So we have a beautiful little girl who is nearly 2, we also have a standard sized pedigree Dachshund (sausage dog) - I was out for a bike ride yesterday morning & baby jek was in the care of the my mother as mrs jek was away and I had my mum over. Apparently the dog and baby were sitting together on the sofa watching tele and the dog was licking his paw, it's been a bit sore this week as he had a claw nail come off. My mum said she reached over to pet him and then he bit her on the face. Just a tiny nick and it did break the skin about 4cms from her eye!!
He can be quite an aggresive dog, he's bitten me before trying to get him out from under the bed, he bit a stranger out on a walk once, my neighbour when he was dropping off some post and he's also bitten my daughter before, just a little nick on the arm when she was teasing him. We tell her off for teasing him and try to watch them together all the time, but sometimes it's just not practical.
It's too easy to say 'just get rid of him' - quick jab and it's all done but he's been our dog for years. My wife moved in in 2004 and baby jek didn't come along will 2011, so in all that time he's been a great family dog, country walks, holidays, afternoons and evenings on the sofa, the whole bit If I think about getting rid of him and that moment when I'll come to put him in the car to go to the vets, he'll be wagging his tail and expecting a walk because I've got his lead out and looking up at me with his little happy face like he'll be saying 'we are going for a walk aren't we dad, you're not taking me to get me put down are you?' - the guilt will haunt me for me years I'm convinced.
So.....what shall we do?