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  • Swindon driver with 39 penalty points still on road?
  • ski
    Free Member

    If you have not read about this, there is more info here:

    So I take it, that this driver must have been up in front of the courts a number of times and each time, he/she would have to prove it would cause exceptional hardship?

    I take it they have an exceptional reason to use a vehicle on the road?

    Free Member

    I think its far more likely the DVLA have got something wrong.

    Free Member

    More likely that somebody influential lives in Swindon.

    Free Member

    jeepers. I wonder if many of the points were for the same incident? Hence only having to argue exceptional hardship once?

    does seem very odd tho.

    Just an idea, but could it be a blue light driver getting automatic points for going through red lights, or does that not happen ?

    Full Member

    If you did something to rack up 30+ points in one go, I’m sure you’d either be in jail or dead!

    Free Member

    good point Momo

    Free Member

    Going back to the late 70s – I guy who used to come out with us on motorbikes had 27 endorsements [equivalent to 3 points each]

    Can’t remember how it used to work but it was something like they only counted as 1 if you got them at the same time – something like that.
    The sight of his licence was impressive nonetheless, it had an extra bit stapled onto it 🙂

    He died aged 20 after hitting a wall at speed 🙁

    Free Member

    MidlandTrailquestsGraham – Member

    Just an idea, but could it be a blue light driver getting automatic points for going through red lights, or does that not happen ?

    Now that sounds like a possible answer I guess, but I would have thought if they had racked up that amount, their bosses might have something to say?

    I thought Swindon dropped all their speed cameras anyway?

    (could be wrong)

    Free Member

    where we are, if you go through a speed camera with the blues on, you would normally inform the control room to let them know of the speed camera activation, and it would get logged against the incident that youre going to … nothing heard of after that.

    go through the camera and set it off without the blues on, or no reason to set it off, then you’ll get questions asked.

    going back to the topic, i just cant think how someone can have amassed that many points … unless its someone that has ammassed the points, and never been to court for it?

    i.e. lots of camera activations, and never replied to the tickets?

    I was thinking of traffic light cameras rather than speed cameras.
    Do they automatically issue a 3 point fixed penalty notice or something ?
    Checking the CCTV film afterwards would show that although the driver had gone through a red light, they had done so safely, so no action would be taken.
    I’m only guessing.

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t it be possible to accumulate that many points trying to navigate this?

    Full Member

    In Chichester, they figured it was costing close to £1,000,000 per year for staffing etc in order to process (i.e. check against calls in order to dismiss) all the ‘red light jumpers’ that the ambulances got…
    They just figured it’s probably better to assume that if the blue lights were on, it’s legit and the DVLA (or whoever issues the fine) simply stopped issuing them!


    Full Member

    Guess; well paid job/bank of mum & dad, so can afford a good brief/lawyer


    Result of a failing legal system

    Free Member

    It’ll be someone with good legal representation in court who relies upon their car for employment purposes. Shouldn’t but can & does happen.

    Free Member

    don’t dis the magic roundabout…if i can get around it anyone can 😆

    Free Member

    If you jump lights or get tickets without valid reason as an emergency vehciel (ie police) then you will get the points as normal, still won’t exempt you though. so if you accumulated 12 they would ban you, no exceptiosn would mean you would keep your licence as there is everyone else on shift that can drive. Tough. I wonder how they are calculating them (haven’t read article). IE do they have 39 over the course of hte years, so they are counting exempt points, I don’t see how someone can possibly have THAT many points and not be banned it wouldn’t happen. The courts would get sick of that bu*** argument!

    I heard a bloke in court try to defend himself having been arrested for drink drive blew 54 or something similar. Said he was Pakistani (driving an Audi A4 when stopped, only 20 years of age) and that his family were inthe process of sorting out an arranged marriage, the girl was in PAkistan, hwoever once they were married he would need to fly her to the UK and would need his licence to drive his wife around! Luckily the courts laughed at him and still banned him, I mean COME ON! What a ridiculous defence.

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