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  • So the multi day SDW adventure begins tonight next to the A31!!
  • Poopscoop
    Full Member

    Ok, looks like I am go for launch one day next week. Not sure on day yet though.

    Excited/nervous/bricking it all at the same time. Probably shouldn’t have read some old threads on here about how brutal it’s going to be to even attempt it in a day. 3 days has proven to be challenging up till now…

    Bike is going to be like a mobile tuck shop… with taped on gels, flap jack bars and Soreen over every tube I can tape it to.

    Aiming on leaving Winchester about 3am with a little Diablo light to guide me. Was bringing the big Maxx D instead… But other than it allowing me to ride into the night to get to Eastbourne (I bloody hope I’m there before sun down….) I suspect it’s just dead weight after sun up.

    I’ll be on same bike as last year, the Jeffsy, same colour helmet (though a new one as the old one had a few too many “tests” carried out on it…) with varying amounts of blood on arms and legs. Say hi/give me a push/resus if you see me.👍

    I’m over a stone lighter now than I was in that pic…you won’t notice much difference though as id lost a fair amount of blood by the time that picture was taken so it kind of equals out.

    Amusingly I came upon this link earlier tonight!😀


    Full Member

    Good luck, keep an eye on the weather as it looks like the wind’s changing direction towards the end of the week.

    Full Member

    Good luck poopscoop. What bike do you need for the SDW? Could you use a gravel bike?

    Full Member

    Thanks guys!

    Yep mate, lots of people ride it on cx/ gravel bikes etc. Just depends on the “comfort” you want during the ride I

    I’ve been overtaken by many riders on cx/gravel bikes on the SDW.😁

    Tuesday looking unlikely now as SDW looks to be getting a lot of rain tomorrow night. Riding it wishin a few hours of that is probably not a prudent idea. For me

    Full Member

    Tried one left over little pack of Soreen a min ago…. Turns out I should have tried one before decorating the bike with them as they taste like s***. They look like s*** too.

    SDW tomorrow or Thursday.

    Back wind on Wednesday but not as sunny. Thursday sunny but wind a little against me. I’m torn, as I like the sun but wind assistance would be nice.😁

    Full Member

    Tailwind over hot sun any day.

    Food arrangement needs more pork pie. And you forgot to tape some Mars Bars to the fork legs.

    Full Member

    Yeah,I think it’s going to be tailwind. No point in making it harder than it needs to be. Outs going to be bloody hard as is.

    Sausage rolls to be added and I had thought of taping something to the forks but held back!

    I think you’ve thrown me over the edge now though.

    Mars Bars incoming!

    Full Member

    Mars Bars incoming!

    <Thinks about molten Mars Bar, wrapper punctured by flints, oozing into his front hub.>

    How about Choc Ices? Or maybe just an upturned flip-top squeezy bottle of golden syrup?

    Full Member

    I did it last Tuesday and really enjoyed it. Have to say that I found a bag quite a good solution to carrying the food!

    Free Member

    For the first time in months if not years, I didn’t take my usual jelly babies on a planned 2+ hour ride on Sunday, but took a Sooreen malt loaf instead.

    At home, I love eating malt loaf, but it was far too dry and chewy compared to the babies. I suspect it had far less Calories too compared to a bag of babies, which might explain why my legs were screaming when I got in after ~66 miles.

    Good luck for the Sdw, tailwind on sunny day sounds good, as long as you know where to top up your water.

    Full Member

    I suspect it had far less Calories too compared to a bag of babies,

    Probably, per equivalent weight, at least. Also slower release, which is great if that’s what you’re used to.

    I have not idea how you fuel a 66 mile ride on jelly babies, though. I’d be feeling terrible!

    Free Member

    Good luck Mr Scoop!

    I did the second half (Amberley to Eastbourne) last Thursday. It was fab as ever. The Saddlescombe farm cafe was open as was the YHA after the railway crossing in case you need extra rations.

    Also the pub in Alfriston, but you need to walk your bike through the bar…

    All taps running well.

    Full Member

    Good luck!
    Your pre-ride malt-loaf bike pic is incredible! I have never ridden fuelled with malt loaf. Usually it’s jelly beans, rice bars and sandwiches for me.
    Back in my climbing days malt loaves were essential, but mostly because they were indestructible.

    Full Member

    The pic of the bike with food taped all over it is fantastic. Enjoy your ride!

    Full Member

    And I’m off!🚵👍 3am.

    Full Member

    good luck man 👍🚴

    Full Member

    No offs yet, got lost near the start though, in the dark. Walked old Winchester hill.

    Spectacular sun rise. Now at QECP, getting water. I’ll get lost here too. Always do.😁

    Full Member

    No offs yet, got lost near the start though, in the dark. Walked old Winchester hill.

    Spectacular sun rise. Now at QECP, getting water. I’ll get lost here too. Always do.😁

    Full Member

    keep on pedalling mate.. the climb out of QECP is a bitch :)

    Full Member

    Well done mate, have a great day! Keep Pedalling…

    Free Member

    Well done! I’d love to do it one day

    Full Member

    Good work!

    Full Member

    Brutal day out. Done it a couple times and always regret it at about mile 80! God speed!

    Full Member

    Good luck, weather is looking good for you. Please be careful knowing your track record.

    Full Member


    Knees feeling it. Topped up with water but decided to skip village for provisions.

    A gamble but it saves time.

    One unintentional dismount so far.😁

    Full Member

    Awesome. Keep at it, and keep the calories going in. Weather today looks perfect – not too hot

    Full Member

    Nice work. Keep it up. 💪

    Free Member

    Keep piling the food in and back off at the start of every hill and winch up with utterly MINIMUM effort.
    Go and have a look at the finish.

    Full Member

    78 miles.

    Full Member

    Aye, anyone who’s ridden it knows that pain. Good pacing though, you’ll get there

    Full Member

    That’s good progress mate well done. Keep going. Maybe time for the mars bar now?

    Free Member

    Keep on keeping on! As my mate says, it’s only pain. But he’s a bit odd.

    You’ll make it and the site of Eastbourne from the top of the last hill will be amazing!

    Free Member

    Superb! Keep on

    Free Member

    Over the 75% distance (I think)… Keep setting yourself little targets, the home straight is almost in sight!

    Full Member

    Yeah, but alfriston, itford and Jevington are all in the way.
    Still got 2hrs of daylight left so should be ok.
    The dip by the a27 near lewes always gets me, and the big grassy climb up to the falmer resevoir is s killer.
    The other hills, ad rob says, start really slowly and grind them out

    Full Member

    I keep refreshing this thread! Go #Poopscoop !

    Full Member

    Hopefully Poopscoop is now scoffing fish and chips on the beach….

    Full Member

    my first bikepack trip was the south downs… back in 1988 ish. It all went a bit wrong… cold, hungry, but happy.

    An adventure is something you look forward and back on fondly, but whilst you are doing it, it should feel like hell. If it doesn’t feel like hell, you are probably on holiday, and not an adventure.

    Full Member

    17 hours, no rest stops,just getting water and extra food.

    Never again. Ever.

    I’m not smiling because I really don’t want to.

    Free Member

    You sir, are a legend. Well bloody done. Now have a beer and massive bowl of chips.

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