Stuff that makes yo...

Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross

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Speaking of people,

People who assume that the rest of the planet has a working knowledge of their local postcodes/geography.

"For sale, collection only from AB12."  Well WTF is that then?  Aberdeen?  Aberystwyth?  Abergavenny? You might be local, you might be half a country away, throw me a bone here.

Americans are particularly afflicted here with their two-letter state codes which only make sense to other Americans.  I have probably have a better-than-most handle on US geography but to the rest of the world "where are you from?" - "TN" must be baffling.

Posted : 28/01/2025 8:05 pm
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There’s a subset of those people that get to the check-in desk at the airport and realise that they need to show their passports and boarding cards. Seriously, you have two documents you need to show routinely at the airport, why are they at the bottom of your 7yr old son’s rucksack?!

... after standing in a queue for two hours watching everyone else do it.

The film Falling Down missed a trick here.

Posted : 28/01/2025 8:08 pm
Full Member

People with trekking poles who dont put the wrist straps on properly.   The correct way holds your hand on the grip.  The incorrect way most folk do it breaks your wrist if you fall and requires you to grip hard the whole time.

Posted : 28/01/2025 8:16 pm
Full Member

Or wasn’t till 0435 ,

Did you know, the "do not disturb" feature on mobile phones has only been around since 2012, can you believe it, only twelve years!?

Posted : 28/01/2025 8:21 pm
flicker, MoreCashThanDash, flicker and 1 people reacted
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“For sale, collection only from AB12.”  Well WTF is that then?  Aberdeen?  Aberystwyth?  Abergavenny? You might be local, you might be half a country away, throw me a bone here.

I don't know, but I reckon google maps does.


Posted : 29/01/2025 10:41 am
jimmy748 and jimmy748 reacted
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Just makes me wonder how folks minds work.

I think you are being very generous.

Posted : 29/01/2025 10:46 am
Free Member

People who have their phones next to their bed not set to silent and then blame everyone else when it makes a noise. You can schedule “do not disturb” hours, it’s a setting.

😀 mines set permanently to DND, because I don't want disturbing, ever.

Posted : 29/01/2025 11:01 am
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People with trekking poles who dont put the wrist straps on properly.   The correct way holds your hand on the grip.  The incorrect way most folk do it breaks your wrist if you fall and requires you to grip hard the whole time.

Cf. Dog leads.  Same principle.  If you're holding it properly, your hand would have to fall off before the dog could tear the leash out of your grip.

Posted : 29/01/2025 1:05 pm
geeh and geeh reacted
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Petrol stations - specifically people who go in to pay then come out and spend ages getting ready to drive away, despite  cars waiting behind. Get in your car, seat belt on, start engine, and drive off, please. Don't check phone, make-up, connect music, adjust mirrors, talk to kids in back seat, eat your snack or do anything else to delay matters.

Posted : 29/01/2025 1:40 pm
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In the days of ANPR and automatic everything, we really should have worked out by now how to let people get fuel, go park up and then go to pay. Doubly so if the store is one of those minimart affairs like Tesco Express where people decide to do a weekly shop whilst still parked next to the pump.

Posted : 29/01/2025 3:36 pm
Full Member

"get fuel, go park up and then go to pay"

French motorway services had that in the 90s

Posted : 29/01/2025 3:55 pm
Full Member

People who refer to things using an <major>.<minor> version numbering scheme, but never change the minor number from 0. Why bother with the minor version at all? Because it sounds all modern and techy? Ugh.

Posted : 29/01/2025 4:08 pm
Full Member

People who leave their engine running when parked.

Diesel powered vehicles and the stink of them (and noise and black plumes of exhaust)

Sports reporters (usually football related if have misfortune of hearing them) who all talk in the same tone/pace.

Weather presenters who all talk in the same tone/pace.

Posted : 31/01/2025 5:43 am
Full Member

 Half his wagon was blocking the road anyway

Amish delivery drivers. So selfish.

Posted : 31/01/2025 6:15 am
Murray and Murray reacted
Free Member

"People who leave their engine running when parked."

This drives me up the wall. People who go sit in their car at lunch time with the engine running. Not driving anywhere, just sitting. I am far too tight to waste fuel like that.

Posted : 31/01/2025 7:21 am
Paul-B and Paul-B reacted
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It’s more the pollution, both gases and noise, than wasting money… not their money anyway, company pays for it, why should they care. ****s

Posted : 31/01/2025 7:34 am
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Green Flag Breakdown cover:

-About a fiver a month, ok.

-£21 The first month setup/admin fee. Reluctant OK.

-£21 Every year upon renewal for "admin and renewal fee" WTF! How is this justified?

To be fair, I'm not disproportionately cross enough to cancel and look elsewhere.

