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  • STW Chess
  • crazy-legs
    Full Member

    I made the mistake of glancing at the phone on the chairlift this afternoon and played 3 « straightforward » moves with a 100% blunder rate.

    Must be the cold, I played some 10-min Rapid games tonight and had a fairly woeful success rate.

    Blunder followed by great move followed by blunder…

    Fairly sure I played a cheater the other night as well. A 1000-ranked player who, towards the end, suddenly played about 8 or 9 ! and !! moves in a row to win. 🤔

    Full Member


    I was wondering what had happened.I thought that move tossing your rook away was out of character.

    But as you were on a chairlift somewhere and I am currently at work at 00:45am my sympathy is indeed limited

    Free Member

    I was at work on the chairlift if that helps! 🤣

    Full Member

    Helps a bit. But I’d rather be working on a mountain than a housing scheme is Glasgow.

    Free Member

    With you there! The prospect of 40 more years in the office outside Glasgow that I was working in 15 years ago is the main reason most of my work these days involves chairlifts!

    Full Member

    Well that was close. A series of mistakes by both of us v Django2357. Thought I was losing it at one point.

    Free Member

    Well that was close. A series of mistakes by both of us v Django2357. Thought I was losing it at one point.

    ☹️ I had been trying so hard not to lose concentration and leave myself open to that fork. I had a tentative plan, but you always had your pieces just right, to prevent me. Thanks though.

    The number of games on the go has fallen greatly now, in both T10 and T10a, any chance of a Christmas tournament with 1 day a move?

    Full Member

    Just noticed thinks one of my opponents was cheating.

    12 days ago

    We have detected that one or more of your recent opponents has violated our Fair Play Policy. As compensation for potentially unfair rating losses, we adjusted your following ratings:

    Daily: 1462 + 17 => 1479

    No idea who it was. I vaguely recall in one of my other tournaments a couple of players playing well for their grade. I can’t find any losses that look like it though. Not sure if delete these games from the database.

    Doing a bit of research – the way it works is when detects a cheater anyone who lost to them in the last 3 months gets rating points refunded. I wass only checking back a month. 3months is too far back to try and identify who it was.

    When we close an account for cheating, anyone they played in last three months, up to 100 games, will have their rating points automatically refunded. 

    When this happens, will send you a message letting you know that points have been returned, which looks like this:

    Full Member

    Anyone else had a review of 2022 e-mail from

    Mine has me at 332 games played.
    Best win an 1878 graded player.
    Highest rating 1566.

    Obvious 2023 target is 365 games. Mine are almost all daily games. If I throw a few 10 minute games into the mix 365 should be easy.

    Full Member

    Any love for a one day a move Christmas tournament? As suggested by gauss1777

    Can do it as a one group 1 day a move for up to 12 players.

    As usual 1 day a move but the vacation option left open for anyone who couldn’t avoid missing the odd day.

    Full Member

    Yes please for a 1 day a move tournament (assuming numpties are allowed).


    Free Member

    Count me (kprook) in for the one day Christmas tournament please.

    In fact for any future tournaments add me in as the default. Can’t see me not wanting to play in any of them.

    Full Member

    Ok STW Winter Solstice set up. It is going to autotstart 10pm Wed 21st. 1 day per move. Vacation allowed in emergecies.

    One group. Up to 12 players.

    Invites sent so far to

    Django2357 (alias gauss1777)
    KevinPhilipsBong (alias fruitbat)
    kproook (alias kennyp)

    Anybody else reply to thread and include username.

    Full Member

    JeremyDog please

    Full Member

    Invites out. Should be a message in messages with link to click and join.

    Full Member

    I’ve been playing my lad every evening this week. He managed a Stalemate the other day, but i’m currently unbeaten…

    However, i don’t think i’m ready to open myself up to the likely chess masters on here !

    Full Member


    Thanks for organising.

