Home Forums Chat Forum The Animal Liberation Front should be listed as a proscribed terrorist group

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  • The Animal Liberation Front should be listed as a proscribed terrorist group
  • Lanesra
    Free Member

    Yet again this left wing (labour) group has shown its true colours and instead of engaging in debate has decided to terrorise, intimidate and use violence to “achieve” their aims


    In case anyone has missed the levels these “left wingers” will stoop to I suggest you read up on the sad case of Gladys Hammond which is truly disgusting on any level


    My thoughts are they (The Animal Liberation Front) are clearly a Terrorist Group within the definitions of the Terrorism Act 2000.

    Free Member

    I see lefties…. everywhere!

    Free Member


    I’m as right wing as they come on here!

    I also spent over a decade working in animal research labs, as a home office licensed animal technician – I know my stuff on this one, and I, and my friends, have been on the receiving end of these peoples ‘protest’

    This is nothing to do with left wing or labour!

    This is about a small bunch of zealots who, rather than loving animals, hate people!

    Free Member

    I don’t quite know how you relate them to labour and lefties.

    Dunno how you think they are a terrorist group under the act either.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Zulu eleven This is nothing to do with left wing or labour!

    the FBI disagrees http://www2.fbi.gov/congress/congress02/jarboe021202.htm

    Free Member

    This is nothing to do with left wing or labour!

    Yeah, but let’s not spoil his fun, eh? 😉

    Hello Lanesra! Have a nice weekend? Must’ve enjoyed your result on Sunday, eh? I’d imagine you were at the game, rather than not being on here simply because you were banned for a couple of days or whatever…

    Free Member

    I knew you’d bite on this TJ, read the act, read the court reports.

    Section 1. –
    (1) In this Act “terrorism” means the use or threat of action where-
    (a) the action falls within subsection (2),
    (b) the use or threat is designed to influence the government [or an international governmental organisation][2] or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and
    (c) the use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious [, racial][3] or ideological cause.
    (2) Action falls within this subsection if it-
    (a) involves serious violence against a person,
    (b) involves serious damage to property,
    (c) endangers a person’s life, other than that of the person committing the action,
    (d) creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public, or
    (e) is designed seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system.
    (3) The use or threat of action falling within subsection (2) which involves the use of firearms or explosives is terrorism whether or not subsection (1)(b) is satisfied.

    Unless, of course (TJ) you agree of the stealing of bodies from graves, hoax bomb threats, allegations of paedophilia, threats to children etc etc..

    Full Member

    im a ‘leftie’ ! ive even got an alternative hairstyle
    though i believe animal testing for medical research is essential, and its related to my work

    Free Member

    The FBI estimates that the ALF/ELF have committed more than 600 criminal acts in the United States since 1996, resulting in damages in excess of 43 million dollars.

    Eh? I’ve only been to America once! 😯

    I did knock a bin over in a bank in Times Square though. Oh, and knocked over a glass in a bar in Bleacker St. 😳 Can’t imagine I did that much damage though.

    Free Member

    Hitler banned vivisection and hunting, was he left wing too Lansera?

    (TJ, Ernie – let this point go, I’m batting for your side on this one :wink:)

    I’d be the first to call them terrorists!

    But its not a left/right wing issue – they merely share a number of beliefs with left wing organisations.

    Free Member

    Zulu eleven they merely share a number of beliefs with left wing organisations.

    Ergo, Left wing; this isn’t a right/left wing argument, just highlighting the disgusting lengths the Animal Liberation Front go to, to achieve their aims

    Free Member

    Trip trap troll.

    Free Member

    I preferred them when they were just a loveable cuddly alien with a taste for suburban life and inexplicable popularity in Germany.

    Free Member

    No Lansera

    I share a deep seated belief in the essential messages and aims of the constitution of the United States.

    And I own a gun…

    Doesn’t make me an American though.


    Free Member

    It is indeed nothing to do with politics.

    But, the law did change a few years ago to make their protestations less harrassing for employees of various companies. The fact they now choose to use other tactics is a nuisance.

    I’m sure they mostly wear leather shoes, eat meat and have (at some point) taken some kind of licenced medication.

    Free Member

    Lanesra – but the alf have not done the things that means they are terrorists under the law – except perhaps property damage.

    Hoist by your own petard.

    Usual muddled wiooly thinking from the hard of thinking. Jezzo – you make Zulu look sane and thats a hard thing to do

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member
    Oh, and knocked over a glass in a bar in Bleacker St.

    I bet it was one of those contoured ones. They’re quite expensive.

    Free Member

    I don’t quite know how you relate them to labour and lefties.

    Don’t be daft TJ. Lanesra loves winding up STWers. This thread fits perfectly in that respect.

    I do agree with ratty, although if you were going to look at left and right on this issue, then if anything, the reverse is true.

    A ex-gf of mine is very heavily involved in animal rights, she has often stated that she would never vote “socialist” as she calls it. And she visits in prison a ex-Croydon NF geezer who’s doing time due to his animal rights activities.

    More here : Neo-nazis join animal rights groups

    Brigitte Bardot is another obvious example.

    Free Member

    TJ, sorry, You might want to tell that to my ex-boss, who had his head stoved in with a baseball bat… Or the people I have met who have received letter bombs and dirty hypo’s through the post…

    Doesn’t make it a left/right wing issue though!

    Ernie, I don’t think we need to repeat our previous discussion on the left/right wing origins of the NSDAP…

    Free Member

    I used to eat at this vegetarian place in Boscombe. It turned out that they held fund raisers for ALF.

