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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
  • redmex
    Free Member

    Could have been the father in law from a few weeks back that had a phobia about showers

    Full Member

    Front seat passengers that put their feet up on the dashboard. Often barefoot.

    Get your rank cheesy feet off the dash and windscreen, before, god forbid you have a crash and put your knee caps through your eye sockets as the airbag goes off.

    I worked with someone who would hold the steering wheel with his right hand at 12 o’clock.  He had a small bump while driving in a queue and the airbag went off, he managed to knock himself out, break his nose, jaw and wrist.  He’d been warned multiple times but refused to change.

    Full Member

    Needy bastard applications.  I don’t need an unskippable “quick tutorial” to an app I’ve been using since the days of Windows 3.1, get to **** and show me the bloody document I’ve just opened.  If your UI is so counterintuitive that you need to foist a tutorial on your users then it is broken.

    Whilst we’re on the subject, “open in browser” defaults.  Chrome opens .pdf documents in-browser, badly.  The mobile Facebook app opens web pages in-app, badly.  Just **** stop it already, it’s a shit user experience.

    north of the border
    Full Member

    People who hold their cutlery knives like a pen.

    Full Member

    People who can only talk about football.

    As in their opening line in a social situation is ‘What team do you support then?’ and when I answer ‘None, I don’t follow football.’ just carry on talking about football.  Usually because they have nothing else to talk about in their pitiful lives.

    Just had it for 20 mins until their partner appeared over his shoulder mouthing ‘Sorry…’ and dragging him away!

    Full Member

    “Old guys rule” T-shirts and apparel. I am very much in their target demographic but Christ on a bendy bus they make my teeth itch!

    Full Member

    People who take their dog to the pub,sit inside then bring the dog out for a pi## in the fully enclosed beer garden where kids are playing.

    Free Member

    Tree cutters.

    I appreciate they have a job to do, but so do I and it’s hard to concentrate when they’re outside playing Dueling Chainsaws to the background din of a woodchipper.

    Full Member

    That crazy woman that screamed at me for going through a red light.

    I hadn’t, she didn’t realise that it’s a long climb and bikes are much slower than cars (especially going uphill towards Longnor). The lights had changed a few times before I made it through!


    Full Member

    When off work sick:injured.

    Me:- Here’s my sick note for 3 weeks

    Work:- when do you think you’ll be back?

    me:- Don’t know awaiting a scan/diagnoses/whatever.

    work:- Do you think you’ll be in next week?

    Me;- I don’t know, I’ve not had the scan/diagnosis/ whatever but probably not.

    Work:- When do you think you’ll be back?

    Full Member

    The person in our organisation in charge of PAT testing but doesn’t have a clue about PAT testing

    Full Member

    Referring to Coed-Y-Brenin as ‘Codey’

    I’m not even Welsh.

    Full Member

    Referring to Coed-Y-Brenin as ‘Codey’

    Yeah. Is that the place along the road from Betsy?

    Full Member

    I’ve probably posted this comment before, but almost everyone, and their lazy attitude/approach to work.

    I’ve just lost an entire morning of planned work to sorting out issues that needn’t have arisen if people had done their jobs with even a modicum of care or diligence.

    Free Member

    That people cannot work out that if you’ve used something it cannot be brand new.

    EVOC/Rockshox tailgate pad for pickup truck – brand new

    “This EVOC/Rockshox tailgate pad is brand-new – used for just 9 days.”

    It’s not brand new then is it?  It might be described as like new, but it’s not brand new.

    Full Member

    The person in our organisation in charge of PAT testing but doesn’t have a clue about PAT testing

    RAS Syndrome.

    I’ve probably posted this comment before

    I’m disproportionally cross about the fact there is stuff which I’m disproportionally cross about but can’t remember whether I’ve already posted on here to state how disproportionally cross I am about it.

    Full Member

    That people cannot work out that if you’ve used something it cannot be brand new.

    See also, “new and improved!”  Which is it?

    Free Member

    When the miles left in your fuel gauge goes below 50 it doubles in speed and within a few mins you wish you’d taken that wee 3 mile detour for fuel

    Full Member

    Petrol pumps…always, always, always gets the extra 1p on the gauge. It’s a conspiracy!

    Full Member

    People who try to put a precise amount of petrol in the tank.. just fill it up (you’re gonna use it anyway), it stops when it stops.

