STW Chub Club 2017

[Closed] STW Chub Club 2017

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Bloody hell, there must be a lot of Kcal in hot air!!!

Posted : 16/01/2017 7:16 pm
Full Member

Forgive me Chub Club, for I have sinned.

A friend came round for dinner last night, and I had quite a few pre-dinner crispey nibbles, my wife's delicious homemade lasagne and garlic bread (and salad 🙂 ), followed by quite a large slice of raspberry pavlova. And the best part of a bottle of wine (this morning's consequence of which is that I skipped the intended session on the rollers).

I'm a bad man 😥

Posted : 17/01/2017 9:18 am
Free Member

You had salad. And fruit. And a bottle of grape juice. Basically it was a healthy meal.

Posted : 17/01/2017 9:34 am
Full Member

agreed, health in a bottle.

Posted : 17/01/2017 9:47 am
Full Member

I don't feel very healthy 🙁

Posted : 17/01/2017 9:53 am
Full Member

Today is an upside down day - salmon/veg frittata for brunch, and porridge for tea! I'm riding tonight, so with all the kids clubs it's quick and easy pre-ride. Still on wagon, weight still dropping.

Posted : 17/01/2017 4:18 pm
Free Member

Went to Dr's just to check this cough wasn't anything more than the back end of a cold; ended up in hospital having my chest x-ray'd. Lol.

It's almost certainly just a secondary infection, but they had to just rule out TB and, as an ex smoker, you know what, just in case.

However, I've been warned of exercise till I've at least completed a course of antibiotics and they've got the x-rays back. I'm finding that really frustrating as I'm itching to start an exercise schedule to go along with my new healthy lifestyle.

On the plus side, still sticking to my calorie goals, eating much more healthy food, and amazingly, not drinking, and the weight is slowly coming off.

Oh, and the Dr noticed I am now an old fart so I have to go for a health MOT. 🙂

Posted : 17/01/2017 7:02 pm
Free Member

Hope it clears up quick for you Superjohn. Have you got a turbo? maybe some very low intensity work in the warm and dry would be ok?

I'm now bang on 114kg down from 118.6kg. 🙂 I think trying to hit the strava climbing challenge is helping a lot, I'm having to add hill repeats into my commutes to get anywhere near. 🙁 I'm at 49% but only have 13 days to go!

I'm just waiting for the weight loss to slow down and start getting really difficult!

Posted : 17/01/2017 8:35 pm
Free Member

I'm just waiting for the weight loss to slow down and start getting really difficult!

More or less there for me. I've JUST dropped below 82kg for the first time in years but that last 300-400g has been a week in the making.

Posted : 18/01/2017 8:26 am
Free Member

Number of times I was in Forfar yesterday? - Two.
Number of Bridies consumed as a result?- Zero.
Number of Bridies purchased for later consumption? - Zero.


Posted : 18/01/2017 8:29 am
Full Member

Anyone else read 'Brides' and think 😯 ?

Anyway, good sweaty half-hour intervals session on the rollers this morning, back on the 16:8 bandwagon. Riding tomorrow night. Let's see what the scales say Friday.

Posted : 18/01/2017 9:18 am
Free Member

16 pies, 8 pints? Good diet idea. I'm in.

Posted : 18/01/2017 9:27 am
Free Member

I read it as birdies.

Posted : 18/01/2017 9:28 am
Full Member

16 [b]pints[/b], ya big Jessie.

Posted : 18/01/2017 9:30 am
Full Member

I have just successfully walked past a bakery. Admittedly I was like this....

[img] [/img]

but walked past I did. No pastry at all so far in 2017. I'm just going to have a little cry.

Posted : 18/01/2017 9:37 am
Free Member

Not Bride....or Birdie.

The Forfar Bridie - a thing of beauty.

Sadly, 'tis now a forbidden love......under normal circumstance I'd have marched into the bakers and ordered " Twa bridies, a plain ane an an ingin ane an a' "

[url= ][/url]

Posted : 18/01/2017 10:13 am
Full Member

You have the Bridie, we have the Lardy cake. Sweet coronary infarction, take me into your loving arms...

Posted : 18/01/2017 10:18 am
Full Member

A friend came round for dinner last night, and I had quite a few pre-dinner crispey nibbles, my wife's delicious homemade lasagne and garlic bread (and salad ), followed by quite a large slice of raspberry pavlova. And the best part of a bottle of wine (this morning's consequence of which is that I skipped the intended session on the rollers).

This is what you call a cheat day. Have them enjoy them, don't regret them and just get back on it.

Posted : 18/01/2017 10:20 am
Free Member

I am actually quite surprised at the amount one can lose doing no exercise at all.

Posted : 18/01/2017 11:09 am
Free Member

Jamie - Member

I am actually quite surprised at the amount one can lose doing no exercise at all.