Posted : 31/01/2025 8:09 am
Free Member

My kids when they leave a glass or plate on the side, 10cm from a sink or 60cm from the dishwasher....

Posted : 31/01/2025 8:30 am
dove1 and dove1 reacted
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People who don't defog/defrost their car before driving. Peering through a letterbox sized clear section is not good enough unless you're in a tank that's buttoned down.

Posted : 31/01/2025 12:20 pm
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“People who leave their engine running when parked.”

This drives me up the wall.

Did you knock it into gear accidentally?

People who go sit in their car at lunch time with the engine running. Not driving anywhere, just sitting. I am far too tight to waste fuel like that.

The heater / aircon doesn't work with the engine off.

Posted : 31/01/2025 2:22 pm
Full Member

My kids when they leave a glass or plate on the side, 10cm from a sink or 60cm from the dishwasher….

MrsMC complains about the same thing. Then leaves her plate and mug in the same damn place....

Probably already been done, but butter packs in cafes that come straight out the fridge to the customer and take forever to get to a spreadable temperature.

Posted : 31/01/2025 4:17 pm
Murray and Murray reacted
Full Member

People who sit in their cars with the engine running are absolute ****s. No amount of anger is disproportionate when it comes to them. Selfish pricks, the lot of them. I'm that annoying weirdo that will knock on their window and tell them to switch it off

Posted : 31/01/2025 5:20 pm
soundninjauk, Houns, Houns and 1 people reacted
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People who try to overcomplicate arrangements for an organised ride in order to avoid paying a parking charge that goes towards the facility we are going to use.....

Posted : 31/01/2025 5:37 pm
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butter packs in cafes that come straight out the fridge to the customer and take forever to get to a spreadable temperature.

I don't think it has but I'll happily +1 that suggestion. "Here's your toasted teacake, and here's an individually wrapped pat of concrete." I stand my coffee on it or ask for spread instead (they'll always have some, thank the vegans later).

Posted : 31/01/2025 6:22 pm
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People who sit in their cars with the engine running

I can't actually do that, the stop/start thing shuts it off if I'm stopped and I don't think there's a way of disabling it (in honesty I've not looked because why would I?) It can be a pain if you stop at lights just as they change, so the car is simultaneously trying to both stop and start and it takes a few seconds to gather its thoughts. It'd be so much more useful if it ran on for a couple of seconds before shutting off.

Posted : 31/01/2025 6:26 pm
dove1 and dove1 reacted
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butter packs in cafes that come straight out the fridge to the customer and take forever to get to a spreadable

Not sure how this is a problem unless you have very poor circulation. A quick warming in the hand with a slight squeeze does wonders, it can also melt small butter packs.

Posted : 31/01/2025 6:27 pm
Free Member


For spending donkeys years buying basic pasta when the proper stuff is only a bit more expensive and SO much nicer. De Cecco ftw

Posted : 31/01/2025 6:33 pm
Full Member

In the days of ANPR and automatic everything, we really should have worked out by now how to let people get fuel, go park up and then go to pay. Doubly so if the store is one of those minimart affairs like Tesco Express where people decide to do a weekly shop whilst still parked next to the pump.

probably been done but, people who park at the pump, don’t fill up, then do a shop or buy breakfast etc.

Bonus points if it’s an EV.
A colleague did it once when I was a passenger, I think that enraged me more than if I was sitting waiting for the pump.

Posted : 31/01/2025 7:35 pm
Free Member

Unsalted butter with no prior warning.

Posted : 31/01/2025 8:56 pm
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De Cecco ftw

De Cecco is probably the best supermarket dried pasta you can get aside from specialty stuff which is stupidly priced and not much better if at all. If you're buying tinned tomatoes or jars of sauce, Mutti is the best I've found by some margin. And I eat a lot of pasta.

Posted : 31/01/2025 9:14 pm
Free Member

People who leave their engine running when parked.

Very much this.  Usually while thumbing through useless shite on the phone.

Same applies on the level crossing near where I live.  Even though there are signs (made by the local primary school) to kindly ask drivers to switch off, about 99% ignore anyway.  There are even official highway signs saying the same, seems that most folk don't care.  And the barriers can be down for up to 5 minutes.

Posted : 31/01/2025 10:03 pm
Full Member

Milk Bottles.  Not teh bottles themselves, teh glorious traditional pint glss bottle of iconic shapre that fits easilty in the hand and is of a weight that enables easily controlled pouring...  But the utter incompetents who are unable to remove the foil top withough totally destroying it!

We have these at work, and it seem slike at least half the population waste theit time peelin/piersing.cutting/tearign teh foil top off, when all you have to do is place your thumb on top of the foil and push down gently until it releases.....

It's not like it's only the under 40's that struggle with this (my approximate guess at when doorstep deliveries entered near terminal decline) - I saw someont inj hteir 60's being baffled by the common milk bottle today!

