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  • That Maxxis "babes calendar" article…
  • El-bent
    Free Member

    Just read this on STW.[/url] I had a look at the Maxxis USA website, and it appears that their marketing dept have got it “right” when it comes to who they are selling their products to. Unfortunate really.

    Its the reaction to the article that caught my attention.

    The comments on STW have been supportive of Adele Mitchell’s article, but on Facebook quite the opposite, yes I know social media can be trollagedon.

    I only mention this because I saw this last night.

    My definition of being a man in today’s world certainly differs from the inadequacies that some men have when viewing Women as equals, and saying that its political correctness gone mad if they can’t say or act a particular way towards them like they used to, right down to a marketing dept believing that this is the way to sell products, regardless of whether the proceeds go to charity.

    What does the STW hive mind think?

    Full Member

    I watched that Reggie Yates thing.

    some proper wtf moments in there.

    Free Member

    rickmeister said on December 16, 2015
    Agree, 4 months Girls, 4 months guys, 4 months kids.


    Free Member

    I commented on the FB thread.
    Utter bollocks that just because they’re women everyone is up in arms.
    But its perfectly ok for guys to do it.
    Its ok for women to then have those calendars of men up on the wall topless, etc.
    Woe betide any man that has a boobie calendar up though as thats sexual discrimination, etc.

    Crock ‘o shoite

    Full Member

    Sadly, In some blokes minds it’ll always be 1973. Seems thats the case here.

    From personal experience, I’d say that the strength with which these views are held is inversely proportional to the intellect of the person holding them.

    You wouldn’t have thought they’d be employed in the marketing department of major companies though, who you really would expect to be a bit more switched on

    Free Member

    From personal experience, I’d say that the strength with which these views are held is inversely proportional to the intellect of the person holding them.


    Hopefully my daughter is going to have to deal with a lot less of this crap as she grows up.

    It also seems that a lot of men can’t even grasp the reason why this is offensive and how it differs between the sexes.

    Free Member

    This isn’t going to end well.

    Full Member

    I applaud this heartily, especially as it seems that the furore of the STW Calendar pages by Knog has caused lessons to be learned

    EDIT – it was the 2010 calendar that had the original knog page that caused most furore, I guess that was pre-hack though

    Free Member

    I get annoyed at the double standards I see on FB. Lots of my female friends happily share pictures of barely clothed men yet male friends are afraid to do the reverse for fear of being banned. Either stop both sides or let it happen both sides. Meh. stooped first world problem.

    Free Member

    I like looking at boobies and I like knowing what date it is. I use my phone for both. Screw you Maxxis and your old fashioned media!

    Free Member

    You wouldn’t have thought they’d be employed in the marketing department of major companies though, who you really would expect to be a bit more switched on

    The thing is, maybe the marketing departments do employ the brightest and best, and maybe, just maybe, sex still sells…

    Free Member

    I commented on the FB thread.
    Utter bollocks that just because they’re women everyone is up in arms.
    But its perfectly ok for guys to do it.
    Its ok for women to then have those calendars of men up on the wall topless, etc.
    Woe betide any man that has a boobie calendar up though as thats sexual discrimination, etc.

    Crock ‘o shoite

    I can sort of see your point. But the problem is, the sorts of people who buy these calendars are either 14 year old boys…. or knuckle draggers.

    A calendar up on your bedroom wall probably isn’t doing any harm (other than making you go blind)
    But what about ogling a woman in the street
    Cat calling
    Groping on a night out

    I’m sure some women enjoy the above, but most don’t. Not something you should have to put up with

    Free Member

    what Binner said and this place reminds me why its my only foray in to the digital world!

    Full Member

    it was the 2010 calendar that had the original knog page that caused most furore

    was that the two girls kissing? is that not allowed now? did the models not know they were being photographed?

    Free Member

    Couldn’t care less. Don’t like it, don’t buy it. Same as for the rugby club calendars, royal marines calendars (which look more aimed at the gay community anyway), firefighters etc etc.

    Free Member

    Maxxis is also a massive company, making car, bike and truck tyres. Looking at the site, most of the pics seem to be with cars in the background, so they are probably not even aimed at the bike market.

    Free Member

    was that the two girls kissing? is that not allowed now? did the models not know they were being photographed?

    Leading questions are still permissible as is expressing your view only via the medium of questions whilst completely missing the debating point.

    Free Member

    *prepares virtue signalling flags so can board the outrage bus*

    Free Member

    I couldn’t care less and Maxxis produce another calendar if you really want it. Was everyone up in arms when they saw the WI or Cyclepassion or Peter Andre etc. calendars. Pah it’s just STW creating a fuss about nothing, and amazingly giving Maxxis free advertising. Who’s the winner there?

    Get you Maxxis calendars here:


    Full Member

    missing the debating point

    probably, I havn’t bothered looking at the maxxis calendar you all seem to be ogling *for research*

    Full Member

    I’m torn on this.

    The feminist in me agrees with her, not least because I’m not immediately seeing the connection between “babes” and “rubber” (or at least, not in the way that Maxxis are associating the two). It feels… inappropriate and unnecessary, especially when they could’ve featured female riders being gnar to the power of sick in action photography. A wasted opportunity, even.