Try working out your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) its a guide calculation as to how many calories you will burn if you were to stay in bed all day, so you can in theory just do nothing and eat nothing for a day and still loose weight..

That may be my next plan

Posted : 18/01/2017 11:42 am
Free Member

Jamie - Member

I am actually quite surprised at the amount one can lose doing no exercise at all.

Most people will lose about 4 to 10lbs of water weight just by reducing their calorie intake. It plateaus out after that though.

Posted : 18/01/2017 11:54 am
Free Member

Oh, I am prepared for the slow down. Which will be annoying as injuries/incoming shoulder op will mean I won't have exercise to turn to, other than brisk speed walking, to boost things.

Posted : 18/01/2017 11:58 am
Full Member

I am actually quite surprised at the amount one can lose doing no exercise at all.

It actually a very poor weight loss tool on its own. People forget it requires calories to do it and often when their exercise levels decrease their calorie intake does not reduce accordingly. It works best as an add on to a good diet.

I try to cycle the two if I am doing a lot of exercise I know I eat more and tend to see lower weight loss and focus more on my fitness goals. If I am doing a week with less exercise/lower intensity I use that as opportunity to really focus on the diet side and keep my calories lower and try to sleep more. I find this cycling can help over the long term.

Posted : 18/01/2017 12:39 pm
Free Member

This is what constitutes a snack now...Nice and sharp, with no extra sugar.

[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img]

Posted : 18/01/2017 7:47 pm
Full Member

Well... due to being totally bored of cold, dark, wet miserable January, we went to the pub last night. I demolished a bottle of Malbec (it was like nectar!) and then ate a load of cheese (first I've had this year - it was bloody lovely!).

So in true catholic fashion I have repented my sins this morning. I've just been and joined the local gym nd done an hour on the bike.

In other news, one of these has just been spotted in the Sahara...

[img] ?[/img]

Posted : 19/01/2017 11:56 am
Full Member

I've just been and joined the local gym

[img] [/img]

Posted : 19/01/2017 12:00 pm
Free Member

I think I got hustled last night, although I'm not quite sure how.

Picture the scene, TINAS sits down on the rowing machine at the gym, it's one of those £10/month contract free gyms with techno music blaring and young ladies walking around wearing tops that would be considered revealing even in a nightclub.

One of the ladies comes over and says she's never used the rowers before and could I show her, so I babbled my way through adjusting the foot straps, counting to three through strokes, aim for 25-28s/min, start off with 2000m in 10min etc.

At which point she proceed to absolutely destroy me (who doesn't get competitive looking at your neighbours rowing computer?) and do 2000m in 6 minutes!

I feel somehow used.

Posted : 19/01/2017 2:52 pm
Full Member

shes not after your gym membership tinas.

Posted : 19/01/2017 3:02 pm
Free Member

2000m in 6 minutes!

Suspect you missed out setting the resistance of the fan when going through setup.

Posted : 19/01/2017 3:04 pm
Full Member

Good week so far.
Eaten well, maybe a touch to much sugar from eating fruit but not bad at all.
Exercised every day, either a 40 minute run or an hour on the turbo. Managed a few Strava PB's on one of my lunch runs too.
This weekend looks OK too, Friday night is beer and food but Saturday and Sunday look free of crap and with time to exercise.

Posted : 19/01/2017 3:25 pm
Free Member
Topic starter

It's not an official weigh in tomorrow but feel free to weigh yourselves and post up if it helps you stay motivated.

Not a bad week for me - a few treats on my 5 days but sticking to the plot on the 2 days plus now I have Zwift I'm doing a few extra workouts on that compared to vegging in front of the TV

Who else is doing 5:2 or IF or similar? I always find wk 3 and 4 the 'hardest' - first 2 weeks are novel and when you feel hunger on your 2 days can be rationalised as 'it must be doing me good'.

Weeks 5 and on - it's become routine.

Weeks 3 and 4 - the novelty's worn off but it's not yet ingrained. Harrummph.

Posted : 19/01/2017 3:37 pm
Free Member

Suspect you missed out setting the resistance of the fan when going through setup.

That makes less of a difference that it appears, a low resistance is only good if you've got the lungs for a high stroke rate. Anything above or below a drag factor of 120 is simulating something different, but not faster (like trying to ride a bike in a too high or low gear, power output and speed stays approximately the same but your cadence changes.)

Posted : 19/01/2017 3:47 pm
Full Member

Interesting how much extra motivation I get from the Chub Club - bet I haven't gone 18 days without a beer in, ooo, 25 years or more, and I've never eaten as consistently healthy. Weight loss has trailed off which I'd normally take very personally as a sign that it's all a big waste of time, but I'm still weighing daily and even if it sneaks back up one day, it normally starts nudging back down the next. The one thing I haven't yet implemented is exercise - in rehearsals at the mo and just no time to do anything else, but we open next weekend and I'm hoping to start doing a bit more than my lunchtime stroll from then on.