    Full Member

    I’ve just signed up to the 2023 Championship Tournament. I did the 2022 one and got through about 3 rounds before meeting people at 2000+ and just getting annihilated.

    Been playing a fair bit of the 10-min Rapid games online recently. Some…”variable” results… ! 😂

    Full Member

    Sign me up for the solstice as well please – aide46

    Full Member

    Aide invited. Most people still to accept invites. Check you messages.

    Free Member

    Sign me up please.Chessron99

    Free Member

    My 2022 review so you can all have a laugh.
    1137 games played with only 55% wins which includes timed out games.
    Best win against 1502 rated player.Great I thought until I realised he timed out on the 2 games and then had his account closed for unfair play.
    Highest rating 1245 but back down to around 1150 which seems to be my home.

    Full Member

    I don’t see an invite on 😢

    Full Member

    1137 games played with only 55% wins which includes timed out games.

    By the law of averages, that’s good. As a general rule in chess, assuming fair play all round, a higher ranked player should beat a lower ranked one 80+% of the time.

    When it becomes fairly level abilities, so say a 1200 against a 1300, you’d expect 50:50.

    Free Member

    However, i don’t think i’m ready to open myself up to the likely chess masters on here !

    I lost a game the other day in one of these STW tournaments. According to the stats my accuracy was 31.8% and included 2 mistakes and 10 (yes ten!) blunders. Trust me, you won’t be out of your depth!!

    Despite the horrendous stats it was actually an enjoyable game, one of those ones where the advantage swung back and forward a few times.

    Full Member

    Chessron99 invited.

    can you confirm your username is “fruitbat” and not one of the variations like fruitbat99 etc

    For anyone interested in the ratings. Here is a lost of what you are expected to score aganst an opponent depending on rating difference. For example 1200 player against 1000 player. THe 1200 players should score 75%. So a win and a draw.

    Crazylegs is rated around 300 higher than me. He should score 85% against me.

    Full Member

    Crazylegs is rated around 300 higher than me. He should score 85% against me.

    I think that’s about right. We’ve had some good games and it was 1 win each in our last tournament match.

    Full Member

    Seems fairly accurate. Overall we are at Crazylegs 8 wins, me 5 wins, 1 draw.

    More than 15% score for me but that includes times when gradings were closer together.

    Anyway, grades are averages which will vary over a small numbers of games.

    They can’t make allowances for StevoMcD making moves while on a chairlift!

    Full Member

    They can’t make allowances for StevoMcD making moves while on a chairlift!

    I play on my phone and a few times I’ve been distracted by messages popping up etc. I do wonder about some people I’ve played as well – if they’ve lost connection or had a similar distraction.

    One player resigned in the middle of a fairly equal game, no explanation – a couple of minutes into a 10-min game, he just resigned and disappeared. Could easily be some sort of family drama in the background or the boss has just phoned. Who knows?!

    Full Member

    @irc  My username is KevinPhilipsBong

    Cheers fruitbat 😊

    Full Member

    There is an invite showing on my screen.

    In messages. on the home page click the pawn on top left then messages?

    Or try going direct. Remove my username from this link and add yours.

    Full Member


    Still no message  –

    In my initial response above I misspelt my username with double ‘l’. Could that be the problem?

    Full Member


    That’s it. Invite out to Kevinphilipsbong.

    Kevinphillipsbong uninvited.

    Full Member



    Invite still pending.
    Will be in your messages.

    Full Member

    That’s me in. Thanks for organising again 😃😊

    Full Member

    That’s me in, cheers for setting it up

    Full Member

    Just a last heads up for latest STW chess tournament.

    Autostarts 10pm tomorrow.

    1 day per move.

    7 players so far. Max 12.

    Anyone else interested reply with username.

    Full Member

    @irc -no invite yet- vince2638. Thanks

    Full Member


    My mistake. Invited.

    Free Member

    Put me in please . Wasnevergreat is the name . Thanks

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