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  • Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross
  • dyna-ti
    Full Member

    Got a really cool hot wood filler gun. Not cheap at all. About £80. Should be good right?

    What one is that ? I thought proxxon(green) but 80 quid is about 4x what the proxxon one currently costs. In the market, but not sure if as spendy as that.

    Free Member

    Websites that pop up a window you need to bat away asking to rate the site 3 seconds after you’ve landed on it. Then spring up another window usefully telling you 24 people are looking at the same thing or 32 people have bought one in the last 24hrs. So the **** what – do you think I’ll feel the internet peer group pressure to such a degree that I’ll just have to get that item?  Then the real piss-me-off-de-resistance, sending me a spam email saying how they are ‘holding’ my basket ‘for me’    No you aren’t – If thats the last item in stock and somebody else wants it you’ll still be ‘holding my basket’ will you, or sending me an email saying you’ve got first dibs on this? No I didn’t think so.

    Full Member

    What one is that ? I thought proxxon(green) but 80 quid is about 4x what the proxxon one currently costs. In the market, but not sure if as spendy as that.

    My mistake. £68 at Axminster

    Here it is


    Full Member

    People who say ‘spicy’ when referring to how hot/how stong the chilli is in a given dish…

    e.g. “I can’t eat spicy food” …nonsense, pretty  much everything you eat has spices in it.

    It’s not spicy, its hot…ejits!


    a substance made from a plant, used to give a special flavour to food: Cinnamon, ginger, and cloves are all spices.

    Full Member

    An ex of mine couldn’t eat “spicy” food. Like, regular off-the-shelf Dolmio/Ragu bolognaise sauce was too spicy for her, making pasta I’d to start from scratch with tinned tomatoes. One time I put a couple of twists of black pepper in and she couldn’t/wouldn’t eat it.

    I appreciate though, this is a fringe case. And frankly it was the least of her issues.

    Full Member

    I don’t think this has been done yet, but the modern trend towards 1000 calorie triple caramel double chocolate extra lard brownie iced extra shot gingerbread foam whipped soy milk latte… with sprinkles. My work is terrible for this – you nip in for a quick coffee before work and the person in front of you makes some ridiculous order that then takes the solitary barista 15 minutes to make. Even Greggs isn’t immune from this.

    Full Member

    I don’t think this has been done yet, but the modern trend towards 1000 calorie triple caramel double chocolate extra lard brownie iced extra shot gingerbread foam whipped soy milk latte… with sprinkles

    Its not been done because i think it fails the “disproportionately” test. Seems perfectly reasonable to want to kill someone who orders a pudding instead of a coffee.

    Full Member

    Really, the problem there is “the solitary barista.” It’s a single point of failure.

    Back to Tesco self-checkout tills again. 15 minutes to closing on a Sunday this afternoon, the single busiest time to shop*, there’s six tills and they had one Attendant on shift. Someone has a bottle of scotch with one of those stupid plastic security boxes on the neck which invariably jam and the entire process grinds to a screaming halt.

    (* – I wouldn’t normally go at that time if I could possibly avoid it because it’s little more than a scrum, but I was scouring open pharmacies for stock of medicine and my girlfriend went “oh, if you’re going to Tesco, can you just pick up…”)

    Full Member

    Hehe…I like a dash of milk/sugar in my coffee, so a latte or a flat white is easy for me…but my best friend likes a bog standard black coffee…it’s like they don’t understand what that is when you order that.

    Milk? no, I want a black coffee!

    Sugar? no, I just want a coffee!

    Oh you want want espresso? no **** off!

    They still brought it to the table on a tray with a silly little jug of milk along with several sachets of sugar and sweetner.

    Mods: meme a bit sweary. 

    Full Member

    Mods: meme a bit sweary.

    Sorry, allow me to retort…


    Free Member

    The way radio current affairs programs constantly lose lines to guests. I don’t mean a line to war torn Ukraine or some bloke studying penguins sitting on an ice flow in Antarctica, I mean to an MP in Dorking or as in Today today when they lost the line to Bernie Sanders in their flippin Manchester studio….I mean how difficult can it be to get a solid telephone line sorted in 2024, they’ve been around since the 1870s, its not exactly new technology.

    Full Member

    The way radio current affairs programs constantly lose lines to guests. I don’t mean a line to war torn Ukraine or some bloke studying penguins sitting on an ice flow in Antarctica, I mean to an MP in Dorking or as in Today today when they lost the line to Bernie Sanders in their flippin Manchester studio….I mean how difficult can it be to get a solid telephone line sorted in 2024, they’ve been around since the 1870s, its not exactly new technology.

    In a similar way, but even less professionally done because they are only on for a few sentances, but the standard radio call-in-er. they are never the right volume.

    the producer is sitting in front of a console with more buttons than Houston mission control. surely one of those buttons is “external input volume up”?

    Full Member

    I mean how difficult can it be to get a solid telephone line sorted in 2024, they’ve been around since the 1870s, its not exactly new technology.

    Ha! We’ve been refused a telephone line in the past because “we don’t have any capacity in your area.”

    Just rebuilt our house and the building code or whatever says we had to have provision for a landline, so there’s cable into the house for something we will never ever use.

    Full Member

    I’ve currently got labyrinthitis, any noise is making me irrationally angry, very angry. Combined this with the prospect of being stuff in a Butlins chalet with my in laws for a weeks and I think I’m about to go all falling down.

    Full Member

    I came here to post “irrationally cross.”

    When I woke up this morning I lay there for a couple of minutes being cross about a bloke stole who something from me, and going over what I could’ve/should’ve done instead… in a dream I’d just had.

