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  • Sooooo your mate falls off in front of you and breaks his leg…
  • lowey
    Full Member

    Hope he has a speedy recovery. Joking aside its not nice when a mate takes a real bad one.


    Free Member

    I’ve got this ‘Emergency’ app on my phone which will send a text/email of my location with a pre-formatted message along the lines of “xxxx is at yyyyy location and needs help” to pre-programmed numbers/emails. It also has handy first aid instructions, and stores info like allergies and medical insurance numbers. Haven’t had to use it yet thankfully, and had actually forgotten it was there until this thread came up.

    Free Member

    Glad to hear “good” outcome.

    It can often be a long wait for a response.. an hour will feel like a lifetime and this would be extremely quick in Scotland. Although a space blanket will be helpful, a small group shelter is better, even in summer.

    Most MR’s should be using SARLOC which will pinpoint your location (accuracies are often 5-10 metres from true location) but you need mobile data available. You should get to speak to an MRT controller/coordinator who will send a link to your phone and when you open it, a James Bond style ‘ping’ shows on map in control room. Very useful 🙂

    First Aid. Yep, be good at maintaining airway, CPR, stopping major bleeds and do no further harm.

    If there is any difficulty with access, ie you are not right next to tarmac, do ask for Mountain Rescue.

    Not meaning to do the suck eggs thing, but I have been at both ends….. 😉

    Full Member

    is it a myth that 112 and 999 from mobile do something different from the point of view of accessing your location ?

    I read a thing a while ago about how 112, if enabled through a prior access text arrangement allowed quick satellite location. I set my phone up to do it if rqd.

    I then read on a climbing forum that this was bollocks and 999 did the same anyway ?

    Full Member

    The 112 stuff is a myth, and a dangerous one.

    Free Member

    I really should get one of those space blankets, been meaning to for ages but keep on forgetting!

    As for getting locations from GPS or phones I have experience of both.
    I had to use the GPS to give co-ordinates to the French ranger at Pre-La-Joux after we saw a rider go over a small ridge and shatter his leg whilst trying to let us past. The chopper that winched him off came straight to us, no messing around. Speaking to the rider afterwards by email the chopper pilot said it made things far easier for them than the usual location of ‘The top end of Rock’n’roll” etc they usually get.
    I’ve had to phone for help for a walker I came across in the Beacons and the GPS wasn’t picking up a signal. I knew what ridge I was next to but not which side, the operator could tell by looking at which mast I was connected to. Help arrived in 30 minutes!

    I don’t carry my smartphone with me on the bike, got an ancient Nokia instead as the battery lasts forever (it’s 10 years old and still holds charge for weeks!) and it picks up phone signals much better than my Xperia does. Between it and the GPS I should be covered.

    The other advantage of a GPS trace is that you can spot things after an accident you might not otherwise have known. Had a big OTB at Afan five years ago and I thought I had just crashed, gathered my stuff up and walked back to the visitor centre then to A&E. Whilst sat at home recuperating I looked at the trace and spotted I had crashed then not moved for a good 45 minutes whereas I remembered crashing then immediately walking out of the way a good 100m. Went back to the docs and said I may have been knocked out for a long time (previously said I hadn’t) and they got me in for a scan. Good job I checked that trace as they spotted a few problems!!

    Free Member

    Download ‘OS Locate’ for free from playstore or appstore. It is an absolute no brainer for anyone who goes off into the hills for fun.

    It is the Ordnance Surveys own app and it handily gives you a 6 fig grid reference of your current location. Just what you need when the poo has hit the fan, need to tell the emergency services and you dont know where you are. It also has a compass which is a bit of a gimmick but maybe useful.

    Free Member

    This isn’t having a dig, but what would the first aid course have given you?

    Basic first aid skills saving a (rather good) riders life (blood content).

    Cool, calm, collected & compression.

    Free Member

    Also worth noting where the phone reception is (route guidebooks might mention it, car park signs etc, or at least make a note of when you last had it on the trail). All very good having an app on your phone that relays your position to the emergency services if you’ve had to walk back 3 miles to find reception.

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