad Bane, I thought it might have been Embo to start with. Was also good to see Ashoka meet Luke, brings a nice bit of closure. Now all we need is a post credit scene with Ezra on some far flung planet!!
Has anyone else noticed it’s a bit like a western? Just the odd subtle bit, here and there.
It was basically shot using the standard 'High Noon' format and angles.
Can I also say I am over CrotchCam in the Starfighter.
It’s a kids TV series
It's family TV, but the primary intended audience will be grown-ups IMO.
See the "middle-aged babies" comment yesterday.
Another episode of nothing happening... Massively disappointed in this so far...
Was a bit crouching Tiger with Luke as well
I thought it was more Return of the Jedi.
Has anyone else noticed it’s a bit like a western?
A shoot is a shoot out.
The gunfight sequence and the whole Freetown vibe did feel a little (OK, very) contrived, to me.
The series feels less tonally coherent than The Mandalorian, and more of a collection of classic movie trope pastiches (e.g. train fight, training montage, gunfight showdown).
Still like it though.
I am a little disappointed that the Luke-Grogu stuff seems to be retreading the whole "the Jedi Order demands emotional isolation from its members" thing. It feels like it's been explored enough now and of all people Luke who gained a lot of strength from emotional bonds (to Leia, to Han and even to his father) should be able to see that it causes more problems than it solves. I suppose it is considered necessary to set up the eventual downfall of Luke's Jedi academy but it feels unnecessary to see it explored again.
I generally liked all the bits with Mando in the past two episodes, I think I am more excited to see more from him than I am to see how Boba Fett's story turns out.
As I have watched some of the Star Wars animations (I really liked Rebels and have seen some of the Clone Wars) and have a passing acquaintance with the old expanded universe I am partially picking up on the cameos in The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. I'm pretty ambivalent about them, sometimes they bring the wider Star Wars galaxy into the stories in an interesting manner but sometimes it feels more like the creators going "hey look, it's X! Isn't it great to see X here!" rather than it feeling like they are there for story reasons. It feels a bit like this sort of prompt at times:
It feels like it’s been explored enough now and of all people Luke who gained a lot of strength from emotional bonds (to Leia, to Han and even to his father) should be able to see that it causes more problems than it solves.
I agree "your faith in your friends is your weakness" actually you wrinkly old **** its his strength.
Timothy Olyphant is great in it. I think his character is still alive
Vanth is too good a character to kill off yet.
Timothy Olyphant is great in it. I think his character is still alive
Like I say Cad Bane give a big hint.
I suppose it is considered necessary to set up the eventual downfall of Luke’s Jedi academy but it feels unnecessary to see it explored again
This is the problem for me .When Luke turned up at the end of season 2 I absolutely loved it as but i assumed it was a one time thing and maybe that would of been best .
I’m finally caught up (after weeks of not being able to get all the family together to watch it due to Covid)… so can read this thread! Which I will do later… I’ll just say in advance that I’m liking all the silly aside bits, not just the story driven bits.
Yeah, for all the justified criticism about erratic pacing, fan service and the Marvel-isation of Star Wars - I still look forward to it each week.
Because of enjoying the Mandalorian, I've recently been watching the kiddy "cartoons" (The Bad Batch and now Rebels), so I'm enjoying the crossovers. And this series turning into the much predicted "The Mandalorain series 2.5" is absolutely fine with me.
Rebels is very good imo, bad batch is a bit mleh. I have a soft spot for the clones wars series, used to watch one every day after school with my son, some of it is awesome.
Finale was worth the wait. There is a post credit scene
Finale was worth the wait. There is a post credit scene
for once I watched all the art work at the end and was glad I did. The first one that came up had a easter egg in it, either that or my eyesight is getting worse
That was ace.
Enjoyed that, still don't much like the mods but it was good
Bit of Butch and sundance, bit of once upon a time in the west and a bit of magnificent 7 this week!!
Meh, should’ve contained about 100% more crime and criminal activity. The Mando episodes were the best thing about it. Boba was better as a mysterious, faceless bounty hunter. This basically turned him in to a likeable old fella
Meh, should’ve contained about 100% more crime and criminal activity.
I agree with this. But I also agree it was a decent final episode in terms of action. Just a few observations...
- I really wish the mod gang had all been wiped out by the ED209 things
- There was some shockingly wooden acting
- And some clunky exposition via dialogue all round
- Was there a weird cut when Boba got the better of Cad Bane?
- Why didn't he fire one of his knee rockets instead of stabbing him with the Tusken stick?
And was it on this thread I said Boba would arrive go into battle riding the rancor at a pivotal moment?
Was ok. Nothing amazing.
Now, Mando S3. When is that out? *Tap tap tap.
I kept watching it thinking I'm too old for it. I'm in my 40's. This seems like its made for teenagers or something, with some nostalgia thrown in for the oldies like me.
When is Better Call Saul starting??