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  • So, who's going to be the new Labour leader?
  • allthepies
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    I think Chuka has his eyes set on the London Mayor job – should be an interesting contest between him and Kahn!

    Headline writers hoping for that as well!

    Chuka? Chuka? Chuka/Khan everybody, everybody Chuka/Khan.

    I feel it too. Got that in my head now.

    Free Member

    Chuka has thrown in the towel.

    Thanks for the breaking news, have you been following the thread ? 😉

    Press following his mum is obnoxious. Not sure he could be Labour party leader, not Northern working class enough.

    London Mayor would be a good shout for him.

    Free Member

    Just shows what scum the press can be. Waiting outside his relatives houses at night? WTF

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    jambalaya – Member

    Not sure he could be Labour party leader, not Northern working class enough.

    Ah yes, a vital requirement to be Labour leader.

    Full Member

    Not sure he could be Labour party leader, not Northern working class enough.

    Yeah… we’re snowed under with working class northerners in the present labour party. Can’t move for ’em. Theres Andy Burnham and then ….. erm….. Tristram Hunt?

    Full Member

    Press following his mum is obnoxious.

    rupert murdoch put a lot of effort into getting cameron a majority, he’ll be damned if hes gonna let labour elect a potential winner

    Free Member

    Binners aye and of course Bliar was working class from a Poly who went to live in a council house after the election..

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    I’m sure Chuka Ummuna would have made the perfect Labour leader for Rupert Murdoch. I have no doubt that the man who dismisses ordinary people as “trash” shares Peter Mandelson’s sentiments that Labour is “intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich”.

    In fact imo it’s very likely that he would have instructed the Sun to ditch the Conservatives and back Labour had Ummuna become leader.

    Free Member

    I suggest we have a Baron as Labour Leader … Baron Tristram Hunt that is. My backup choice.

    Baron Hunt!
    Baron Hunt!
    Baron Hunt!
    Bow to me you lot peasant class!
    Bow to me as I am your Baron and your master!

    (saw him on Question Time last night … yeahhhh! He is the one to lead Labour)


    Full Member

    so Kier Starmer then?

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    kimbers – Member
    so Kier Starmer then?

    Ahh I see another lawyer … So the lawyer speaks …

    Free Member

    I’ve read some stuff by Kier Starmer that sounded intelligent and reasonable – not sure where he stands politically in general.

    Not sure he could be Labour party leader, not Northern working class enough.

    You really do talk some hilarious nonsense!

    Free Member

    Former DPP, the CPS is so highly regarded for its recent work, that will be a success.

    Free Member

    What do you mean by that mefty?

    Free Member

    Apparantly it takes a great deal of courage to stand for the leadership and it also takes a great deal of courage to stand down from the leadership (e cooper)

    Clearly a very courageous guy then! 😕

    Free Member

    You really do talk some hilarious nonsense!

    its more politically correct to ask whether he appeals to Labour’s core values or really represents their traditional working class voter. Milliband took a lot of flak for being London/Islington elite and here is Chucka who’s mother lives in a house purchased in a Jersey offshore trust (stamp duty avoidance / inheritance tax planning ?). I like him but I don’t think he’s the Leader to help Labour win and personally I doubt he would have won the contest for the reasons I put above whether those are the PC or non PC versions.

    Free Member

    What do you mean by that mefty?

    Over the next five years a number of issues such as paedophile enquires, questions about press prosecutions and the unknown unknowns will crop up which will lead to mud slinging towards the CPS. As a former head of it, some of that mud will stick to Starmer, whether fairly or unfairly, plus he is another North London metro elite guy.

    Free Member

    Burnham is my MP. See him in Sainsbury’s every now and again.

    Didn’t Binners go to school with him?

    Free Member

    Burnham is my MP. See him in Sainsbury’s every now and again.

    Posh git.

    He should occasionally pop into Tesco, or dare I say it Aldi, to see how the other half live.

    Full Member

    Seen Andy Burnham at Goodison a couple of times – top balcony, so a student of the game. He’s also from planet earth, which is a plus in my book. No evidence that the electorate at large feels this way, mind – limited appetite for an earthling in #10 going by recent history.

    Free Member

    Burnham can piss off, I can not be arsed listening to 5 years of arguments about immigration.

    Free Member

    “Freedom of movement, but not freedom to claim”

    Guess the party time!?!

    Free Member

    Harriet has a brilliant idea:

    As well as Labour Party members and affiliated supporters like union members, people who pay £3 to become a “registered supporter” can also vote in the contest to replace Mr Miliband.

    Now, guys, if I give you each £3 you can all vote for Yvette and I can make a killing on my bet, right? OR failing that I’ll settle for you voting for Diane Abbott, because I would laugh myself to an early grave.

    Free Member

    It’s not just Harriet’s brilliant idea, it’s a Labour Party rule.

    An absurd and ridiculous rule introduced by right-wingers so that even David Cameron, if he pays his 3 quid, can rubber-stamp one of the candidates specially selected by MPs to exclude anyone with vaguely left-wing views.

    Jim Murphy wants the same process to apply when selecting the Scottish Labour Party leader, surprise surprise.