I LIKE STW Chub Club! 🙂

Posted : 19/01/2017 4:25 pm
Free Member

2k in 6 minutes, that's 1:30 per 500 metres

Good enough to win the women's open at BIRC, by quite a margin too

Posted : 19/01/2017 4:30 pm
Free Member
Topic starter

Interesting Pondo - rehearsals for what?

Posted : 19/01/2017 4:35 pm
Free Member

Have to admit, Chub club also very motivating for me as well; getting very excited about hopefully getting the all clear from the quacks next week so I can start exercising properly.

Posted : 19/01/2017 4:39 pm
Free Member

True, drag factor should definitely not have that big an affect on overall speed. But there was definitely something wrong (or a crap machine) if she went 6.
I used to take my rowing pretty seriously and I never touched 6, but was definitely a *long* way ahead of any of the women in the world. Simple physiological differences mean they can't get that fast.

Posted : 19/01/2017 4:41 pm
Full Member

Interesting Pondo - rehearsals for what?

Just Am Dram stuff, nothing too exciting - I'm in Frankenstein at the Crescent in Birmingham, should be half-decent (apart from the bits with me in, of course. 🙂 ).

And no, I am not the monster. 🙂

Posted : 19/01/2017 4:54 pm
Free Member

Good enough to win the women's open at BIRC, by quite a margin too

I do live in Reading, so it's entirely possible she was a pro from one of the rowing clubs.

Although yes, gym machines with the damper clogged with dust probably do flatter somewhat.

[edit] I've never taken it seriously, just used it as cross training, best I could do was about 7.15 when I was 18, that wasn't without trying but it wasn't with any real training either, looking at the BIRC results maybe I should have taken it seriously!

Posted : 19/01/2017 5:04 pm
Free Member

Where are the "results" of the first weigh in? Apologies I only look on here sporadically and this thread has taken off.

Posted : 19/01/2017 5:38 pm
Free Member

I've sent you the link via PM, Tails.

As don't think Jon wants it posting publicly.

Posted : 19/01/2017 5:40 pm
Free Member

Thanks Jamie, Jon has emailed me. Perhaps it got caught in my spam filter, although it let's everything else through.

Posted : 19/01/2017 7:15 pm
Free Member

I think the 'chub club' sets off the alarm bells. I think spam filters think it's an invite for a swingers club for the huskier gentleman.

Posted : 19/01/2017 7:30 pm
Free Member
Topic starter

next friday, I'll resend the email to all but with a more suitable title. See if that makes a difference

Posted : 19/01/2017 7:46 pm
Free Member

Can I nominate the The Unofficial Barry Bethel Fan Club.

This guy should be all of our heroes.


Failing that, Butterfield Dieters.


Posted : 19/01/2017 7:53 pm
Full Member

Your spam filter has more "niche" tastes than mine then.

Still only making a half-arsed effort here. Think I'm gonna resist the temptation for a cheeky weigh-in tomorrow and stick to the bi-weekly schedule.

If only I had the same discipline when it came to delicious salty snacks.


Posted : 19/01/2017 7:56 pm
Full Member

Not an official weigh-in but I'll probably miss next week due to being on holiday, so this morning I'm 92.5kg = 203.5lb. Just over a stone lost in 3 weeks. Sounds very unhealthy, but I've honestly not felt better in a long while. I'm now more like my pre-Festive blowout weight, so I think the weight dropped so far was majority water.

If, by some chance it's actually down to diet and exercise, I'm eating ~1900 kcal/day and aiming for 1g protein per lb of lean bodyweight, doing Ice Cream Fitness 5x5, and doing a brisk 10 mile cycle on my days off the gym. Drinking water or black coffee, nothing else.

Posted : 20/01/2017 3:35 am
Full Member

Had a very boozy afternoon/evening last Friday, which included a lot of Chinese food, then continued to eat big dinners most of the week and also have the occasional beer. Somehow though, I've still lost 3lbs, I was half expecting to put that much on this week.
Going to be a lot more sensible with the eating and no booze this week and continue with the same exercise that I've been doing the last couple of weeks and hopefully achieve that 1st target.

Posted : 20/01/2017 6:03 am
Full Member

Another pound lost, so three pounds in three weeks, bang on target. And I can tell you exactly when I ate the additional calories for another pound as well 😳

Posted : 20/01/2017 6:46 am
Free Member

I was under 81.6kg yesterday. Then did 1000 calories over my normal limit during the traveling and evening meal/meeting for work.

Posted : 20/01/2017 8:17 am
Free Member

Only 1lb down on last week - slightly disappointed - but at least it's in the right direction.

Bit more discipline this coming week (a few, very slight, hiccups this past week).

But am feeling better - less bloated and am continuing my boris bike commute across London each day. Good habits forming.

Good luck to those of you who will be weighing today - even if unofficial day.

Posted : 20/01/2017 8:29 am
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