Any other fans of this beer style around? 5%+ ideally, and affordable. Here's my list:
Gladeye IPA, Broughton IPA, SAinsburys IPA and their US style one all grand. Various Wychwoods, and Old Tom taste "brewed to a price" to me but not bad. I've not found anything in a 330ml can that's struck me as good value.
Favourites are Leffe (brun, obvs, thanks Leffeboy), Fullers 1845 and Samuel Adams Nut Brown Ale (probably more of theirs, there are only 2 pubs in Edinburgh that sell it, so I don't know them.)
Bottled, ideally, for the no-mates home drinker 🙂
Theakstons Old Peculiar, seems to be available everywhere.
I got given a case of Corsendonk beers recently. Lots of lovely dark beers but so so strong.
thakx to share. I got beer perffect.
Grimbergen Double or triple if feeling brave!
Well yes, but it's mild month, so yes to the dark bit.
On that basis - Pressed Rat and Warthog by FFF Brewery. Lovely.
magic rock bearded lady is good. available on their site.
Old Peculier is the best natural laxative I know of; any time I'm badly constipated I neck a couple of bottles and I'm sure of a good cleanout the next morning. It beats senna any day as it doesn't make your guts churn painfully.
Ah I remember Grimbergen in an Aldi once, that was a good week.
OP is grand too, Orkney Dark Island also.
Hobgoblin Ruby or Black Wych
Kasteel Donker (I assume that's Belgian for dunkel not sure tho). I think Erdinger Pikantus is nice as well, which is a dark bock.
Fullers London Porter
Saltaire No5 Stout
Saltaire Triple Choc stout
Young’s Double Chocolate stout
Old Peculier +1
thakx to share. I got beer perffect.
Bit early?
Not sure if you'll get it in Scotland, but Sadlers Mud City Stout is a thing of true beauty. There are 2 versions, 1 is 4% ish, ignore that and find the 6.5% stuff.
West Berks/Renegade do a few at the moment
Dead Men Brew No Ales - black IPA. 5.4% - lovely!
Smoke on the Porter - uh, porter. 6%
Stay Grounded - Imp Stout - 10%. Very nice, but quite strong.
and a superb DIPA called Snake Oil (7.5%). Not that dark, but I love it.
This is my favourite, one of my local ones.
What, no love for McEwan's Champion? Up there with 1845 for me, both make the perfectly decent Old Peculier seems a little thin. I always think of strong dark beers as a Winter thing, there's few things more comforting than a strong dark ale enjoyed in a hot bath after coming in from a freezing ride!
Speaking locally, I do enjoy a pint of Glastonbury Ales Black As Yer 'At on draught, but at a weedy 4.3% it misses the cynic-al cut.
Ooh just remembered Harviestons Old Engine Oil...
Love them!
Got a few I have brewed myself on bottle/tap (at my flat...)
A 14% Barleywine "Brexit Special" - made using only UK ingredients
A 9% Belgian Porter - Double strength porter malt and a Belgian Abbey yeast
A 9% Belgian Abbey Ale - as above but with less dark malts and more candi sugar
An 8% Black IPA - lots of dark malts, brown sugar and a ****ton of hops
All are delish!
St Austell Proper Black is a current favourite, Tesco were doing a 4 for £6 offer on bottles (not sure if it's still going)
How about Titanic Plum Porter Reserve? Think you can still get that in bottles. The ordinary Plum Porter is good too
This is all you need to know:
Old Tom by Robinsons.
Champion by McCewans.
Moonraker by JW Lees.
Noticed last night a Saltaire/PSBH collaboration to produce a Triple Choc at 7.5%. Didn't try it, had to be able to put one foot in front of the other on the walk back.
Midnight Sun by Williams brothers.
Old Tom by Robinsons.
Champion by McCewans.
As above, I wasn't impressed with OT. Champion is OK but McEwan's otherwise disagree with me badly...
Orkney dark island ftw and there's a chocolate porter ale that M&S do that is quite nice
What, no love for McEwan’s Champion?
I like this one, especially at 3 for 5 quid in the Co-op!
Lots of strong stouts to choose from but i've always had a taste for Guiness Foreign Extra and Dragon which are easy to get around London.
Was very tempted by a 10% Imperial Stout at Craft Beer Co last weekend until i found out it was £15 a pint...
I'm quite liking Sadler's Peaky Blinder black IPA at the moment. But then if it can be loosely described as beer, I'll drink it. +1 for the West Berkshire brewery too, well worth a visit, get someone else to drive though.
Lidl do a box of 6 belgian beers every few months and there's probably 4 in there which are pretty dark and most around 10% or more
Champion for me too. It's just champion.
Greene King Abbot Reserve and Old Crafty Hen are good and not hard to find
Does Barley Wine count?
Oh, Fullers Golden Pride!
I’ve not found anything in a 330ml can that’s struck me as good value.
Have you tried Black Sheep's Glug M Glug - a black IPA that's quite nice for reasonable £.
If you ever get the chance, try BeerLao Dark. 6.5%
Aldi have a delicious coffee porter in. Not noticed it before so I'm not sure if it's a regular or a special.
Ferry Ales Cossack Russian Imperial. Christmas gift I thought I'd hate but it was gorgeous.
I used to love Adnams Broadside before I stopped drinking. From the tap is a hundred times better than bottled though.
Allendale Wolf.
Five Points Brewery's Station Porter is damn fine, discovered it at OSLO the music venue under Hackney East station, the brewery is about ¼ mile from OSLO. It’s so good that my mate and I did the 200 mile round trip a couple of months later to try it again!
Actually that’s only slightly true, we got there to find the artist who’s gig it was had fallen ill a couple of hours before, so we went back for the rescheduled gig.
The range of beers and the food is almost good enough to make the visit worth while on its own, though.
Aberystwyth’s Purple Moose Brewery do a dark beer called ‘Dark Side Of The Moose’, which is also extremely more-ish, and Newport’s Tiny Ruin Brewery do one called Cwtch, which, as many know, means ‘cuddle’, and it is indeed like a cuddle in a glass!
Discovered that in the beer marquee at Greenman a couple of years ago, I was very disappointed when it ran out.
My favourites are Leffe Brun, Speights Old Dark and more recently Asahi Black
Enville Gothic if you're ever down Stourbridge way.
Failing that Westvleteren 12 by mail order, doesn't exactly fall into the cheap bracket but rude not to try it at least once if you like that style of beer.