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  • Some thieving person has nicked our Beer/Wine and Spirits !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jamj1974
    Full Member

    In subject of Picolax – what happened to Blutone…? I take it he has left this neck of the woods a long time ago. Shame, because that thread was genius!

    Full Member

    Dont buy a baseball bat buy a large Maglite, if you use a baseball bat you are in the poo but if you use a maglite in self defence you can say you were using it has torch and had no intention of using has a weapon but was drawn to use because of the incident.

    I used to live across the road from a Caribbean take away that used to have a basebat and pickaxe handle mounted on the wall the behind the counter. One night they got used in action, there was a bit of police involvement and they disappeared – to be replaced by a pair of giant ornamental hardwood salad tossers.

    From my experience of disturbing burglars their priorities are (from unpacking the items in the bags they dropped in reverse order)

    1: Find a bag
    2: Got to the fridge for booze
    3: Look for bottles of spirits
    4: CDs (remember them)
    5: Low level valuables

    Thieves steel stuff that is readily fence-able, only bike thieves steal bikes because only bike thieves know how to sell them on. High value goods are hard to sell as you need to find someone dishonest with enough money to want to buy them (and who wants and doesn’t already have what you are selling). Booze, however, is easy to sell. At any time of year booze is the easiest stuff to turn into ready cash. Storing it in your garden at Christmas is an absolute gift!

    Before Christmas I bought a load of booze.
    And now it’s all disappeared!

    I have a friend we call the Exorcist, whenever he visits he rids the house of spirits.

    Free Member

    Got called out a few days before chriostmas a few years ago, customers shed broken into, containing the chest freezer, as the lady had cooked and plated all the christmas meals for her large family, and then frozen them ready to be reheated christmas day morning.

    Someone had nicked the lot,including the plates.

    I would have loved to ask her how she was expecting to heat 15 plates of christmas dinner up all in one sitting, and the risk of food poisioning if she hadnt frozen them quick enough, but thought better of it for once.

    Full Member

    for once.


    Free Member

    Junkyard. Boxers have padded knuckles. Ever been punched with bare knuckles? It hurts.

    My internet persona is silly. My realworld is jokey. Ive never attracted trouble from strangers as Im not 5ft7 with straggly weirwolf hair 😉

    Free Member

    I do Martial arts – Yes i have many times [ i am crap at it]- whats your point?
    Most folk would break their knuckles/hand/wrist with a full force punch Gloves are their to protect the hand not your face – the power is still there even with light gloves.

    You would need to be huge and skillful to be sure of one punch knock outs and the other person would need to either stand still or move in IME- thats just to deck them never mind a KO- ie if you dont fight dont think you will be able to do this

    Ive never attracted trouble from strangers as Im not 5ft7 with straggly weirwolf hair

    Chapeau 😀

    Full Member

    You would need to be huge and skillful to be sure of one punch knock outs and the other person would need to either stand still or move in IME- thats just to deck them never mind a KO

    But in those documentaries that Roger Moore makes, you know stuff like “You only live once to dies twice another daylights” you can get a good clean silent kill by politely tapping someone on the back of the neck. Thats marital arts fact!

    Free Member

    In boxing you are told to protect your chin. I did martial arts for 9yrs. **** all use, get inside gouge and land as many rabbit punches with uppercuts as possible oh and use your forehead as much as possible.

    If hes harder than you strangle the ****. 🙂

    Free Member

    I will pay good money to see you try that technique with some folk who have done some training that is of **** all use 😉

    Free Member

    Shrugs. I never want to ever fight. If attacked though I’d Grab them whilst your friends are taking their shoes/socks off 😉

    Free Member

    Ive never attracted trouble from strangers as Im not 5ft7 with straggly weirwolf hair

    Chortles 😆

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