    Full Member

    People who try to put a precise amount of petrol in the tank.. just fill it up (you’re gonna use it anyway), it stops when it stops.

    Not a chance. Got to be a palindrome.

    Free Member

    Petrol pumps just stopping with only a few litres in.

    (It’s because my card has run out again!)

    Full Member

    They’re Codey, Betsy and as close to direct ‘English’ pronunciation of Trawsfynndnd and Dolgellau as I can manage whenever we go to North Wales with our friend from North Wales. The rest of the time I’m keen to attempt the best pronunciation I can…

    Full Member

    Planning a 100 mile ride to the coast with mates.

    Getting as far as dropping a change of clothes off with organiser the day before for the train journey home.

    Getting home and starting to sniff, sneeze and generally feeling rough and snotty.

    Waking up with the 5am alarm, feeling worse and realising there’s no way you should be riding 100 miles spreading germs around your mates.


    Full Member

    Windows file explorer randomly deciding to group files and folders by modification date with headings for today, yesterday, last week etc. **** stop it. If I wanted that I’d have chosen it!

    Full Member

    Right click > group by > none.

    Total misfeature.

    Full Member

    People who post (spam) multiple questions on a subject/theme or start new threads but can’t be bothered to use the search facility (or even Google!) to find the answer for themselves


    Full Member

    can’t be bothered to use the search facility

    Hmm… who’s going to break it to them?

    Full Member

    I just tried to open device manager, and THIS happened.

    Bing/edge isn’t even my default web browser….. I hate windows… I’m going to linux once the games/steam support is a bit more betterer.

    Full Member

    Right click > group by > none.

    Yes found that after, another example of me openly moaning about something prompting to then find a solution*.

    Not confident it won’t happen again though. I’ve never turned this feature on myself.

    * you should have seen my happy little face when I discovered you could remove ‘Browse in Bridge’ from the file menu in InDesign – lost count of how many times I accidentally activate it instead of opening a recent file.

    I’m going to linux once the games/steam support is a bit more betterer.

    It’s pretty good now, the best it’s ever been. IT guy at work claimed some people are using Linux because some Windows games run better in Linux than Windows – but I’ll take that with a pinch of salt.

    As for disproportionately cross:

    People spelling gnarly without the ‘g’.

    Full Member

    Windows comes with some reasonable features so why, as an organization, would you deactivate the “undelete” function?
    Also the power off function, then complain that machines aren’t being powered off at the end of the day to allow updates.

    Free Member

    The neighbour that gets some chickens, and one turns out to be a Cockerell.

    Free Member

    The sticking rocks on the road edge lot.  Got me once with a stealth rock in long grass whilst avoiding an oncoming bloater.

    Full Member

    Pillar drill guards. Nobody uses them and they’re in the way and make things more dangerous imho but you’re not allowed to remove them.

    Free Member

    Dogs that know that they’re misbehaving but won’t come close to me because they know I’m angry with them.

    Full Member

    Based on my experience over lunch, faffing, specifically on the post office.

    It’s lunchtime, there’s a queue, you know this as you were in it. Because of that you’d have had plenty of time to get your parcel ready so it’s quick process when you get to the counter.

    But no, get to counter, look surprised, ask if this is a place they can send a parcel, look surprised again at the answer, rummage through bag to find parcel, look flustered when asked where it needs to be sent to, look even more flustered when ask how they’d like it send, finally, agree all the above, then suddenly find a letter that you’ve just remembered needs to go to New Zealand and is very urgent go through all the above again, ask about renewing a driving license, not as you want to but as you husband does in a year or 2 and you thought you’d ask about it, decide you can’t remember the info being said to you so say not to worry about and you’ll send him in instead in an few months, then you spend a bit of time packing back your bag and making small talk before heading off…leaving an ever growing queue behind her.

    And breathe…

    Full Member

    The sticking rocks on the road edge lot. Got me once with a stealth rock in long grass whilst avoiding an oncoming bloater.

    That could well be illegal and leave them liable for the damage.

    Edit: highways act 1980 obstruction of verges.

    Full Member

    I just tried to open device manager, and THIS happened.

    Win-X, M.

    Full Member

    People who put bin bags in bins without spreading it out into the bin,  more like a drum than a suitable rubbish receptacle.

    Free Member

    Limp chips.

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