Based on my experience over lunch, faffing, specifically on the post office.
It’s lunchtime, there’s a queue, you know this as you were in it. Because of that you’d have had plenty of time to get your parcel ready so it’s quick process when you get to the counter.
But no, get to counter, look surprised, ask if this is a place they can send a parcel, look surprised again at the answer, rummage through bag to find parcel, look flustered when asked where it needs to be sent to, look even more flustered when ask how they’d like it send, finally, agree all the above, then suddenly find a letter that you’ve just remembered needs to go to New Zealand and is very urgent go through all the above again, ask about renewing a driving license, not as you want to but as you husband does in a year or 2 and you thought you’d ask about it, decide you can’t remember the info being said to you so say not to worry about and you’ll send him in instead in an few months, then you spend a bit of time packing back your bag and making small talk before heading off…leaving an ever growing queue behind her.
And breathe…