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  • Something like a Dry Robe but cheaper…
  • MoreCashThanDash
    Full Member

    So if the long road to normality proceeds as planned, from 12th April LittleMissMC will have gymnastics training twice a week and I’ll have two hours to kill each night, which usually involves riding my bike.

    Sadly, the gym is closed to parents so I can’t nip in and change in the loos after the ride like I used to be able to. So rather than a soggy hour in sweaty kit driving home, I was wondering about something like a DryRobe to hide under and get changed in the car park, ideally without too much of the unfortunate situation being recorded on CCTV and the subsequent criminal record.

    Any suggestions where to look – no access to a sewing machine to try and cobble something together sadly.

    Full Member

    Modesty duvet – just cut some holes in a really cheap single duvet cover.

    Full Member

    A towel.

    Full Member

    Decathlon have a towelling version or Aliepress if you want fleecy/waterproof version.

    Full Member

    I use a decathlon outdoorsy poncho for changing under and a towel for towelling purposes.

    Full Member

    Yep, decathlon, mine lives in the boot of the car for the end of bike rides.

    Full Member

    Thanks folks

    Full Member

    Gorilla robes are also worth a look –

    I have the waterproof dry chasing robe and it has proved faultless so far. I also prefer the poncho design to the full front zip of the Dryrobe.

    Free Member

    Not as cheap as the Decathlon one but Booicore do a similar product

    Full Member

    And Rapanui do a similar “just towelling” thing…
    This one

    Full Member

    Cheapish dressing gown? just change facing the car to keep your bits out of sight of the cctv😀

    Full Member

    Your daughter is going to love leaving Gymnastics and being faced with this:


    My daughter is embarrassed enough if I turn up to collect her in shorts…

    Full Member

    What about just seeing your own (or getting whoever uses the sewing machine in your house to knock one up).

    Full Member

    My daughter is embarrassed enough if I turn up to collect her in shorts…

    No worse than a dad in sweaty lycra….

    No access to a sewing machine sadly

    Full Member

    MrsIHN, for post open water swimming changing purposes, initially used a massive cheap dressing gown, then bought one of those Rapanui towelling ponchos. She loves it, says it’s one of the best things she’s bought.

    Free Member

    Those Mystic teddy things look awesome lol.

    The Gorilla recycled jobs at 30 quid look good.

    Full Member

    An old dressing gown for me. if you don’t have one I’m sure a George ASDA one can be had for a tenner.

    Full Member

    if your arms are in a dressing gown how do you get a t-shirt / jersey off and on, or bib short straps off. Surely has to be a poncho design for that reason

    Full Member

    I’ve bought Mrs OTS a Frostfire Moonrap (

    £100 vs £150 for the Dryrobe. I want the soft inner with the showerproof outer, although that Decathlon one does look good.

    And of course don’t forget the Hipster **** solution

    Free Member

    If it’s literally for just getting changed purposes, then two towels stitched together at the top with a gap for the head and then at the sides with gaps for large arm holes works fine. I have an Oakley towelling poncho but this is far more restrictive for getting changed under than the two towel option (and more expensive).

    I thought the dryrobes looked good until I saw the price! I’m surprised how popular they are given the expense. I’m not sure they’re that easy to get changed under, most people I know seem to use them to drive home in so they don’t have to change at all. I’m sensitive to snail parasites in open water, so i need to towel off asap so not an option for me.

    Free Member

    Right, wallet at the ready.

    Gorilla waterproof or Zone 3 waterproof.

    Vote now !

    Full Member

    My cheapest Decathlon poncho is more of less 2 towels stitched together at the shoulders and lower 2/3 of the sides as described above. Didn’t have any spare towels at the time and it was cheaper, if more boring being grey, than 2 beach towels.
    It’s fine for drying myself and keeping the weather off a bit when changing whilst not demonstrating my body to those who are almost certainly best off not seeing it. Also not too bulky when shoved in a bag.

    Free Member

    Just strip off next to your car and pretend no one’s looking.

    Full Member

    Just strip off next to your car and pretend no one’s looking.

    In a car park overlooked by my daughters gymnastics squad, and full of the yummy mummies waiting to pick them up?

    Full Member

    The Decathlon one is fine, works well & cheap enough not to have to bother fiddling about sowing two towels together.

    Free Member

    Google Toncho. I got one and its good for getting changed. Easier than a towel.

    If you can sew then you can make one very easily out of two towels.

    Free Member

    I live at the coast where these things are everywhere at the minute.

    And, funnily enough, my mate sent me this text last night:

    Middle aged womens uniform

    Make of that what you will.

    Full Member

    just cut some holes in a really cheap single duvet cover.

    Your daughter is going to love leaving Gymnastics and being faced with this:

    Free Member

    That’s only one step from this

    Full Member

    2 gorillarobes in this house, they are cracking.

    Full Member

    I tried the Alpkit Haven (I really like Alpkit stuff – the main reason I have a Gorillarobe is to get changed in and out of my Alpkit wetsuit) – BUT I found the Haven just isn’t a generous enough cut to function as a changing robe. Its basically just a big jacket…

    Full Member

    In a car park overlooked by my daughters gymnastics squad, and full of the yummy mummies waiting to pick them up?

    You could always pitch a tent* in the car park.

    *Stop sniggering, you dirty buggers.

    Free Member

    Two towels, press stud kit. Fasten them together around a short side and down the long sides with enough room for your head to poke through. Fasten together when needed, pull apart when needed. No sewing required, just some measuring and a hammer.

    Free Member

    I’m sure Alpkit do one. It’s in the swimming section.

    Full Member

    I got a towelling over the head, with a hood thing from internet. Some faux surf brand. £25 or similar. I made sure I got a cotton one rather than a synthetic as they have a habit of smelling after a while although the cotton ones take longer to dry. Big hood, big armholes, modest length, subtle logos. Job done. In fact, checking google it is a dryrobe towelling one. Off Amazon but must have had a bargain. They’re £35 now.

    Free Member

    I just thought these things were two £5 towels sewn together and marked up to £150?

    Full Member

    For the 5 minutes that you are going to wear them whilst you change from one set of clothes to another then get thrown into your car boot, a lot of people are suggesting some things at silly prices.

    Throw it over your head, get changed. Job done, no fashion show around the car park.

    I got one of these (back when they were around £15 though):

    Plus there are cheaper ones on ebay if you have a search.

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