Is it just me??

Posted : 03/02/2025 3:51 pm
dove1, Paul-B, matt_outandabout and 3 people reacted
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Not just you, @keithb

Posted : 03/02/2025 4:00 pm
Free Member

Sky emailing me to try to get me to sign up to a new 2 year contract for my broadband by offering me a saving of 50p a month.

Posted : 03/02/2025 4:40 pm
Free Member

Whoever in our building of multiple offices thinks that day after day someone else cleans up the food waste they leave blocking the sink.
It got so bad this morning (kedgeree blocking sink by 8:45 on a Monday) that I note someone else has put up a suitable sign saying 'Gonnae no do that hen?' (or words to that effect).

Besides which, which freak eats kedgeree as a breakfast in the office?

Posted : 03/02/2025 4:50 pm
Full Member

I can’t actually do that, the stop/start thing shuts it off if I’m stopped and I don’t think there’s a way of disabling it (in honesty I’ve not looked because why would I?)

Because you want to reduce the wear on your battery and starter motor. Granted, people who rent a car for a couple of years and then hand it back won't care about things like that, but some of us will. To be clear, I'm not supporting leaving your engine running when parked - that's mental. In fact I see a bunch of Mums who stand around a running car (diesel natch), having a fag waiting for the school gates to open every morning that I would gladly remove from the gene pool.

or ask for spread instead

Ha! Spread makes me disproportionally cross - why would I ever want to eat Vaseline + food colouring when lovely butter exists? Vegans obviously get a pass on this one.

Posted : 03/02/2025 5:22 pm
Full Member

My council gym membership gives me access to two of their gyms. One is closed all week as it's having completely new kit installed, and the other is closed tomorrow as they are painting the gym.

Left hand, meet right hand.

Posted : 03/02/2025 5:49 pm
Full Member

People tailgating me in a 30 limit because I am only doing 27.

Posted : 03/02/2025 6:10 pm
Murray and Murray reacted
Full Member

This forum going on about Volvos, Marzocchis, Hopes etc.

Arghh. There is no apostrophe needed unless you are saying “my Volvo’s (my Volvo is) red” for example.

Posted : 03/02/2025 7:16 pm
Full Member

Putting to one side the matter of people using the last light bulb and not mentioning it so wrong can buy some more....

Actually buying a bloody light bulb - when did that get so hard? Actually finding a shop that sells them. Every other shop town sells sodding candles in every shape, size colour and flavour, but light bulbs? Jesus, how hard can it be? Does no one else light their house with electricity in the 21st century?

And don't get me started on the selection of bulbs when you find some. "Warmlight", "Daylight", "Cool light". FFS, I just want to see to read!

Posted : 04/02/2025 3:54 pm
Full Member

Setting an example to which all other drivers should aspire… [img] [/img]

Posted : 04/02/2025 5:56 pm
Free Member

Coming across some awful smartarse online, reading their comment history of stupid smug unhelpful comments, realising that you agree with them on many points and have said similar things, having an awful moment of self-realisation...

Besides which, which freak eats kedgeree as a breakfast in the office?

Well I'm not going to do it at home, it would stink the place out...

Posted : 05/02/2025 8:17 am
Full Member

"We're expecting it" delivery updates from couriers. Four days after first getting the alert for a 48hr delivery order and still no changes....

Just send one alert to say you've got it and another to say it's on its way grumble grumble

Posted : 07/02/2025 12:47 pm
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Setting an example to which all other drivers should aspire

On that,

Why "no overnight parking" in the background there?  What harm could that be causing?  Gates are locked at 10:30pm, well that suits me just fine, I'll see you in the morning when you open up again.

Posted : 07/02/2025 3:43 pm
Free Member

Can I say this updated forum?

Posted : 07/02/2025 4:34 pm
10 reacted
Free Member

Posted by: north of the border

This forum going on about Volvos, Marzocchis, Hopes etc.

Arghh. There is no apostrophe needed unless you are saying “my Volvo’s (my Volvo is) red” for example.



Posted : 07/02/2025 5:04 pm
Full Member

getting notifications about new posts on the 'Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross' thread   that im absolutely certain i didn't subscribe to

Posted : 07/02/2025 5:23 pm
Full Member

getting notifications about new posts on the 'Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross' thread   that im absolutely certain i didn't subscribe to

Posted : 07/02/2025 5:24 pm
Full Member

Can I say this updated forum?

Just the once.... well done 😉


Posted : 07/02/2025 6:22 pm
Full Member

Idiots on ebikes, with off the lead dogs, who ride UP downhill trails. They can get in the effin sea.

Posted : 09/02/2025 10:27 pm
Full Member

Idiots on ebikes, with off the lead dogs, who ride UP downhill trails. They can get in the effin sea.

Posted : 09/02/2025 10:28 pm
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