    But the counterpoint is, what if Maxxis had printed a companion “Maxxis Hunks” calendar? I’d be struggling (as a white heterosexual male with all the privilege that brings) to bring myself to give a shit about that. There are plenty of posts from women on my FB feed posting photos of unnaturally muscle-bound blokes wearing nothing but a strategically placed Santa hat and whilst it’s not particularly what I want to see I can’t help but think ‘fair play.’

    Sex sells, is the sad truth. I’m all for stamping out 70s “women as objects” misogynistic attitudes and I abhor “lad” culture, but I don’t know as sexual repression is the answer either. I guess maybe it’s a hit we just need to take; we need to remove this attitude before we’re in a position to replace it with something healthier.

    Full Member

    Was that the two girls kissing? is that not allowed now?

    I believe theres the odd bit of that kind of thing available on the internet if thats your bag, and if you know where to look

    *taps nose knowingly*

    Free Member

    I get annoyed at the double standards I see on FB. Lots of my female friends happily share pictures of barely clothed men yet male friends are afraid to do the reverse for fear of being banned. Either stop both sides or let it happen both sides. Meh. stooped first world problem.

    I have to say I agree with this. Lots of my female friends currently posting pics of topless french firemen on a calender at the mo…And lots of admiring comments..

    Can’t imagine it would go down well if I did similar for a female pic..

    not that I’ll be buying it however..

    Free Member

    and misses it again with an exceedingly obvious troll

    Free Member

    Does it really matter? What a pointless thing to get excited about. You can buy and use their tyres without looking at their calendar you know.

    Do the author, or indeed anyone else ‘offended’ apply the same logic to every other aspect of their life? For example – never watch or read anything put out by Rupert Murdoch because there was some tits in the Sun once.

    I believe Amazon probably sells some fairly racy ‘objectifying’ tat too so presumably you never use their services. Local newsagents and garages, not to mention supermarkets, have been known to sell some ‘interesting’ magazines so presumably you only shop at local specialist gender, race and LGBT friendly shops with an independently audited equality policy.

    Pathetic- both the calendar and the reaction to it.

    Full Member

    and misses it again with an exceedingly obvious troll

    i like to take credit for a successfull troll as you’ve replied, but i really haven’t looked….it being the work PC and all

    Free Member

    There may be some middle ground worthy of exploration between doing the impossible and being completely unarsed.

    I never said you had looked but glad to see you are misusing the works PC responsibly :wink:

    Full Member

    hammyuk – Member

    Utter bollocks that just because they’re women everyone is up in arms.
    But its perfectly ok for guys to do it.
    Its ok for women to then have those calendars of men up on the wall topless, etc.
    Woe betide any man that has a boobie calendar up though as thats sexual discrimination, etc.

    Is it really the same, no. 1, do Maxxis do a sexy blokes catalogue? No. And 2, is a topless bloke the same as a topless girl, no. Do guys face sexism in the same way as women do, no.

    It’s a completely asymetrical situation- not unlike saying “Black guys can call each other **** so why can’t I?”

    Free Member

    Free Member

    They’re not topless.

    It’s Hooters-lite!

    Free Member

    How much is this calendar?

    Based on the wisdom of my dear departed granddad it should be the most expensive item in the world…….

    “Son” he would say, “If it’s got tits or tyres it’ll end up costing you a fortune”

    Double whammy 8O

    other than that….not interested.
    Everyone else in the world seems to get their kit off for a calendar.
    I lost the will to care when the staff of the Harvester in Hillington Industrial Estate did a nude calendar.

    Full Member

    Sex sells, is the sad truth.

    As someone who has worked as a creative in various marketing departments, I’m not really offended when I see this kind of thing. Well… not in that Millie Tant kind of way. In the old cliche, I’m just disappointed

    Its more a case of looking at it and thinking “is that it? Is that the best you can do? That’s the limit of your imagination, is it?”

    And in the case of people who propose stuff like this, the answer is just simply….yes. Yes it is.

    Free Member

    Would be interesting to get some more female perspective, rather than another thread of predominantly white males decreeing how we should all feel about it.

    Free Member

    TBH I doubt mumsnet discuss tyre calendars but feel free to give it a whirl.

    @ Binners…what if they say its post modern and ironic ?

    Free Member

    I for one am sad in some small way that my sons will fore-go the the formative experience of a furtive glance of tuft on the garage wall when I take them to pick up my car from it’s MOT, it is however the price we must pay for progress.

    Full Member

    Junkyard – lazarus

    @ Binners…what if they say its post modern and ironic ?

    Then we should drown them in the canal.

    Free Member

    And 2, is a topless bloke the same as a topless girl, no.

    there is a whole group of women (and probably men) who want you (society) to see it as the same thing.

    Free Member

    TBH I doubt mumsnet discuss tyre calendars but feel free to give it a whirl.

    That’s kinda the point though isn’t it, most women don’t buy tyres of any kind, so a babes calendar for blokes is bang on target audience, and if that upsets a few folk who then give Maxxis free publicity even better.

    Free Member

    Adele’s article popped up in my Facebook feed yesterday.

    I read through and was pretty shocked at some of the comments from blokes on there. One guy accused any woman who might be offended as “being as ugly as hell”. Another spat his dummy out of the pram that Singletrack dare publish “PC crap”.

    Seriously guys…

    Free Member

    a furtive glance of tuft

    Quick! While nobodys lookin’….

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