    Free Member

    Stoner – Member
    Harriet has a brilliant idea:

    As well as Labour Party members and affiliated supporters like union members, people who pay £3 to become a “registered supporter” can also vote in the contest to replace Mr Miliband.

    Now, guys, if I give you each £3 you can all vote for Yvette and I can make a killing on my bet, right? OR failing that I’ll settle for you voting for Diane Abbott, because I would laugh myself to an early grave. [/quote]

    Excellent! I can vote for Labour Leader. I shall vote for Chukka – make no mistake or Tristram – Baron von commy. Yvette or Mrs Balls might be fine but the entertainment value might not be as good. The rest do not have enough determination but if Diane Abbott go for it then I shall vote for her coz she is very determine and a determine Labour leader is good for entertainment …

    Wooohoo! 😆

    Labour! Labour! Labour!

    Free Member

    £3 a bet vote and you register online. That’s not open to voter fraud much eh ?

    Free Member

    £3? I reckon that’s a vote someone with deep pockets could comfortably buy! Farcical.

    Free Member

    The tories certainly sell their principles for a much higher price
    What what

    Its a daft rule

    Free Member

    Stella Artois – reassuringly expensive. You get what you pay for in this life 😉

    Not sure what the GMB is trying to achieve with its statement’s today regarding withdrawing Labour’s funding. Guaranty you we’ll see those rolled out by the Tories for the 2020 GE campaign

    Full Member

    Vote early and vote often comrades. Nice to see the unions being as helpful as ever to the Labour cause.

    “We’ll pick the labour party leader thanks, or we’ll take our ball home. So there!”

    I’m sure the right wing press won’t be reminding everyone of that on a daily basis once the Fuhrer has been duly anointed 🙄

    Free Member

    @binners, I read about it in the Guardian, I really do wonder what these people are thinking making such public statements. Behind the scenes is one thing but saying so publicly is bonkers.

    Free Member

    Nice to see the unions being as helpful as ever to the Labour cause.

    ‘ere you go binners. SPiteful right wing press for you 😉

    Free Member

    Your mate Burnham is Red Ken’s chosen one I believe Binners.

    Free Member

    Is Andy Burnham the chosen one of the people of Stafford?

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    I can’t believe that the Labour leadership with their “thank you now **** off” attitude is still prepared to take money from the trade unions, have they no shame ?

    Unite gave the Labour Party £3.6m in the 6 months before the general election. That’s £3.6m to a bunch of Tory-lites who couldn’t even win an election ffs.

    The sooner the trade unions stop funding the Labour Party and let it go as bankrupt as its “policies” are then the better imo.

    Sadly too many people still see the Conservative Party as the problem when real problem is the Labour Party. As long as people carry on thinking that the Labour Party is the solution and don’t recognise the fact that it’s the problem then no one can really expect anything to progress.

    It really is time that unions like Unite changed their rules to allow the political fund to be used beyond just supporting the Labour Party. Financially supporting individuals in the Labour Party is one thing but blanket support for the whole party is plain ridiculous. And why should Scottish trade unions support the Labour Party if their members don’t ? It’s just a matter of time before the rule changes occur imo.

    Free Member

    I am always uncomfortable when there is a government – of any party – without organised and effective opposition.

    The sort of things Labour pushed through – IMHO the worst being Gordon Brown’s pension tax credit grab which adversely affected a huge number of ordinary people – should have been blocked by effective opposition or, at the very least, been seized upon for immediate condemnation, but the Conservative of the time were virtually absent.

    Free Member

    Hariett Harmon is right, Mclusky is bluffing about withdrawing funding. A new party left of Labour would have a zero chance of being elected, zero. its just far too powerful an argument for the tories / Lib Dems to make that any new left wing party is “hard line” and anti aspirational. Union membership has dwindled and whilst they still have significant financial clout it’s nothing like it was. They might not like it but the Unions are going to have to work with the Labour Party pretty much as it is. They need to swallow humble pie and acknowledge that they pushed through the wrong candidate. David might have won.

    Free Member

    A new party left of Labour would have a zero chance of being elected, zero.

    Because of course Scotland proved that 10 days ago. And the Greens proved that in the rest of the UK by quadrupling their vote since 2010 to over a million.

    As I’ve said before the British public, even Tory voters, are to the left of Labour when it comes nationalisation, the single most defining tenet of what is right or left.

    Mclusky is bluffing about withdrawing funding

    It’s not up to him. Unlike the Labour Party the trade unions are democratic organisations. Len McCluskey cannot change rules or make new ones up.

    Free Member

    I like Dan Hodges’ turn of phrase on this one 🙂


    Labour needs this. For years – decades in fact – seismic philosophical, political and ideological differences within the party have been hidden away behind a gradually crumbling façade of “unity”. Gaping wounds have been left to fester. Old scores allowed to go unsettled.
    The time to settle them has arrived. Instead of unity, Labour now needs a period of vicious disunity. The gangs must gather. Guns or knives. An old fashioned turf war, with blood on the sidewalk. And, most importantly of all, a winner. A clear winner, someone whom people will rally to and follow. Who wouldn’t want to belong to the Jets!

    Obviously, he’s not after the same blood on the floor as you, Ernie, but you’ve got to agree with the sentiment 😉

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