    Free Member

    Probably been covered before but the use of obviously as a filler word when speaking.  If it was obvious then you wouldn’t be explaining it would you?

    Full Member

    Radio 6. That background music that fades in and out as the host chats away, namely Steve lemacq etc. Does my head in! Must be getting old.

    Full Member

    The fact I’m acting up to a “leadership role” (the term is a whole other post) I’ve been doing it for a year. Not one person thinks I’ve done a bad job, in fact I’m hearing really positive things from people who aren’t in my dept. Yet tomorrow I find out if our previous ineffectual boss drop back into post which means we go back to trundling along under disillusioned leadership.
    Chuffing raging.

    Free Member

    The use of do / doing / done as a lazy word in a sentence.  “Have you done Coed y Brenin?”  Have I done what to it?  Have a I ridden at?  Have I visited?

    Free Member

    People vaping especially grown men. It makes the ‘vaper’ look ridiculous with all the plumes of whatever it is they exhale. To me they look like giant babies sucking on a pacifier.

    Gone are the days of Cary Grant-esque men charming ladies in Monte Carlo whist smoking…..somehow telling an Austrian beauty that your vape is Bubble Gum flavour just isn’t quite the same! :D

    I’m with @NickC on other peoples dogs. It’s not that i’m anti dog, i just don’t want them jumping up on my usually clean clothes!

    Full Member

    Honestly, whilst “not at all” would be my first choice, I’d rather accidentally get a faceful of someone else’s dewberry steam than cigarette smoke. Considerably less litter (though non-zero) tossed onto the floor as well.

    Free Member

    I’d question the litter point Cougar. I see plenty of disposable vapes dumped on the street. All that plastic with a battery in it just thrown on the ground. Plus the foil wrapper it originally came in along with the cardboard outer box. Ridiculously wasteful.

    Full Member

    We’ve had two fires in bins at school from vapes, one inside that was dampened by home ec scones someone binned. One outside dampened by dog shit bags that landed on it. Both got to the level of making a lot of smoke.

    Full Member

    Zwifts forced updates.

    You get ready to ride. Open Zwift…Zwift needs to update before you can continue. 20 mins later…

    Free Member

    Referring to 17,18 and 19 years olds as “teens”.

    Free Member

    The term “teen” in general.

    Thank goodness it was not in general use when The Adverts were about.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Zwifts forced updates.

    You get ready to ride. Open Zwift…Zwift needs to update before you can continue. 20 mins later…

    So. Many. Updates!

    Full Member

    I’d question the litter point Cougar. I see plenty of disposable vapes dumped on the street.

    As I said, it’s non-zero, yes. I’ve seen plenty of vape parts dumped on the floor also, but they pale into insignificance compared with cigarette butts. I’m nipping to the shop shortly, I’ll do a count.

    Full Member

    We’ve had two fires in bins at school from vapes,

    Fires in the ashtray hopper thing in the smoking shelter at my old workplace were a common occurrence. I used to go out with a jug of water to extinguish it maybe once a month. Some halfwit would have jammed an empty cig carton or a tissue in there, then people would be walking through the office casually going “looks like the smoking shelter’s on fire again.” WTF?

    I’ve nothing against smoking in general, what people do to themselves is their own concern. I was opposed the smoking ban in pubs because whilst it benefitted me personally it felt to me like the pub was the one place where you should be able to do something mildly illicit like drinking, gambling or smoking.

    But inconsiderate smokers make me cross in a way that I cannot truthfully describe as disproportionate and there’s a lot of them. They ping a butt across the pavement, it’s “just one tiny little butt,” amirite? But they smoke 20 a day and so do all their mates, we’re going to need a calculator. Use a bin, use an ashtray, if you’re out in the sticks then take something to put them in. An ex was a smoker, she carried an empty fag packet to put the dog ends into. This shouldn’t be difficult for grown-ass adults.

    Full Member

    People that squeeze the tea bag.

    Thanks a lot. You’ve just made my tea undrinkable.

    Maniacs 😡

    Free Member

    It’s probably been mentioned already but people who drive like maniacs round car parks, like the twonk who came screaming round the corner in Lidl earlier and had to do a full emergency stop procedure so as not to wipe out me and my trolley, I nearly jumped out of my skin, git.

    Free Member

    Bastard toilet seats. Both of them in our house specifically. Stay fitted properly for a week, then a slowly increasing wobble until it slides sideways spectacularly. But not enough to actually break and need replacing. Then the refit/tighten-up cycle starts again.

    If anyone has a recommendation for one that stays put I’d be grateful.

    Full Member

    “If anyone has a recommendation for one that stays put I’d be grateful.”

    PTFE tape or some sort of thread lock on the threads?

    Full Member

    If anyone has a recommendation for one that stays put I’d be grateful.

    Asian or African squat hole.

    Full Member

    Or just stop with the wiggly bum?

    Full Member

    “packet to put the dog ends into. This shouldn’t be difficult for grown-ass adults”

    Chap I used to climb with some years ago, kept a 35mm film canister in his pocket for precisely that reason. I think he’s given up smoking since, and probably buying 35mm film too, to be honest

    Edit – the quote bit has gone AWOL now, ffs

    Full Member

    “some sort of thread lock on the threads?”

    Forum moderator?

    Free Member

    Gareth Wyn Jones being the UK media’s go to voice of Wales and Welsh farming


    Full Member

    If anyone has a recommendation for one that stays put I’d be grateful.

    I put two of the IKEA Kullarna ones in ours some years ago. They’ve been the best of a bad bunch.

    Free Member

    Referrals to people as “young people”.
    You are either a child or an adult.

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