    I’ll be furious if I’m on a no-fly list now, I only popped in for some falafel.

    Free Member

    BH9er; I tell you, it was quite embarrassing. Bizarrely, the barmaid took a right fancy too me. I was with two ladies, and I think the idea of some kind of ‘menage a quatre’ excited her somewhat. 😯 She thought I had a nice bottom, and made me show it to the entire bar. 😳 Fortunately, the consensus was quite favourable, amonst the female clientele, at least.

    I’ll be perfectly honest, I was quite spaced out at the time. Was an interesting ‘holiday’…

    Free Member

    The Animal Liberation Front should be listed as a proscribed terrorist group

    Sounds about right to me.

    This is about a small bunch of zealots who, rather than loving animals, hate people!

    This also seems about right

    Full Member

    animal testing on bbc2 now

    Full Member

    I’m with ernie on this, used to know a couple of sabbers, and they were pretty right wing.

    Free Member

    So Lanesra- which of the activities you quoted have the ALF done then?

    Free Member

    TJ – I’d kind of disagree that they’ve done nothing to make them count as terrorists.

    It’s just that someone needs to stand and say they’re a terrorist group. But because it’s cuddly uddly animals, the public probably wouldn’t respond well.

    The really stupid thing is that instead of hitting pharma/Huntingdon and the like they’d be better protesting government as the vast majority of testing is mandated under law.

    Full Member

    can’t believe anyone has bothered to bite.

    Free Member

    though i believe animal testing for medical research is essential

    I agree. It’s the shampoo and lipstick testing that p1sses me off.
    Of course the beagles love it; shiny hair and pouty lips. (JOKE)

    Free Member

    So zulu – whch of the activities you quoted have the ALF done then?

    Well for starters –

    the use or threat is designed to influence the government [or an international governmental organisation][2] or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and
    (c) the use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious [, racial][3] or ideological cause.
    (2) Action falls within this subsection if it-
    (a) involves serious violence against a person,
    (b) involves serious damage to property,
    (c) endangers a person’s life, other than that of the person committing the action,
    (d) creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public, or

    All of that to my knowledge. (20+ years as an angler and family who hunt. You get to know about them)

    Free Member

    backhander – Member

    though i believe animal testing for medical research is essential

    I agree. It’s the shampoo and lipstick testing that p1sses me off.
    Of course the beagles love it; shiny hair and pouty lips. (JOKE)

    …and all the fags they like!

    I don’t agree with animal testing personally. Sometimes the bunnies can’t remember the answers and they get really anxious.

    Free Member

    serious violence?endangered life?

    If teh ALF fall into this category then so does the BNP and hunts certainly do so. Violence and endangering life. Been a good few prosecutions

    Free Member

    Tj, yet gain your leftist views/prejudices get in the way of reality.

    Have a read of this; http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2000/11/contents/enacted if you don’t understand anything feel free to ask

    Just in case you never read it before try again (left wing friendly links)


    Or the most disgusting thing i’ve ever read http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2006/may/12/animalwelfare.topstories3

    Now tell me how it’s not a terrorist group

    Section 1, which you again failed to counter

    Section 1. –
    (1) In this Act “terrorism” means the use or threat of action where-
    (a) the action falls within subsection (2),
    (b) the use or threat is designed to influence the government [or an international governmental organisation][2] or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, and
    (c) the use or threat is made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious [, racial][3] or ideological cause.
    (2) Action falls within this subsection if it-
    (a) involves serious violence against a person,
    (b) involves serious damage to property,
    (c) endangers a person’s life, other than that of the person committing the action,
    (d) creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public, or
    (e) is designed seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system.
    (3) The use or threat of action falling within subsection (2) which involves the use of firearms or explosives is terrorism whether or not subsection (1)(b) is satisfied.

    Free Member

    Ernie, I don’t think we need to ……..

    I’m agreeing with you ratty……it’s not a left/right issue. I’m just saying I know about involvement of the far right in animal rights.

    Here’s the animal rights geezer from Croydon who’s doing time.


    He was in the Croydon NF in the 1980s

    Full Member

    alcoholic mice on bbc2 now

    Free Member

    Lanesra – you have asserted the ALF are a terrorist group within the meaning of the act. I don’t see that they have passed the test that you quote unless you draw teh line so loosely that the BNP become a terrorist group, the countryside alliance is, hunts and all sorts of othergroups.

    Make your case. You have not done so yet.

    Free Member

    You’re a crank – They’ve already passed the test (read the court reports)

    If you can show me the BNP/Countryside alliance have dug up graves and stole bodies, I’ll (maybe) respect you’re point of view

    Free Member

    Does Lanesra ever post owt positive and nice on here, or only stuff that provokes argument?

    Free Member

    Why does digging up graves mean they pass the test to be terrorists?

    Pretty abhorent behaviour but there are clear tests to pass for a group to be proscribed under the act and yo have failed to shaowe the ALF have done so.

    Hunts – known to use violence against their enemies, deliberate attempts to influence government policy with the threat of disorder.

    You are the crank – so blind. Draw the definition so loosely as to catch the ALF and you scoop up all sorts of other folk as well – the BNP and hunts /. countryside alliance for sure.

    Free Member

    TJ – I admire your compassion and humanity.

    Lanesra is sad lonely and unloved.

    And yet only you, really give Lanesra the attention he so desperately craves.

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